The Tarot Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On March 4, 2024

Sending you big hugs because so many of us need one.

Tarot Horoscope For March 4, 2024 Pinkbrush, Yogesh Dhiman, Chikovnaya | Canva Pro

Who needs more time in a day? If you raise your hand, you'll love the tarot card reading for March 4, 2024. The numerology of Monday is a Life Path 4, the Manager reminding us how important it is to effectively schedule our day in advance when possible. Will there be scheduling conflicts or unpredictable events? Yes, but when we know where we are headed and why, it's so much easier to say no, pivot or make adjustments. The tarot horoscope for Monday brings along a Moon entering an earth sign: Capricorn.

Saturn and the Devil tarot card rule Capricorn. These combined energies on Monday remind us to avoid cutting corners no matter how tempted we feel. It's best to work harder and smarter. Here's what this may mean for your zodiac sign specifically.


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Learn what your zodiac sign's daily tarot card reading has in store for you on Monday, March 04, 2024.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)


Tarot card: Death

You can resist change, or you can lean into it. As marked the Death tarot card, you are nearing an end of a beautiful journey. This was a passage for you, Aries, and while you may have wished for a happily ever after, life took a turn in a new direction. Endings aren't always what we imagine, so we accept things for what they are.

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Taurus (April 20 - May 20)


Tarot card: Five of Wands

So confusing. There are a lot of mixed signals being sent to you these days, and you may wonder what has happened. When the road you're taking seem to involve more u-turns than straight paths, stop. It could be that you need to check the compass of your life and see if something is off.

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20)


Tarot card: Two of Pentacles

There are only so many pots to put your fingers into. You can feel a lot like you have to rob Peter to pay Paul because finances are unsteady and unpredictable. Don't be reactive when it comes to managing your budget. Figure things out on paper and be realistic. See how you can stretch your income by cutting back on items you truly don't need.

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)


Tarot card: Page of Cups - Reversed

Threatened. That is the best word to describe a boss or coworker who continuously puts you down or downplays your contributions. This is a very risky situation to navigate since you may fear that they will take credit or cause others to see you in an unfavorable light. What to do? Be brave enough to draw attention to your contributions. If you need to humble brag. There's no wrong in claiming what is rightfully yours.

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Leo (July 23 - August 22)


Tarot card: Strength - Reversed

You could force the matter and get what you want or drop everything and try something else. When you have to keep pushing your way into a situation, it may be a red flag. Perhaps the universe is trying to protect you from harm. Consider the idea.

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Virgo (August 23 - September 22)


Tarot card: Queen of Pentacles

You want high quality friends who holds their own and builds you up. This day, you may attract these types of individuals into your life, particularly those with feminine nurturing traits, which can be a good thing for you. You could use a good friend who loves you, Virgo!

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Libra (September 23 - October 22)


Tarot card: Four of Swords - Reversed

One person can only do so much, and you've put in your all for a very long time. Of course, you're tired. You are human just like everyone else. You have to honor the brave side of you, but also the part of you that needs time away from troubles. A life of balance is going to include a bit of both. Be OK with that.

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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)


Tarot card: The Hermit

Some peace and quiet will do you a world of good. It's nice to give your ears a rest sometimes. You don't need to continuously subject yourself to loud sounds like beeps or rings on your phone, Slack channel or WhatsApp. Hit the silent button or go really brave and put everything on airplane mode for a few hours.

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Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)


Tarot card: Six of Cups

You learn so much when you hear what other people are going through and realize you are all in the same boat. That's what makes hanging out with people who love to do the same thing special. You have the same outlook, opinion, and are navigating similar situations. Find your tribe, Sag. Seek them out.

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Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)


Tarot card: Seven of Pentacles

You love what you do, and there's really no reason to feel embarrassed about it. Just because your colleagues are complaining about work or how much they loathe their job doesn't mean you have to say the same thing. Maybe you being that one person who says you enjoy the place you are employed can motivate them to appreciate what they have or look for a situation where they will feel the same way that you do.

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Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)


Tarot card: Two of Wands - Reversed

Oh boy. When your imagination goes dark, it can be a scary thing, especially if you have a deadline you need to meet. Creative blocks are signs that your mind needs something new to think about. Change things up. Go for a walk or a bike ride. Take a jog. Spend time in nature.Stretch yourself by stepping outside of your comfort zone.

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Pisces (February 19 - March 20)


Tarot card: Four of Pentacles

Are you being protective? Maybe you fear that someone will take advantage of your generosity. The one thing to be careful about is hoarding. You don't want to send a signal to the universe that you're not living in the realm of abundance. You want to remember how all things come from the universe, so there's plenty for all!

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
