Horoscopes For All Zodiac Signs The Week Of February 5, 2024
It's all up to how we play our cards.

Welcome to the week of February 5 - 11, 2024. Right now, we are about to gather to read our horoscopes, as each zodiac sign will be detailed, and there is much going on ... so pay attention! We're now in the flow of the year. We've gotten past the phase where we still can't believe it's a new year, and we're ready to deal with the reality of that. Let's do this.
This week, February 5 - 11, 2024, brings us some notable transits, namely, Mercury in Aquarius, Mercury conjunction with Pluto, Mars sextile Neptune, Sun square Uranus, a New Moon in Aquarius, Mercury square Jupiter, Moon sextile Jupiter and Moon sextile Venus. This week shows us that communication is key and that it's all up to how we play our cards.
Because we're still in Aquarius season and Uranus is so much the main influence during this time, we have to automatically assume that we're in for a bumpy ride during the week of February 5 - 11, 2024. that's not to say those bumps won't smooth themselves out, as they will ... let's just consider that getting to the 'good part' will come with some hefty lessons ... and perhaps a word game or two.
Weekly horoscope for all zodiac signs starting February 5 - 11, 2024
(March 21 - April 19)
While so much of this week, February 5 - 11, 2024, will be spent thinking it over to the point where you feel you can no longer contain a single thought in that head of yours, you will see that as the week progresses, you will start to make more and more sense out of this unending rumination that is taking place.
Everything has a reason and a purpose, and as the week draws to a close, you'll see that what made you feel so angry at one point is virtually meaningless to you now. You can process the things of your life very rapidly, and so much of your time will be spent figuring out your next move regarding your romantic interest. You are heading in the right direction, Aries, and if you trust your intuition, you will find that all your decisions are made with clarity.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: February 7 and 8 play an important role in your week, Aries, as this is what you might find that you are most influenced by Mars sextile Neptune and Moon conjunction Mars, both transits of which will have you feeling frustrated and excited to find out something you didn't know before. While you'll feel impatient during these dates, you'll know exactly where these transits are taking you, and this is highly productive.
(April 20 - May 20)
During the week of February 5 - 11, 2024, you will realize that what's inside your head is not something another person can necessarily pick up on. This leads you to the clear truth: you need to voice your mind rather than keep it all inside. Being passive-aggressive is never something you would intend on being, and yet if you just sit around and wait for someone else to pick up on your cues, you'll wait forever.
It is during this week that you make the most out of this influx of great Gemini energy, and because you feel a little more confident about expressing 'exactly' what's on your mind, you will more than likely fill the gap that once threatened to destroy your romance. So, all it takes is compassionate communication ... this is a great lesson and one that you'll apply now and in the days and weeks to come.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: February 7 and 11 are your main days, and so much of this has to do with love and how you perceive your own love life. You've got a lot of Mercury energy causing you to speak up for yourself, but there's also a lot of confusion as you may find that during this week, February 5 - 11, 2024, you aren't all that sure of yourself. Venus trine Uranus on the 7th will be your luckiest day for love.
(May 21 - June 20)
Right at the top of the week, you realize that February 5 - 11, 2024, is not messing around and that if you choose to be lazy, you'll be the one who gets nowhere fast. This week apparently has you moving swiftly and making hefty decisions, and some of these decisions are nothing to scoff at, Gemini. You need to get serious, as you're starting to see that the year is moving along ... and you need to pick up your pace.
Trust in your ability to say the right thing at the right time. Just because you've made mistakes in the past doesn't mean you are bound to a life full of mistakes. You need to see that every single day brings you a new chance and that you are smart enough and wise enough to think on your own and get whatever needs to be done ... done. Do it, move it.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: February 5, 8, 10. These are dates you need to be aware of in advance, as you might want to plan any big events around these times. Mercury heavily supports you in Aquarius, conjunct Pluto, and the Moon conjunct Mercury at this time. You'd be well advised to make firm decisions and stick with them during these transits. Time is on your side from February 5 - 11, 2024, so act impulsively if necessary.
(June 21 - July 22)
While you may find the week of February 5 - 11, 2024, to be the kind of 'lesson-giving week' that could border on obnoxious, you will still feel grateful to get to the other side, as this week offers you much in terms of revelation and realization, especially when it comes to some insight that you'll be receiving where friends are concerned. Perhaps you have underestimated a certain person in your life, and you are now only coming to realize that ... hey, they're not that bad after all.
It's nice for you to get to this place as you felt yourself becoming 'stuck' in an attitude that you, yourself, no longer realized was necessary. Allow yourself to let this person back in and try to see them as someone who deserves a fresh start and a second chance. Staying firm and unmoving hurts nobody, but you and that's so much of what this week's lessons are about for you: Cancer — bending, being flexible, allowing love in.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: February 6, 7, 9, 10. You are looking at a week filled with sensitivity and empathy, so prepare your mind for an onslaught. You needn't consider everything during this time, but you may find that during the transits of the New Moon in Aquarius and the Pisces Moon, you're on edge and wondering if you've done something wrong. You haven't ... but that won't stop you from wondering, Pisces.
(July 23 - August 22)
While you may feel that you've got this week, February 5 - 11, 2024, licked, you will find that the cosmos is still up to its old tricks and that you always have to back your thoughts up with real action. So, as it stands, the main lesson of the week for you, Leo, is all about how you walk the walk rather than just talking the talk. Action is required of you during the week of February 5 - 11, 2024, and that will apply to your love life, as well.
If there's something on your mind, then you will feel that 'now or never' vibe hitting you hard, as it's seriously time to voice your opinion or forever hold your peace. Peace is what you desire, Leo, so make it happen. Don't just sit there and hope for it; do something. Action is what it's all about for you during the week of February 5 - 11, 2024. Effort equals success at this time.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: February 5, 8, 9. You are definitely going to feel that Uranus energy this week, Leo, as it upsets some of your thinking and has you second-guessing yourself over the simplest of decisions. You'll see that during the Sun sextile Moon, your love life will feel very stable, but Venus trines Uranus might bring in an unwanted element of paranoia and suspicion. Sun Square Uranus may have you and your romantic partner verbally sparring for ... reasons unknown.
(August 23 - September 22)
You have been very expressive in showing the people in your life that you are quite tired of their input. It's not that you don't love them — you do, but you feel that during the week of February 5 - 11, 2024, you need to let them know that just because you love them doesn't mean you are open to their every suggestion and they've come up with a few clinkers lately.
You want your family and friends to understand that you really are the boss of your own life. That will also take some relearning on their part, as you've given them so much leeway in the past to run your life. Now, the days for that kind of thing are over. You really know who you are, and you don't want everyone butting in. This week, you are standing up for yourself, not shouting up for yourself as well. It's going to get loud in here.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: 7, 9, 10. Because this week, February 5 - 11, 2024, has you feeling very strong, you may end up spending some of that fierce energy battling it out with someone so that you can show them that you aren't in the mood to be convinced into doing it 'their way.' You'll find that your most supportive transits this week are Moon conjunct Venus, the New Moon in Aquarius, and Mercury square Jupiter. Prepare to get your way, Virgo. It's on.
(September 23 - October 22)
Changing your mind is your prerogative during the week of February 5 - 11, 2024, and if you don't feel comfortable with something, you will feel very good about pulling back to have a good, long think. You aren't responding to pressure now, as you don't feel anyone can offer you something to sway you from whatever will be your firm decision. This is something you must find on your own.
What you do know is that something is 'up' in your love life, and you 'think' you like where this is going. Either you or your partner will bring up a new idea during this time, and it will feel like a revelation of sorts, as in one of those 'Why didn't I think of that' moments. This shows you that your love life is endless and that what you put into it is what you get out of it, Libra.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: February 5, 7, 8, 11. This week is not half bad for you, especially regarding love and compatibility. There's a lot of very refreshing Mercury energy accompanying you, and being that there's also this ton of Uranus power, you may find that how you handle your life is both new and eye-opening. Great days of love come to you during Venus trine Uranus, Sun square Uranus, Mars sextile Neptune and Moon sextile Venus.
(October 23 - November 21)
There's something very interesting happening for you during the week of February 5 - 11, 2024, and it's proof positive that if you put in the effort, you get the results. In your case, you'll see that what you started earlier in the year has now become a lifestyle change, and you are very happy that you took it upon yourself to be the brave one- you just went ahead and did it. Whatever it is, it sure did end up being a good thing.
This gives you incredible confidence and lets you believe that being enthusiastic is where you need to be. Believing that you can change is where your mind is at right now; you aren't concerned with changing others as that is their job. You are only here to hold up your end of the bargain, and this is a deal you made with yourself. You see success in your future, and you see it because you feel like you are in control of it.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: February 5, 8, 11. What you wanted to change is now being executed, according to your will, Scorpio. During the week of February 5 - 11, 2024, you've got a lot backing you up in terms of personal transformation, and this will show in your love life as well. Look to the transits of Mercury conjunct Pluto, Moon conjunction Pluto, and Moon sextile Venus for good luck, great insights, and the ability to accept change.
(November 22 - December 21)
While this week, February 5 - 11, 2024, may show you that you sure have taken on a lot, you feel proud of yourself for being able to continue in this manner ... success guides you and self-confidence rules the week. What you also feel is that so much of this week is about ridding yourself of those final 'negative' ways of yours. You've known for a long time that you need to work on personal transformation and this week seems to hit the spot.
While you could take the energy that accompanies you throughout this week and apply it towards your love life, you'll have just as much success if you are prone to think about finances as this topic is something that really interests you greatly. What you feel is lucky; lucky in love and lucky in money matters, which may be a first for you. Seize the energy, Sagittarius. So much good is about to open up to you.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: February 6, 8, 10. A great week indeed, in terms of supportive Jupiter energy, which is exactly what you need at this time to give you that jump-start. Your confidence is high and your ability to lead is even higher. You'll see that on these days. You are working with the very positive forces that come along with the transits of Moon trine Jupiter, Moon square Jupiter and Mercury square Jupiter. Love is in the air, and so is creativity.
(December 22 - January 19)
You might not be paying close attention to the time or the week because living in the moment is really where you're at during February 5 - 11, 2024. You are very involved in the people of your life: your family, your romantic partner and your friends. You feel great love for all of these people, and the last thing you are thinking about are schedules, due dates, or goals ... and this is very different for you, Capricorn.
It also grants you a break from your usual control-oriented lifestyle. What you'll notice is that 'not noticing' is a good thing ... every once in a while. You are happy to forget the workplace and the job demands. You'll get around to all of it when you can, as there is no real rush during the week of February 5 - 11, 2024. It's all about being with the people you love and showing them how you feel.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: February 6, 9, 10. You don't need to be told that this is going to be a great week for you because you feel it in your bones, but this good feeling is something that is cosmically supported by the transits of Moon sextile Saturn, the New Moon in Aquarius, and Moon conjunction Saturn. Your decisions are on the ball during the week of February 5 - 11, 2024, and so is your love life.
(January 20 - February 18)
Wow, this week, February 5 - 11, 2024, is really going to change things up for you, Aquarius, mainly because all that was creating the massive drama in your life has finally subsided, and now you can focus again. You've been going through an intense amount of 'everything,' and while some of it has been trying, most of it has led to this place right now, and you feel good about life and all you have ahead of you.
You will definitely see that you are drawn towards creative acts and that your focus is fierce determination and willpower. This isn't always the case with you, Aquarius, as you could become sidetracked and lazy very easily. You know this about yourself, and from February 5 - 11, 2024, you are not letting yourself get a free pass. You are a hard worker this week, and you aren't coming up for air any time too soon.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: February 7, 8, 9, 11. What an interesting week you have ahead of you, Aquarius, as you figure out that effort brings results. During the many Uranus transits that back you up, you'll be brought down to earth several times, which is exactly what you've been in need of. Discipline is added to your regimen, and it works well for you. Your 'bonus' transits are Venus trine Uranus, Sun square Uranus, Moon square Uranus and Moon sextile Uranus.
(February 19 - March 20)
You may feel as though time is moving a little too quickly for you, as it's already February 5 - 11, 2024, but you may also use this as a reminder for yourself to get up and get into some action. You know that sometimes you need to pull back and really think before acting, but you also feel that this week is the deadline in that capacity; OK, it's time. It's time to get up and out there. It's time to make something of yourself.
The good part is that you know what to do, even if it's taken you a long time to get here. You felt the need to work on your mental health, and that was a great idea, Pisces. You've got a lot going for you, and if you can use this week, February 5 - 11, 2024, as a starting point for creative endeavors, you will no doubt run into great fortune and accelerated progress. You are absolutely on the right track now.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: February 6, 7, 8. While you may feel that this week, February 5 - 11, 2024, brings you a little more 'thinking' than you believe you can handle, you may also find that this is what you need, as there is something you need to confront in order to get it out of your system. Supportive mental transits include Moon square Neptune, Mars sextile Neptune and Moon sextile Neptune. Prepare to learn great and profound lessons this week, Pisces.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.