How The March 2024 New Moon In Pisces Allows Each Zodiac Sign To Change Their Lives
It's time to dream bigger.

The New Moon in Pisces brings positive changes into each zodiac sign's life. Since November 2023, every new moon has made contact with the planet Uranus, signifying upheaval, change, disruption, and chaos. This means each of these new moons has sometimes brought exciting or unexpected changes, and other times, it has brought jarring insights into what we thought was foundational.
The key takeaway is each of these new moons brings an extra element of change, and this new moon is no different. The new moon in Pisces on March 10th invites us to allow our old dreams to dissipate and allow for new dreams to be formulated.
Because Uranus is in the fixed earth sign of Taurus, the change we are seeking is of the material plan or a change to our values. This isn't a brand new storyline, but we have to decipher if the big dream is tangible now or if another dream needs to be prioritized first.
Letting go of old ideas or beliefs about our lives can be difficult, but it's to prepare us for the new perspectives and actions we can take in the future that can move the needle in what we want in life. This is the last new moon before we experience eclipses, so if you like setting intentions under new moons, now is the right time until Taurus season (Late April-May).
March 2024 New Moon in Pisces horoscopes for all zodiac signs:
On the one hand, you might be finding support in your job or how you make money, but the demands of your work may be leaving you wanting to take a power nap. This new moon can bring up subconscious thoughts, beliefs, or mindsets from the past that need room to breathe. Taking time away to let your imagination have a second to be unfiltered might spur inspiration about what kind of job you want to be doing and what value you have to offer others in the workplace.
This new moon is a great way to feel into possible subconscious beliefs that connect to why you do the job you do and how your beliefs can better help you align to getting focused on the specific sector of work you want to set your sights on. This is a perfect new moon to find a body of water to soak in or to take a bath.
My question for you under this new moon is, what is the underlying connection or through piece you have with all of your networks, communities, or social groups? Is there a common denominator that links them all together, even if you have many different groups of friends?
This new moon invites you to connect with folks with whom you perhaps have a shared belief or even a shared perspective on humanity. Whether that is connecting with a cause that you care deeply about or as simple as setting an intention around who the people might be that you want to feel connected within the greater social communities.
This is also a perfect time to identify where in your life you are an advocate and believe in your ability to work with a group of people to elevate something that really matters to helping out other humans. With this new moon being in contact with the planet of Uranus in your sign, you can find yourself on the edge of wanting to change something about yourself, and your friends might be a great place to start brainstorming what that looks like for you.
This new moon is asking you to contemplate what kind of legacy you want to leave in your life. While traditionally, this time of year is heavily focused on how people see you professionally, another way to look at this time of year is to recognize what people will remember about you or how people might describe you in what mark you are leaving on the world. Sometimes, that is correlated with our career, but most often, it's the way they remember the way you treated them or even offered a kindness ear when things felt sticky.
This new moon is a time to reflect on how your journey with your self-understanding is aiding you in helping others with self-care and embracing a kinder approach to the world. And it can simply be by telling your own story of your life or something in your life that feels important to share. You are full of facts, stories, and curiosity to help you make the connection with those who will resonate the most.
Topics of philosophy, ancient studies, accepted spiritual traditions, or perhaps the idea of venturing into the unknown could be at the top of your mind right now. This new moon has you contemplating what kind of experiences you have had in your life and how that shapes what kind of teacher you might want to be for the world.
With the aid of Uranus in Taurus, there could be new connections being established in community centers or even your larger friend group that can lead you down the path of being a respected person of authority on a specific subject matter.
This is a perfect time to think through if there's something that feels important to put out into the world and brainstorm with your friends to get more clarity on how to take steps to work towards sharing something with the others, whether that's a podcast, social media, or streaming. Sometimes, it can feel difficult because the elders you have to look to for answers don't have the same perspective as you, and you just have to trust that your perspective is just as valuable and will help others see their experiences in a new light.
There's a relationship happening in the sky between what you are searching for with the legacy you want to leave on the world and how you are seeking to find people who share that same vision to create a new offering you would not be able to do alone. Leo, you have no problem being the leader, and with Jupiter and Uranus in your house of public legacy, you're seeing possibilities open to what you want to reflect to the world. This new moon in Pisces is connected to that storyline, and it's an invitation for collaboration.
How can you look to others right now and seek out mutual exchange to help each other out? You can't do it alone, even if you want to, and chances are, unexpected opportunities may be coming to you to decipher what will work best for you. That being said, not every opportunity is a good opportunity. So ask a lot of questions, and be sure that your morals and values are aligned with whoever you want to share with. This new moon could help you find the people who have what you need to move forward on something involving your work and legacy.
Are you yearning for new relationships, new connections, and even new business deals? This new moon draws focus to who you want to partner up with. You tend to know how to make things work for yourself, but you could be so good at it that you may need a reminder once in a while to take a break and let your guard down. On this new moon, think about the people in your life or the people you want to make connections with that can offer you a sense of kindness and help you not stress about the small things.
This new moon invites potential opportunities for you to learn something from your partners as well. Whether that's taking a pottery course, identifying what you want to plant in the garden this spring, or even just sharing insights with what you learn from your partnerships, it can help you feel more at ease and find a connection that feels otherworldly.
What has changed in the past couple of weeks in terms of schedules, routines, daily life, or even responsibilities that you have to commit to, no matter what? This new moon offers a bit of solace to restructuring what helps you feel restored and how to make time each day to daydream so life doesn't feel so dull. Libra, you might be disillusioned by what you have to show up to do every day, and sometimes, naming that experience can help bring you a sense of acceptance.
The good news is this new moon may present you with help from others where you least expect it to reinvent how to make your day feel more. There's a sense of balance with flow and responsibilities. We can't escape the dishes or perhaps even what our work schedule is, but maybe we can block an hour for a nap or listen to music while we work, which allows us to see the dreaminess in the mundane. Dream of a schedule that excites you and dares to experiment with it. How does it change the way you feel? Alternatively, this is a great new moon to pay attention to what your body needs to function routinely. Maybe it's a sweet treat in the middle of the day or a nice walk outside.
How serious are you right now about finding the things in your life that bring you joy? This new moon is a wonderful way to find some structure or committed plan to do the things that bring you bliss. With this new moon being in Pisces, perhaps it's as simple as listening to music every day, writing poetry simply to create it, or finding a way to escape what brings you down. This new moon helps you percolate ideas and inspiration to make pleasure a priority.
Additionally, with the new moon being connected to the planet of Uranus in the area of your chart that has to do with partnerships, there could be an opportunity to do something fun with the people in your life. Perhaps a new friend has unusual ideas on what makes them happy and invites them to be part of the process. This is an encouraging time to say yes to things you might not otherwise do and evaluate whether it inspires you to find your bliss.
The two active parts of your life are work duties and home life, and this new moon is involved in that storyline. This time of year, you may find yourself wanting to be at home and away from the rest of the world, but big opportunities and changes to work life have you trying to balance the two. Luckily, this new moon brings some sort of news or change to work life or responsibilities, and it could help you figure out how that affects your home life or feel like you can rest.
If you've dreamed of a new place of residence or want to reinvent yourself, now is the time to start a vision board to make it happen. See if you can leverage whatever you're feeling obligated to do at work to guide you in making decisions about how to approach your home and perhaps being in discussion with family members about these changes.
Now is the time to get playful and curious about things you want to learn and explore because they excite you to learn — not because you need to learn them for a specific reason. With this new Moon falling in the area of your chart having to do with how you learn, contemplate what makes learning fun, not an obligation. Because this new moon is in Pisces, it might not feel as linear as a course.
It could just as easily be dedicating a small portion of time to get lost in music, dance, or something involving the water — to let your imagination run wild. With the new moon in a supportive connection to Uranus in Taurus in your part of the chart involving pleasure, you may be thinking of new ways to find joy in life and doing it through learning or with folks whom you see every day. Take a walk by the water with friends or a water painting session. Whatever sparks inspiration.
Chances are — you may be experiencing big changes at home — and it's influencing changes you are making when it comes to how to earn a living. This new moon is a supportive start to something new when it comes to envisioning how you want to earn a living — and the answers could be sparked by the chances to where you live — or changes to the people in your life at home. How can your home life be generative to you — which sparks a way for you to dream a restful way to make a living?
With Pisces ruling your area of the chart that has to deal with personal finances, you want the way to make a living to feel like you are in a flow. Still, there's also a challenge to not overgiving or perhaps allowing yourself to be a kindness ear when you need more alone and rest time. Perhaps the old way of making money is causing too much strife, or you have to be more disciplined in only focusing on one way to make a living. You still may need some flexibility in this area, so let the thoughts continue, as you may have a better understanding of how you want to make a living in late summer.
This is the yearly new moon that is all about you! You may feel like some part of you has shifted, and you are looking ahead to the person you know you are with excitement and perhaps a little bit of fear. This new moon may bring a moment of reflection on how you show yourself off to the world and how your close groups of friends may be supporting you in that transformation.
Look to the people who have been with you through it all, engage in communication and conversation about how you've evolved, and look back with a sense of pride in who you are now. Perhaps you are being inspired to write about yourself or take a course on something that feels more aligned with your newly developing sense of self. Alternatively, this could also be a great time to connect with friends and think of a new fashion look for yourself that reflects the inner changes you've been experiencing.