3 Zodiac Signs Receive Luck & Prosperity For The Rest Of April 2024 After The Solar Eclipse
They will emerge strong despite Mercury Retrograde.

Every soul, no matter where they were born and what they may look like, wishes for a bright future. The astrological energy of April 2024 is all about holding that dream close to your heart, moving forward with strength and conviction, and changing your world forevermore. Are you excited about this grand energy? While three zodiac signs — Pisces, Cancer, and Aquarius — will have the best horoscopes in April under this influence, the rest of the signs are urged to be brave and bold, too!
We started the month with the beautiful astrological transit of Venus entering Aries on April 5, bringing confidence and bold moves for the zodiac signs. You might have felt a small hitch in your plans, though, because of Mercury Retrograde in Aries started on April 1 and doesn't end until April 25. As long as you trust your intuition and turn inward anytime you feel unsure, you will be able to work with the retrograde instead of against it.
On Monday, April 8 we have a total solar eclipse in Aries. Eclipses signify significant shifts in our evolution. Every zodiac sign is undergoing massive change during the total solar eclipse in Aries. But three zodiac signs will receive substantial blessings due to this energy.
We have another major transit happening in the second half of April when Sun enters Taurus on April 19. That will be the beginning of Taurus Season and will bring luck and prosperity to all who believe in the magic of steady victories. Now, let's focus on the three zodiac signs who see best monthly horoscopes for April 2024 once the solar eclipse starts.
The zodiac signs who receive luck & prosperity for the rest of the month of April 2024:
1. Pisces
Pisces, the month of April will be all about unleashing your inner power and recognizing your strengths. You may be more introverted than usual, too, but it's for a good reason. Your intuition will guide you to decisions and actions that will help you take advantage of your cosmic blessings.
With Saturn and Mars in Pisces showing up as your cosmic benefactors in the first half, if you put your mind to something (or a secret project), you will surprise yourself with how much you can accomplish. Your inner genius will shine like never before!
Neptune in Pisces' relationship with the transiting Moon's progress from Cancer to Libra is also being highlighted here. So don't be surprised if your spidey senses are hyperalert this month when it comes to lies, manipulation, and reading between the lines. Neptune conjuncts Mars in Pisces in the last few days of the month, which will help you set yourself up for success in the next month, too.
2. Cancer
"Slow and steady wins the race." Make that your mantra in April: Cancer! The cosmic energy abundantly blesses you at this time. You need to let the magic grow slowly so it grows well and beautifully. Going too fast at this time will cause you to miss out on important information or intuitive hits.
The solar eclipse in Aries is your cosmic benefactor in the first half of the month. So, the focus will definitely be on all the things you love that make you feel confident and help you understand your true self. This will apply to romantic relationships, career choices, favorite sports, and more! Let your heart guide you forward.
The Full Moon in Scorpio on April 23 will also be an especially important time for you. Those of you who want to level up will find your opportunity then. Others will recognize the areas of life that need pruning against toxicity. You are encouraged to be more aware of yourself and your motivations around that time and not give in to people-pleasing. Your blessings may benefit someone else that way.
3. Aquarius
Aquarius, be prepared for an extraordinary time in April! This month will show you who you are and help you build yourself into your ideal future. Are you ready to be as conventional or contrary as you wish to be? It's an 'Alice in Wonderland' energy which will make perfect sense as the month unveils all of its mysteries.
With Mars and Saturn in Pisces showing up as your cosmic benefactors this month, you are encouraged to think outside the box while being aware of your natural biases and resulting cognitive dissonance. Sometimes, even the most unconventional people have conditioned beliefs lurking in their subconscious minds. Uproot them, and you will discover how much you were missing out on just because of someone else's beliefs that percolated into your psyche.
The total solar eclipse will help you boost yourself to the next level throughout the rest of the month. Just be aware that Mercury Retrograde may delay your plans or slow down your process a bit. As long as you don't lose patience and keep your head straight, you will see incredible abundance.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.