5 Zodiac Signs Who Benefit The Most From This Week's Astrology Forecast
It's rock-n-roll season all week long.

Major changes and cosmic shifts are upon us this week, between February 26 - March 3, 2024. Are you ready for it? Five zodiac signs should be because they will have the best horoscopes under this influence. They are Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus, Pisces and Aquarius.
First of all, with the Full Moon in Virgo, we are now officially in the waning phase of the Moon. So, if you feel called to, do an energy-clearing ritual sometime this week to help you close old chapters and find closure.
We are not always aware, but our exes or toxic people from the past may still have energetic hooks in us. It's time to end those parasitic connections and stop the energy vampires!
Besides, with the transiting Moon revolving through Virgo to Sagittarius this week, it's the perfect time to strengthen those relationships that matter, let go of those that don't, and make new ones to bring fresh laughter and joy into our lives.
Pluto in Aquarius may still demand we evaluate the last two decades and not repeat our young mistakes, but you don't have to accomplish everything in one week. Pluto is here to stay, after all.
Additionally, the energy this week is influenced by the Pisces Stellium formed by the Sun, Saturn and Mercury in Pisces.
So don't be surprised if you encounter people and events throughout the week that call on your leadership skills and demand that you do it differently than the more bureaucratic leaders of the past.
Each zodiac sign will benefit from this week's astrology forecast.
Five zodiac signs with the best weekly horoscopes for February 26 - March 3, 2024:
1. Virgo
(August 23 - September 22)
Best zodiac sign to work with: Cancer
Best area to focus on: Studying/gathering knowledge
Virgo, the energy this week has the essence of a quest attached to it for you. You will be presented with a choice, either directly or indirectly, to go back to an old chapter from your past or push through and enter a new phase. You cannot have both. Choose wisely, but moving forward is in your best interest.
Studying further or gathering more information will make it easier to make this choice, especially if it's related to which university you should attend or whether you should stay where you are or go back home.
2. Capricorn
(December 22 - January 19)
Best zodiac sign to work with: Aries & Pisces
Best area to focus on: Self-reflection
Pretty little secrets and enchanting gossip are in store for you this week, Capricorn. So make time for your friends and loved ones because you are in for a treat when you find the tea. Who knows? It may even be about an old crush returning or a much-anticipated wedding.
If you feel called to, incorporate a journaling ritual into your daily life this week. You can also choose to sit in silence and simply think. Whatever you choose, know it will bring you comfort, grounding and greater insights than you have now.
3. Taurus
(April 20 - May 20)
Best zodiac sign to work with: Gemini
Best area to focus on: Playing games or sports
Taurus, expect the unexpected this week. For all you know, you may find yourself catching someone's eye at the end of the grocery aisle and later getting asked out on a date. That's just an example, though. So be prepared for some good surprises coming your way!
Also, make time for sports and team activities this week. From an astrological standpoint, you must get your blood moving through your body to keep yourself well-aligned. But team activities around a table in the living room count, too, if you become super involved and engrossed.
4. Pisces
(February 19 - March 20)
Best zodiac sign to work with: Leo
Best area to focus on: Having fun
Pisces, the energy this week is so vital for you that you will feel as if the stars in the sky are shining just for you. Prepare to be blasted with synchronicities and divine messages from every which way. They will lead you to the next chapter of your life. Make sure to keep a notepad handy so you don't forget!
Also, it sounds like a no-brainer, but make time for fun this week. And make sure it's the kind of fun that's fun for you. As in, don't give in to people-pleasing. Allow your soul to relax and rejuvenate through activities that appeal to you, whether you do them solo or with other folks.
5. Aquarius
(January 20 - February 18)
Best zodiac sign to work with: Sagittarius
Best area to focus on: Mental work
Aquarius, the energy this week is really good for those of you in the medical profession, whether as doctors, nurses or paramedics. In fact, if you are a surgeon, your procedures will go smoother than usual and may bring fame in the end.
For others, the energy this week is very intellectual. Whenever you rely on your mental acuity, you will win. So keep those "little grey cells" sharp, as Hercule Poirot likes to say! Silent reflection will bring boons to you, too.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.