Each Zodiac Sign's Weekly Tarot Horoscope For January 22 - 28, 2024
The Tarot is a Mystery School; everything is up for interpretation.

Welcome to the week of January 22 - 28, 2024. We are here to go over the Tarot cards as they've been chosen from our deck, and we will be interpreting the cards as such. Interestingly enough, the week looks like it's going to be a good one, folks, and we will break this down into mini-interpretations for each zodiac sign.
What we've come to see is that when 'certain' cards show up, especially when they reveal themselves in the reversed position, they are not as they seem. There are lessons within, and even when we get 'scary' cards, we need to be aware of the profound meanings that are not on the surface of the card itself.
There are several cards in this reading that might shock or disturb at first, but we will dig deep, as these cards have positive values to them. The Tarot is a Mystery School; everything is up for interpretation and everything interpreted is reliant on how the receiver perceives. Let's begin. Welcome to January 22 - 28, 2024.
Each Zodiac Sign's Weekly Tarot Horoscope For January 22 - 28, 2024:
(March 21 - April 19)
Tarot Card: Ace of Swords
This card is an extremely strong card and shows that you will more than likely be putting your foot down on something during the week of January 22 - 28, 2024. You are not only focused; you are determined beyond the shadow of a doubt. You know what you want and you are also aware that what you want may not be the popular choice. Pleasing others during the week of January 22 - 28, 2024, is not in your interest.
You are here to get a job done, a task that only you can do and that only you WANT to do. This is a very positive card in so much as it represents decision, finality and the absolute. What you say goes this week, Aries. Whether this is a decision made on your own life or career, or it has to do with someone else, it matters not. What is obvious this week, January 22 - 28, 2024, is that you are the one taking charge of your life; you will do what is best for you.
Keywords for the week: Power, strength, decision.
This week brings you all of it, Aries, and that's saying a lot when it comes to you, so discretion is going to play a major role in how you handle all this power and glory. You could easily step on other people and you'll need to watch out for this. This is your power, but you aren't here to abuse it.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 23, 24, 28.
(April 20 - May 20)
Tarot Card: Death, reversed
I Absolutely LOVE this card. Death in its reversed state is such a great card and it symbolizes rebirth and movement. The days of stagnation are over for you, Taurus. You have done what you can with whatever it is that has either held you back or kept you from achieving that which you wish to achieve, and during this week, January 22 - 28, 2024, you have come to understand that it's time to push onwards.
This card shows you that you have just acknowledged an ending, but your acknowledgment is real. It's authentic. You're not just kidding yourself this time; you have come to terms with something in your life that needed to be ended, and now, thankfully, you're on the other side of it. Now, you are ready. You have shaken off the burdensome weights of the past. You can freely move on now.
Keywords for the week: Release, renewal, rejuvenation.
During this week, Taurus, you're going to find that you want to concentrate heavily on your growth, and that may start with paying attention to your body. You may find yourself at a holistic spa, getting a rub down or treating yourself to a sauna. These are all good ideas for you.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 22, 25, 27.
(May 21 - June 20)
Tarot Card: The Hermit
Time alone is what this card essentially means, and that's never terrible news for you, Gemini, as there is something about you that you absolutely recognize as solitary. You are a loner by nature, and even though you adore company and participation in social engagements, when it comes to what you really need in this life, it's what you find on your own when you are alone. This is when you do your best work, your best thinking.
During the week of January 22 - 28, 2024, you'll demand some time off so that you can tend to your affairs. This could be self-care or planning some creative project; you are always creative and you intend always to be creative. If this is important to you, then you'll find a way to take time off so that you can properly prepare yourself for whatever it is that you have planned for the near future. This time is for you, and you know that you need it.
Keywords for the week: Solitude, wisdom, meditation.
Holding back and keeping to yourself is absolutely going to work in your favor this week, Gemini, and only you know what this kind of alone work does for you. You don't need to explain this to others overly; they will either get it or they won't, but you aren't responsible for their perception of what YOU do.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 23, 24.
(June 21 - July 22)
Tarot Card: Strength, reversed
Strength in reverse is very much like what it sounds like, and you may find that during the week of January 22 - 28, 2024, you'll be drained. But you will also put forth an enormous effort, and that is a good thing. In fact, there is nothing negative about this at all if you are able to listen to your body when it tells you to take a break. Your input will match your input, and what you have recently been involved in has taken a lot out of you.
So, in essence, this week, January 22 - 28, 2024, is about taking it down a notch. It's OK, you can give yourself some time off. You've just spent so much energy and you've given so much of yourself to whatever it is that required this strength that it's OK for you to acknowledge that you need a break. Listen to your body, Cancer. If it tells you that this is not the week to act like a superhero, then listen to it. It's OK.
Keywords for the week: Release, renewal, rejuvenation.
During this week, Taurus, you're going to find that you want to concentrate heavily on your growth, and that may start with paying attention to your body. You may find yourself at a holistic spa, getting a stress relieving experience or treating yourself to a sauna. These are all good ideas for you.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 22, 25, 27.
(July 23 - August 22)
Tarot Card: Seven of Cups
This week, January 22 - 28, 2024, has you wishing your way into manifestation. OK, what does that mean? Well, this card shows you that many opportunities are available to you. What you might not have anticipated was such a choice as there will be one. You might have been feeling optimistic about the future but you had no idea that you'd have so many options available and you'll see that during this week, you can have your pick.
This may lead to confusion, but it's nothing you won't get a laugh over as you aren't going to take it all that seriously, and that's probably a good idea. Luck is definitely on your side, as well as fortune and riches; this week, January 22 - 28, 2024, shows you that dreams do come true. What you have to do next is decide which dreams need to be followed as all of them cannot be manifested in this one week.
Keywords for the week: Chance, opportunity, glee.
It's all here for you, Leo, and that means you'll need to be sharp enough to discriminate between what is right for you and what is wrong, as so much will be offered to you during this time. You need to make the right choice, and that might be difficult, so tap into that wonderful mind first before you make any rash decisions.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 25, 26, 28.
(August 23 - September 22)
Tarot Card: the Sun
Finally, it's a day in the sun for you, Virgo. It's looking like a week filled with relief, and that is such a good thing for you as you haven't been having a great time lately. This has held you back, that and the other thing, and you've even come to that mental place where you start to wonder if things will ever get better for you. And then, January 22 - 28, 2024 comes around and shows you that you're still in the running, still in the game.
Whatever has been clinging to you and holding you back is seemingly nonexistent during the week of January 22 - 28, 2024. You are quick to forget that negativity that you've been associating yourself with, and the feeling of being refreshed will be almost too much to take ... but you'll take it because your inner nature wants you to be happy. You've settled for so long with what you know is less than what you deserve, and this week allows you a true 'vacation' in the sun.
Keywords for the week: Hope, renewal, belief.
You haven't had a week like this for so long, and the interesting part is that you will see something in yourself that really erases all the recent pain, and you'll go with it. You trust in the idea that even if your super-fabulous moments are few and far between, you might as well enjoy what you have when you have it.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 22, 23, 25, 27.
(September 23 - October 22)
Tarot Card: Ten of Swords, reversed
Held aloft by ten swords sure does paint a bleak picture ... and that is why, Libra, you must look closer. This card is in reverse. What would ordinarily look like a person being stabbed by ten swords is actually, in reverse, a depiction of a person who is above it all; this is you, Libra. You've just come from a terrible betrayal, but you have learned so much from it. You are now held aloft on the swords that you tried to end you. And yet, you are not ended.
This is only the beginning for you, Libra. You have achieved 'wisdom born of pain,' and this simultaneously frees you from the emotional turmoil that put you here. You can rely on the lessons you've learned from your recent experiences, and you can now apply them to critical decisions you make in the future. You are so much stronger than you ever knew, and during the week of January 22 - 28, 2024, you will get up, brush yourself off, and start again.
Keywords for the week: Knowledge, learning, lessons.
It's all here for you, Libra, and you know a good thing when you see it. You are not the person who wants to dawdle around, lurking in the shadows of your mind. You see a chance to get yourself to the light and you seize the moment. This week shows you that you can resurrect yourself at all, which is phenomenal.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 24, 25, 26.
(October 23 - November 21)
Tarot Card: Five of Cups, reversed
Whenever we get this card, the Five of Cups, reversed, we are looking at how ready we are to move forward, most especially in terms of love and romance. The Cups are the suit of Love and Friendship, and so if you've recently lost a friend or are grieving the end of a relationship, this card shows you that during the week of January 22 - 28, 2024, you will be able to put all of your experiences into perspective.
This is the week when you see it all very clearly and that allows you to make the right next move. You aren't someone who seems to be in a permanent state of worry or loss; you want very much to move on, but you are also a realist in that you want to give yourself the proper time. You'll find that during January 22 - 28, 2024, you will see an ending in sight. You have given the right amount of time to the past ... you will soon embrace the changes ahead.
Keywords for the week: Loss, memory, perception.
You're not going anywhere this week without real knowledge to back you up, and you know that if you're going to spend any significant amount of time thinking about the past, then you are sure that you will use your thoughts to help you in the future. You are wise and willing, and you will use everything you've experienced to get you to a good place.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 25, 26, 27, 28.
(November 22 - December 21)
Tarot Card: Nine of Swords, reversed
You may find that during the week of January 22 - 28, 2024, you will seek out answers in your dreams that provide you with little to nothing in the way of help. You want very badly to intuit the great realizations of your life, but you may also feel as though you are spiritually shut down at this time. That's OK, Sagittarius. Sometimes, we are not at the top of our psychic game, and this week may be a low point for you, intuitively.
What you may see happening during the week of January 22 - 28, 2024, is that you are less tolerant of other people's fantastical ideas. In fact, the dreams and schemes of other people — meaning friends — will see so off base you that you won't want to enable their dreams by supporting what you believe are their baseless fantasies. You are not here to be anybody's cheerleader during the week of January 22 - 28, 2024, as you don't believe in what they believe in.
Keywords for the week: Emptiness, realism, distrust.
OK, that's not to say things are hopeless; they are certainly not by any means, but this is definitely the week you give up on 'someone' else as you see 'them' as hopeless or deluded. You don't feel as if you can continue to support this other person's fantasy as you find them to be lost in delusion.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 24, 25.
(December 22 - January 19)
Tarot Card: Ten of Wands, reversed
Hard work and fruitless labor is what you believe you'll be experiencing this week, January 22 - 28, 2024, as you really put your back into what you're doing, only to see that it's not really getting you anywhere. This card is representative of toil and arduous labor, and in its reversed state, it might depict a situation that takes you backward rather than forwards. This is a very frustrating state to be in, and you'll feel rather hopeless at times.
Know that your work is not in vain, Capricorn. What is going on during this week, January 22 - 28, 2024, is that you aren't being appreciated or noticed for the efforts you put in. That's not to say you won't be noticed in the future, though. What this card is really about is your expectations. Do you want praise and adoration, or do you wish to get the job done efficiently and see where it all leads you later?
Keywords for the week: Disgruntled, unappreciated, labor.
What you want out of this week is definitely not what you'll get, but what you want is based on your high set of expectations, and so your result will only feel worse simply because you set your expectations way too high. If you are unappreciated for your work, you'll resent it but try to understand that it's just not the right week for kudos.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 22, 25, 26, 27.
(January 20 - February 18)
Tarot Card: King of Pentacles
This week has you knowing that you are secure and safe. You are just about as secure as one can be, and the only thing that makes it slightly weird is that you're all alone in this. This card suggests that all is definitely well in your financial world, but in terms of romance, love and emotional well-being, you may find that during the week of January 22 - 28, 2024, you are all alone.
You'll take stock in your 'things.' You have many things to adore. Many things bring you aesthetic joy, but you are still without the thing you want most, which is the right person in your life. This will glare at you throughout the week. You have it all, and you may even try to convince yourself that you lack nothing. But that one hole will widen in your life, and that's the one place you cannot fill with 'things.'
Keywords for the week: Selective ignorance, wealth, pseudo-contentment.
You cannot look at reality during this week and you will replace your sadness with objects and materialism. You feel as though there are emotional spaces in your life that you absolutely do not want to deal with, so you will sell yourself the idea that money is what's going to make you happy.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 24, 27.
(February 19 - March 20)
Tarot Card: Five of Pentacles, reversed
As the year progresses, you might be worried if you can fund yourself through the rest of it, and you'll find that during the week of January 22 - 28, 2024, you'll be concerned with finances. You ordinarily don't like to think along these lines, but the colder weather has you withdrawing into a much more lonely state of mind, and there, you will spend much time wondering 'what will become of you.'
You are safe and sound, Pisces, and there is nothing to worry about, although that will come as cold comfort to you during the week of January 22 - 28, 2024. Perhaps this card is here to jolt you a little bit and bring you back into the reality that you try so hard to escape on most days. If you need to go over your accounting, this would be a good week, as what you'll find at the end of your search is something that will relieve your mind. You are secure, after all, Pisces — nothing to sweat over.
Keywords for the week: Overthinking, stress, lack of clarity.
Understand that so much of what's going on during this time is about you overthinking it all and concluding with something disastrous. This is all in your mind and you have to pull back before you take it out of the realm of the here and now. You are fine and you have to grasp that.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 22, 23, 25.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.