What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About This Week, Per The Tarot
What starts off as 'chance' becomes 'fate.'
Welcome to the weekly Tarot card reading for March 11 - 17, 2024. This week, we're going slightly old school as we search for the traditional meanings of each card, 'real life' interpretation, and a quick look at how we can use almost any situation to improve our lives. Each and every condition here holds within it the power to transform, and that is what each zodiac sign will be doing this week, no matter what our card turns out to be.
Being that the Tarot was created in the days of the High Court, so much of its original interpretation, per card, must be updated to a degree, as much of its original meaning is either irrelevant right now or simply too out of date; however, we have never given up on this archaic form of divination, as the entire design of the deck is to show us that the power of interpretation is up to us.
And so, for each zodiac sign, a card has been selected...by chance. What starts as 'chance' becomes 'fate.' What happens in any given moment is meant to be. Because it was not meant to be, then how could it be? Think about it. Let's now take a look at how the ancient Tarot works in our modern everyday lives.
The March 11 - 17, 2024 weekly tarot card reading and horoscopes for all zodiac signs:
(March 21 - April 19)
Tarot Card: King of Cups, reversed
Traditional Meaning: Lies, dishonesty, a male influence who is not telling the truth, someone you trust who is not worthy of being trusted, rogue behavior, injustice, scandal, vice, cravings, gluttony.
Real Life Insight: When we see this card, we think of a man in a position of power. He may be someone connected with love, such as a father figure. Or, this card could be YOU, which places you in the position of being the misunderstood person in a position of power, suddenly faced with the idea that you've either been duped by a loved one or that you are unconsciously hurting or ignoring someone who needs you this week.
Positive Light: What's apparent here is that love is at the heart of it all, so if any mistakes are being made, whether you are the one who is making them or not, you can rest easily that all will smooth out because love is at the heart of it all. Know that mistakes and arguments do happen, but when people love and trust each other, everything can be set in proper and positive motion once again.
(April 20 - May 20)
Tarot Card: Six of Wands
Traditional Meaning: Great news, professional advancement, hearing the right thing from the right person, hope, desire, love, victory, victory over adversity and addiction, victory over personal doubt.
Real Life Insight: Looking at this card, we might think we'd have a week filled with toil and work. While so much of that might very well be true for you, Taurus, it's the kind of work that you feel obligated to do. You aren't fighting this work; it is hard, but in your way, you make it a labor of love.
Positive Light: What you can do to lighten your load this week, Taurus, is you can understand that life is work and that very few of us 'get away with it.' Even if it's not 'paid' work, there's still the idea that we have to take care of this, that, or the other thing, and in doing your duty, you'll feel accomplished and content.
(May 21 - June 20)
Tarot Card: Eight of Wands, reversed
Traditional Meaning: Jealousy, a reaction to love, dispute, quarrels, lover's spat, misinterpretation of a message, ignorant response, not wanting to hear the truth, rewriting the truth, ego blow.
Real Life Insight: This could be a great wake-up call for you this week, Gemini, as you may notice that you are jealous over a situation that reminds you of other times when you've felt the sting of jealousy. You may see that when a certain bit of information reaches you, you are automatically triggered into an old response. That response may not necessarily be anything more than a knee-jerk reaction.
Positive Light: By recognizing your patterns of reaction, you can finally come to a place this week where you're able to stand back and literally witness how you can take your situation and lessen its importance. You may realize that you've overreacted and that things aren't as serious as you've made them. This will give you room to breathe as it settles your heart.
(June 21 - July 22)
Tarot Card: The Devil, reversed
Traditional Meaning: Rage, violence, force, vehemence, fatality, 'evil,' poor choices, temptation, weakness, inability to decide, petty behavior, selective ignorance.
Real Life Insight: Whenever we get this card, in reverse, at first it may seem as if we're being scolded for our behavior, but for you, Cancer, this card shows you that you promised yourself something that you didn't give yourself and that this is the week you need to uphold that promise. Perhaps you've let yourself go, and it's time to whip yourself back into shape this week.
Positive Light: There's always a positive way to see a card like The Devil, as it's so utterly the opposite of where you want to go that the lessons involved are obvious. This week will have you understand all too well what your next move will be and how to approach it with a sound mind and positive determination.
(July 23 - August 22)
Tarot Card: Queen of Wands
Traditional Meaning: A feminine influence that represents purity, honor, friendship, loyalty, love, being loved, and being attractive. A potential romantic partner.
Real Life Insight: What this week seems to be trying to show you, Leo, is that so much goodness is available to you if only you'd open your eyes and take in the view. It's all very good, but you have to let go of self-doubt so that you can really take advantage of what's being offered to you.
Positive Light: The most important and positive move you can make this week, Leo, is the one where you trust in your ability to make decisions, especially one that concerns other people. What you can count on is that the people in your life depend on you, and it will feel so satisfying to be able to bring them the wisdom that will let them feel true happiness.
(August 23 - September 22)
Tarot Card: Five of Cups, reversed
Traditional Meaning: False starts, interesting news, good news, friendships, readjusting friendships, memory, ancestry, parents, thoughts of family, visits to the home, returning to places once loved, balancing out what the next right move should be.
Real Life Insight: What this week may have you thinking about are all the things that 'never' happened, and while that could make you feel sad or melancholy, there's something about it all that feels rather repetitive and routine. You are used to spending too much time thinking about the past and 'what went wrong,' and you may get a revelation this week that shows you that this doesn't necessarily have to be the way it goes.
Positive Light: Knowing that your routine way may inspire you to get out of that patterned lifestyle so that you can free yourself to experience your life in the present. You may have your moments of regret or memory, but you can also recognize the power of NOW and how important it is for you to be here now, as it were.
(September 23 - October 22)
Tarot Card: Wheel of Fortune
Traditional Meaning: Destiny, fortune, good luck, major success, right choice, right thinking, chance, loyalty, ability to choose well, and abundance.
Real Life Insight: This is always an interesting card. The Wheel of Fortune in your life this week, Libra, indicates great, good luck, which also implies that you need this luck. What you've been working on comes to fruition, and you'll see that it's now up to you to figure out both what your next move will be and how to maintain the success you've just received.
Positive Light: Your absolutely best bet this week is to study your good fortune and thought about it so that you can see it for what it is. This is where you witness your good deeds, and you weigh them for value; you do this so that your great success doesn't go to your head. If you want more delightful successes, then you must stay humble and intelligent, which is easy enough for you to do, Libra.
(October 23 - November 21)
Tarot Card: Seven of Swords
Traditional Meaning: Futuristic thinking, design, pattern, big attempts, not accepting failure, balance, hope, confidence and the chance of annoyance if plans don't go through.
Real Life Insight: Your week seems quite busy and filled with many responsibilities, some of which you may find to be not exactly 'your' chores to fulfill. Still, you are the person who helps others out this week, even if it means that you take on their responsibility as your own. They are grateful, although some of these folks may be oblivious to your hard work.
Positive Light: You can realize that even if you have to take on extra work, the job must get done, and you are all for the process, no matter who does what job. There's a feeling that you get this week that could be something like pride, knowing that you aren't being taken advantage of, but rather, you are the one person in your circle who can tackle the work and successfully bring it to fruition.
(November 22 - December 21)
Tarot Card: Page of Swords
Traditional Meaning: Vigilance, overseeing, surveillance, keeping an eye on something, acting in secret, privacy, examination, thinking and expertise.
Real Life Insight: Being a loner has never been anything but your greatest joy. While many Sagittarius are social creatures, you'll find that this is the week that is best spent alone, planning something big. You need this week to think straight and get your concepts fully formed. You are creative and determined at this time, and while you might not have it all 'in mind' as of yet, you know you'll get there.
Positive Light: Knowing that if you go by your set of rules, you'll see success, and you feel good about everything you do during this week. The great takeaway is that you will be able to trust your instincts from now on, and if you have any doubts as to what your abilities are, you will show yourself that you are capable of great success as long as you direct your mind towards it.
(December 22 - January 19)
Tarot Card: The Magician
Traditional Meaning: Ability, skill, public speaking, self-confidence, power of the will, deep thinking, disaster, loss, diplomacy, mental illness.
Real Life Insight: In business as well as in your home life, you'll see that you're the one who is left having to clean up the messes, which isn't to say there will be disastrous messes, but if anyone can set chaos into order, it's you, Capricorn, as this is definitely one of your 'magical' abilities. You are a magician of organization and sensible action. While that doesn't paint you as 'cool,' you are definitely VERY cool for being the only person around who can handle just about anything.
Positive Light: Knowing that you'll be able to smooth the path for someone in your life makes you feel not only happy but also accomplished, and we all know what accomplishment means to a Capricorn. Your success comes to you in the form of creative kindness this week, and you'll get to experience what it's like to be the person whom everyone loves...because you were there for them.
(January 20 - February 18)
Tarot Card: Seven of Pentacles
Traditional Meaning: Bargaining, quarreling, money talk, trying to get away with something, business, barter, trade, investment, trying to get the best 'bang' for your buck, innocence, and naivete.
Real Life Insight: You look in the pink when it comes to financial 'glory,' and you may find that this inspires your activity during this week. You're looking at the chance to spend some money, although your indecision may just get the better of you. It's one of those 'first world' problems, and it's not a terrible position to be in.
Positive Light: What's fantastic about this week is that so much of your previous worry is now set aside because your reality shows you in 'real time that you are secure and set up for a long, long time. You can take great relief in knowing that the pressure is off and that you now have, at your disposal, enough funding to do as you please.
(February 19 - March 20)
Tarot Card: The Hanged Man
Traditional Meaning: Wisdom, thought, intelligence, perspective, sacrifice, intuitive skill, prophetic ability, and the ability to stand back and consider what is right from what is wrong.
Real Life Insight: From where you stand, you see the world in a completely different way than those around you, but your perspective, though skewed, will be helpful to others, as they are 'stuck' in their ways, and your viewpoint offers them an advantage. What you'll notice during this week is that it's good to be the 'different' one and that you are honored for your particular type of insight.
Positive Light: You can take this perspective and make yourself known for it, Pisces. What's meant by this is that if people trust you to see things a different way than they do, and your insight 'works' for them, then they will see you as a valuable player in their own lives, and this can bring you great opportunities now and in the near future.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.