The Luckiest Day In March For Each Chinese Zodiac Sign
Everlasting luck!

We are back with every Chinese zodiac sign's luckiest day of the month for March 2024. First, here's the lucky message of the month for everyone.
The I Ching hexagram of luck this month is Water over Lake (#60), which is changing to Wind over Mountain (#53). It urges us to remember that extraordinary capacity and talents are not developed in one day. The same applies to our capacity to engage with every lucky occurrence in our vicinity.
So don't get frustrated by reaching for everything at once. Instead, figure out what you want the most and focus on the opportunities that luck brings your way that are aligned with that. Your capacity to absorb more luck and do more will increase with time. You must be present with yourself and acknowledge your current reality.
If you feel called to, the energy in March is perfect for connecting deeply with your spiritual side and finding closure. Whether you cut energetic ties to toxic people and chapters from your past or find a way to transform like a phoenix in an area of life that has stagnated, let your heart guide you on this quest.
Now, let's focus on every Chinese zodiac sign's luckiest day during the month of March.
The luckiest day of the month for each Chinese zodiac sign in March 2024:
(1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)
Luckiest Day: March 17
Rat, your luck is pure magic! Expect the unexpected because you will manifest whatever you desire ... even if those wishes seem highly unlikely or akin to wishful thinking. You mustn't get caught in a cycle of toxic thoughts or negativity. Those ideas and fears can manifest for you, too.
The color yellow will help you stay balanced and sure-footed this month, enabling you to tap into your luck in the best way possible. You can also eat more yellow fruits and vegetables to imbibe this luck into your internal system.
(1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)
Luckiest Day: March 29
Big changes are here, Ox. Are you ready to step out of an old phase of life and enter a new one? You will be lucky in March if you roll with the punches and adapt through the transitional period into the new normal.
For some of you, karma will also bless you for your hard work and willingness to grow. That's your luck, too. For others, karma will bring fair play to your doorstep, especially if you have a toxic presence in your social circle. Purple will be lucky for you this month. Don't wear or use too much of it!
(1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)
Luckiest Day: March 2 & 3
Tiger, your luck is sweet and beautiful. As long as you stick to your chosen path and brush off the negative comments of the naysayers, you will be fine. Only you can know what's right for you.
Hold onto that thought this month, and luck will favor you throughout. If you feel called to, a pleasure trip to some beautiful location will bring your heart a lot of joy and luck, and it is even better if you take your loved ones or significant other with you!
(1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)
Luckiest Day: March 5
Rabbit, don't depend on luck in March. Depend on yourself instead. Your biggest challenge this month will be shaking off procrastination and moving forward on the right path for you. If you successfully do this (and ward off negative or distracting peer pressure), you will be pleasantly surprised by all the results you receive. Some of you will definitely benefit from doing a moon ritual on the next full moon day (March 25) to boost your efforts and invite cosmic goodwill your way.
(1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)
Luckiest Day: March 13
Dragon, something is trying to get between you and your luck now. It stems from jealousy because we are currently in the Year of the Dragon, and they fear you will leave them behind in the dust.
So beware of this and trust your intuition. Relying too heavily on logic will make you turn a blind eye to the signs your intuition has observed. Your luck in March depends on this. Can you turn the tide once more in your favor? If you believe you can, you will. Keep a chunk of jade close to you this month for added protection.
(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)
Luckiest Day: March 24
Snake, your luck depends on you trusting yourself and successfully separating wishful thinking from the voice of your intuition. They are different, and you may inadvertently make a mistake if you confuse the two.
Peer pressure is also being highlighted as a negative influence for you this month. It will block good luck from gracing your doorstep. So be observant and don't let impulses direct your actions. Solid gold will be extremely lucky for you this month. Just carry some without being obvious, or you may attract the wrong kind of attention.
(1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)
Luckiest Day: March 25 & 26
Horse, you will flip the script on them all this month! They won't even know what hit them. That's your luck in March. It will begin with you living your life as usual and going about your routines just as you usually do.
And then, out of the blue, luck will bless you with an idea, opportunity, or connection that will flip the script and make it brand new. You can't control this luck, though. So be receptive and keep living your best life and sticking to your values and principles. Clay pots can help you stay grounded during this period, so, if possible, bring a few into your living space.
(1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)
Luckiest Day: March 29
Goat, it looks like you are your enemy this month. Don't let envy or comparisons sour your mind and outlook. Your luck in March depends on you. So, if you allow negative spirals to claim your life, you will inadvertently use your luck to manifest the wrong things. Grounding yourself through meditation or a daily mindfulness ritual can definitely help you prevent this and invite good luck your way. You must believe in your ability to do this successfully.
(1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)
Luckiest Day: March 15
Monkey, your luck is very unique and special. It's the kind that boosts an individual's capacity to change the world, whether through inventing something new, bringing a new change or reform into governance, or some other unconventional means. Just remember: everything considered traditional or normal was once novel and untraditional. So don't get caught up in word games, or you will waste your good luck this month.
(1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)
Luckiest Day: March 13
Rooster, don't let fear drag you down. Master yourself, and you will master the world, too. That's your luck in March. As long as you are receptive to the abundance of the universe, you will continue to walk on the path that's right for you without a hitch. And if you face any naysayers on the way, brush them off. You must trust your intuition. Only you know what's right for you, not anyone else. That's where your luck resides.
(1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)
Luckiest Day: March 12
Dog, there's a cosmic conundrum in store for you this month. No matter how old you may be, many people consider you "young" because your Chinese zodiac sign happens to be one of the last ones. Don't let this become your reality.
Your luck and fortune depend on you separating age from experience (because they are not one and the same), growing where you need to grow and putting your foot down where you need to put your foot down. The color green will be lucky for you this month.
(1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)
Luckiest Day: March 8 & 9
Pig, your luck is stable and steady. As long as you continue to fulfill your responsibilities and make sure everything is working in an orderly fashion in your life, you will be golden. Involving yourself in other people's business or emotional crises will have a negative impact on you at this time. So withdraw from such activities with as much politeness as you can muster. Their life is their own, and the same applies to you. Grounding exercises will be extremely beneficial for you at this time to help you do this.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.