How The 2024 Lunar New Year Affects Each Chinese Zodiac Sign's Horoscopes This Week

It's Chinese New Year week!

How The 2024 Lunar New Year Affects Each Chinese Zodiac Sign's Horoscopes This Week cloverlittleworld, rimmabondarenko | Canva Pro

An extraordinary week is upon us between February 5 - 11, 2024! It's all because it's the Lunar New Year week!

So whether you celebrate the Chinese New Year in a big way or keep it lowkey, expect the cosmic energies to be extra heightened now.

Wishes, desires, and blessings will be free for all ... as long as the cosmic terms and conditions are met.

The I Ching hexagram of this week is Fire over Fire (#30), which is changing to Thunder over Fire (#55). Its message is a simple yet powerful one — when the forces of the world are on your side, don't be short-sighted.


It can feel like the great blessings will continue forever, like a fountain of youth or gold, but that's not so.

When you have the ability and the internal fire to do so, make plans for the present and the future simultaneously.

That includes during Lunar New Year week when the collective goodwill generates a ton of manifestation energy.

How will you tap into the fountain if you don't even know what you want its water for? Now, let's focus on the weekly horoscopes for each Chinese zodiac sign for February 5 - 11.

How the 2024 Lunar New Year affects each Chinese zodiac sign's horoscopes this week:


(1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)


General Overview:

Rat, this week's energy urges you to spend time with your best friends and loved ones and steer clear of those who only pretend to care about you but couldn't care less. The latter don't deserve you.

Lucky Day in Love: February 7

In love, you will be lucky this week and will find more than your usual number of people showing interest in you (if you are single) or doing things to secure their relationship with you (if you have a significant other).

Lucky Day in Friendship: February 9

If possible, do an energy-clearing ritual this week with a black candle set on top of a sheet of paper that carries the names of all those whom you wish to move on from. It's time to welcome the Lunar New Year with a fresh mind and soul.


Lucky Day for Career: February 10

Everything is as it should be in your career. Now's not the time to make any changes. Now's the time to pat yourself on your back for doing what's necessary and sticking to your guns.

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(1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

General Overview:

Ox, you will not please everyone in the world, especially when you tap into your creative side and come up with something unusual, original, or intriguing. This week, live true to yourself and your vision.

Lucky Day in Love: February 9 & 10

If you feel called to, a red rose ritual can help you manifest what you want in your love life and creative projects. All you need to do is create a circle of roses and then fix a white candle at the center. Light it while holding your intention or desire in your mind.


Lucky Day in Friendship: February 11

Some of you will be traveling this week. Others are urged to do so, too, whether that's a weekend trip or an impromptu long vacation. Destiny is calling!

Lucky Day for Career: February 11

Also, if you can make some time, sit and think about what you want to accomplish in your career in the coming weeks and months. Now's the perfect time to let your ambitious side take the reins.

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(1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

General Overview:

Tiger, you will have the most wonderful time with your parents this week. Some of you may even score some extra cash from relatives, whether as cash gifts or as an advance for your business venture.


Lucky Day in Love: February 8

In love, don't be small and stingy. Quality over quantity is the mantra for this week. So, is being brave when all you want to do is laze on a couch and watch Netflix or Hulu?

Lucky Day in Friendship: February 10

If you feel called to, update your wardrobe this week. A haircut can help you feel extraordinary, too, as if you have turned over a new leaf!

Lucky Day for Career: February 7

The energy surrounding your career is stable and settled at this time. Don't start anything new now. Just continue to work at your regular pace and be mindful of your routines and responsibilities.

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(1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

General Overview:

Rabbit, you are in for a treat this week! Don't be surprised if cosmic forces bless you with a big windfall right now. You deserve it!

Lucky Day in Love: February 5

In love, you are urged to think and feel from your heart. It may not make sense to your mind, but it will lead you to the most extraordinary experiences ... only if you permit yourself to do so.

Lucky Day in Friendship: February 6

Your friends and family will be your light in the darkness this week. Lots of laughter and merriment are in store for you. So make sure you know the priorities of your heart!

Lucky Day for Career: February 8


In your career, you are about to win a brilliant opportunity or receive praise for a well-done job. Take this time to enjoy the harvest. What goes around, comes around.

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(1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)

General Overview:

Dragon, are you excited? The Year of the Dragon is officially here now! Just don't get psyched by other people's expectations. Enjoy the moment and let your natural charisma shine.

Lucky Day in Love: February 9

In love, it's time to hold on to your self-respect and walk firmly away from those who show, through their actions, that they don't care or love you. You are destined for bigger things. Don't let the small stuff drag you down.


Lucky Day in Friendship: February 11

Suppose you feel the sudden urge to go on a pilgrimage, whether solo or with your family and lean into that desire. Something extraordinary is in store for you on this path.

Lucky Day for Career: February 11

As for your career, take it easy this week and just go with the flow. The time to be proactive will come later.

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(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

General Overview:

Snake, you have more tools under your belt than you realize. Don't let anyone cow you into letting go of your advantage. Whether this is in love or your career (or some other aspect of life), now's the time to be bold and brave.


Lucky Day in Love: February 11

In love, make time for your sweetheart and show them what they mean to you. You don't need to wait for Valentine's Day. You can start the celebrations now.

Lucky Day in Friendship: February 9

Also, if you feel the urge to play a certain video game or go on an adventure this week, heed that intuitive call and go for it. Such spontaneous plans will yield intriguing results.

Lucky Day for Career: February 7

Some of you are on the verge of changing your job or career to a more lucrative one. Let the wind under your wings carry you far and high!

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(1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)


General Overview:

Horse, patience will win you big this week, whether in your love life, interactions with big-mouthed family members, or in your career. Let the wisdom of the sages guide you to peace and away from unnecessary conflicts.

Lucky Day in Love: February 5 & 6

In love, you will be extremely lucky this week. Just make sure you don't kiss and tell (literally and figuratively) or you may lose your unfair advantage.

Lucky Day in Friendship: February 7

Interestingly, you will fare better this week if you reduce your social interactions to obligations only. Spend the rest of the time reflecting on yourself and your life. You will enter a charged phase of life soon and will benefit from this preparation.


Lucky Day for Career: February 10

As for your career, be kind and caring wherever you can this week. You will be surprised to know that some people were just waiting for you to make the first move to be open-hearted and compassionate themselves.

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(1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

General Overview:

Goat, the energy this week is potent for building things of lasting value. Take advantage of this cosmic upsurge and set the foundation for your future success now.

Lucky Day in Love: February 11

In love, pamper yourself like a king or queen this week. A little self-care will go a long way in attracting the right partner to you or making it known to your significant other that you know your worth and standards.


Lucky Day in Friendship: February 11

Your friends will be a blessing to you this week, too. So make time for them and enjoy your easy camaraderie.

Lucky Day for Career: February 10

As for your career, some of you are about to impress the boss with your original ideas or dedication to get things done when most would let the ball drop.

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(1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

General Overview:

Monkey, you have options galore in store for you this week. So exercise your free will and make the best choices for yourself and those who walk alongside you on this life journey.

Lucky Day in Love: February 9


In love, focus on intimacy with your partner to take your relationship to the next level regarding trust and bonding. If you are single, spend some time journaling about what kind of intimacy will make you feel loved the most.

Lucky Day in Friendship: February 8

Everything's not happy-go-lucky this week, though. Avoid people who live to make others unhappy, and you will be fine. Don't let perceived obligations make you ingest poison.

Lucky Day for Career: February 8

As for your career, take a step back now and just observe. The time to be proactive will come later.

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(1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)


General Overview:

Rooster, the energy is strong and confident this week for you. Make time for your priorities and lean into them hard. Now's the time to take everything to the next level.

Lucky Day in Love: February 11

In love, know your worth and don't settle for less. Ignoring red flags will only hurt your prospects in the future. Besides, whoever said single life is dull is probably not doing it right.

Lucky Day in Friendship: February 10

If you randomly come up with an idea or are inspired to do something this week, go for it. Something extraordinary awaits you on this fated path.

Lucky Day for Career: February 9

As for your career, harvest season is here! Enjoy the fruits of your labor now and send your gratitude into the ether through a simple ritual. Orange flowers are an excellent ingredient for this.


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(1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

General Overview:

Dog, the cosmic forces are aligning in your favor now. Nothing can stop you ... unless you allow self-sabotage to get in the way. So stay sharp and alert!

Lucky Day in Love: February 8

In love, think in terms of teamwork and not who can get away with doing less the "smart" way. If you can do this, you will guarantee your happiness.

Lucky Day in Friendship: February 9

Also, speak your mind this week when socializing with others. It goes back to the message of not sabotaging yourself by allowing fear to rule you. It's a cosmic test, if there ever was one.


Lucky Day for Career: February 10

In your career, be aware of the changing dynamics around you. If your gut points out something significant, don't brush it off. Sit and think about why that incident or person stood out to you.

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(1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

General Overview:

Pig, this week's energy is strong for you. Whatever you set your mind to can be yours now. Your manifestation powers are extra heightened, too.

Lucky Day in Love: February 7

In love, don't waste your time trying to convince someone that you two are meant to be. Love doesn't work that way. Besides, it's good to honor consent and not take rejections to your heart.


Lucky Day in Friendship: February 10

Your friends will be a boon of delight to you this week. The more time you spend with them, the easier the path forward will feel to you. Plus, some interesting insights await you here.

Lucky Day for Career: February 11

The energy around your career is also really good this week. Expect the unexpected, which will make you grin from ear to ear, whether that's a promotion, a bonus, a few hundred dollars in extra tips, or more!

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
