3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Hardships The Week Of March 18 - 24, 2024
If there's an addiction or habit that must be broken, then three zodiac signs will take on that challenge this week

For us to heal, we need to feel. This week brings us in touch with some genuine feelings that need to be addressed, examined, and dealt with. While that may sound intimidating, it's the first step in overcoming a hardship that we may have been carrying around for too long.
We're going to see that with the help of transits such as the Aries Sun, Moon trine Mercury, Sun sextile Pluto, and Mars in Pisces, we are far stronger than we give ourselves credit for.
In fact, we're going to see that the whole concept of mental strength is something we are just about mastering, as we can handle it all if we put our minds to it. We're not settling for OK during this week. We're going for excellence and nothing less.
In order to achieve the best, we need to set our standards up high, which means we need to weed out the weakest link, which may be a character flaw inside us or simply a temptation we feel we cannot resist. Well, if there's an addiction or habit that must be broken, then three zodiac signs will take on that challenge this week and whip it, whip it good.
Three zodiac signs overcome their hardships the week of March 18, 2024:
1. Aries
(March 21 - April 19)
This week has you doing a deep dive into your character for the purpose of rooting out what you know holds you back. This might be an addiction or a bad habit that you know you can't control. Yet, this is all you want to do: prevent it, own it, and, if need be, get rid of it. This week takes power, endurance, and the ability to be brutally honest with yourself and if anyone fits that bill. It's you, Aries.
You are walking into Aries season, and this is when you get to shine like a supernova. But, in order to do so, you want to make it real, and that means some serious self-confrontation. There are hardships that you've been lugging around with you for most of your life. While you sometimes feel as though they aren't really doing any damage in your life, this is the week that you realize just how much damage they ARE doing and how you need to nip them all in the bud.
This is an incredible week for transformation, Aries, as you will be putting your foot down when it comes to self-healing. The hardships are no longer there. You've realized that there's no reason to keep bringing them up, even if only mentally and on your own time. You are sick and tired of entertaining your weaknesses, and you draw the line this week, March 18 - 24, 2024.
2. Sagittarius
(November 22 - December 21)
The hardships you will overcome this week, Sagittarius, are so many yet so old and done with. You have come to a point in your life where the only thing you want present at all times is a positive attitude. You feel you've given way too much to the 'dark side' and are just not having any of it anymore. You've got this entire week to look over the past, and you'll find that there's nothing there for you.
One thing that stands out, however, is that whether you have released the past or not, you've still got the side effects of those hardships working 24-7 to make your life miserable. To this, you say a firm "NO." The days where you stand in your way are over. During March 18 - 24, 2024, you make that very clear to yourself. You are the taskmaster of your own life here.
Either systematically or on impulse, you will examine your life's burdens and weigh each one for its positive value. If nothing meets the grade, then it's time to get rid of it. You are fierce, and you want to avoid kidding yourself. You mean business. There are hardships in your life that have taken on much more importance than they should. This week, you let those hardships know who's boss.
3. Pisces
(February 19 - March 20)
One of the main reasons you've held on to the pain of past hardships is that you didn't realize you were doing so. Often, that's the case: We know something has to change in our lives, yet we are clueless as to where to start or what to look into first. During March 18 - 24, 2024, you'll know exactly what to focus on because you want to overcome whatever hardships have kept you down.
For the first time in a very long while, you feel strong and capable. So much of that has to do with the fact that you're walking from your natural Sun sign of Pisces into the power and fire of Aries. Honestly, this is where you really start to pick up the pace. You love Aries season, as it feels like the stronger extension of your zodiac sign. This is good news, Pisces.
Overcoming hardships allows you to know that you CAN do this, that just because something is labeled as a hardship doesn't mean it's an impossibility. In fact, all things seem possible to you this week, and you'll see you are way stronger than you thought. This is a week of action and engagement. You are all the way in, and you're in it to win it for sure.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.