How Relationships Improve For Each Specific Zodiac Sign During The 2024 Aquarius Season
We dream big during Aquarius season.

This is the dawning of the season of Aquarius, and you know what that means for love and relationships? It's not just about harmony and understanding — though, that's not exactly a bad thing. It's about forgiving one's self for not coming through so far with the resolutions made a few weeks ago and the decision that it's OK to go at one's own pace when loving others.
Aquarius is the season of thought; we are in our own heads and it's not a bad place to be, because, well, we need this time. We need Aquarius season to help us make sense of why we do certain things, and how our dreams come into play.
This is the season when we cherish our fantasies in romance, but we are open to incorporating reality into them. We dream big during Aquarius season, but we are also trying to fit our dreams into reality ... and that most definitely includes our outlook on love.
January is a rough month in so much as we tend to put too much pressure on ourselves during this time, only to discover that we can't keep up with our own original plan. As February enters the time picture, we start to know what's real and what's fantasy, and we begin to fine tune those dreams so that our love lives can be worked into something substantial.
With the season starting out an Aquarius Sun, we will move gradually in and out of the many helpful astrological transits that are guiding us.
Love gets better for all zodiac signs during the 2024 Aquarius season:
(March 21 - April 19)
Keywords for the season: Renewal, difference, dedication.
Most loving days: January 24, 25, 29, February 2, 3, 8.
Notable transits: Venus in Capricorn, Full Moon in Leo, Uranus Direct, Sun trine Moon, Venus in Lilith, Venus square Node, Venus trine Uranus, Venus conjunct Pluto.
Aquarius season brings instant reward in the form of you, being able to look at yourself deeply and honestly. While that may seem scary at first, you'll see that this is also exactly what you've needed; an unbiased look at your own behavior. While 'in there' you'll be able to pluck out what no longer works for you, as you are now able to be honest with yourself about it. This relates to you and your romantic life.
You are able to understand now, during Aquarius season, that compromise is essential if you want your relationship to run smoothly and perhaps, permanently. You are no longer in charge of how things get done; you are a part of the decision-making and as time goes on, you'll see just how beneficial this kind of compromise can be. You are dedicated to your partner, and you will learn how to work with them during Aquarius season.
(April 20 - May 20)
Keywords for the season: Organization, determination, order.
Most loving days: January 22, 24, 25, February 2, 3, 8, 13.
Notable transits: Venus in Capricorn, Full Moon in Leo, Uranus Direct, Sun trine Moon, Venus trine Lilith, Mercury and the Nodes, Venus in Aquarius, Mercury square Uranus.
With a new attitude just begging to be adopted, you will make the very best of Aquarius season by coming to terms with the idea that you need a plan and that you and your romantic partner have to actually stick to that plan. You feel as though January was a total bust and that even though you had great intentions, you're still working on last years energy, and that's definitely not going to advance you in any way.
So, during Aquarius season, you will make a huge effort to get back on track, and as you start to see the momentum in action, both you and your partner will start to feel better about yourselves as individuals. Together, you will shake off the 'slug life' and get yourself into great shape, while paying attention to the now moment. You are dedicated to your relationship, and with effort, you can see the results starting to take positive shape.
(May 21 - June 20)
Keywords for the season: Desire planning, kindness.
Most loving days: January 25, 26, 28, February 3, 8, 13.
Notable transits: Full Moon in Leo, Uranus Direct, Sun trine Moon, Mercury and Neptune, Mercury in Aquarius, Venus square Node, Mars and Neptune.
What didn't work is now something that Aquarius season has you understanding needs change, and you will happily tend to this change as you know you can't go backwards. You are at the point in your life where you really don't want to mess around anymore, especially when it comes to love and romance. You have someone in your life and all of your previous life lessons are starting to gel during Aquarius season; you want something good, here. You no longer want to waste time.
And so, during Aquarius season, you plan and you create structure. You do not see this new person in your life as someone you can toss aside or put on hold, just because you 'have something to do.' You've realized that you can live your life and love someone at the same time, that this kind of 'multitasking' is not only doable, but preferable. You want this, and during Aquarius season, you are willing to go out of your way to make it happen.
(June 21 - July 22)
Keywords for the season: Broadminded, daring, risky.
Most loving days: January 25, February 3, 7, 8.
Notable transits: Full Moon in Leo, Uranus Direct, Sun trine Moon, Sun square Uranus, New Moon in Aquarius, Mercury square Jupiter, Mars conjunct Pluto.
The past has shown you that you are too unforgiving and too demanding when it comes to love and your standards, and you've come to see that it's not about lowering your expectations, but more along the lines of being more accepting with the people who make mistakes in your presence. You will find that Aquarius season has you feeling much more open-minded and accepting of the people in your life, and that if you stick to this kind of thinking, you may just end up happily in love, with a good person.
Aquarius season ushers in the idea that you needn't be so strict when it comes to love; your demands are unattainable and you forgive so little, which creates a void in your life when it comes to love. People want to love you, as you are lovable and adorable, but when they accidentally mess up, you chuck them out on the first go. Aquarius season allows you to understand that concept of second chances, and you will not be as strict this time around.
(July 23 - August 22)
Keywords for the season: Transformation, acceptance, interest.
Most loving days: January 24, 25, 28, February 9, 17.
Notable transits: Venus in Capricorn, Full Moon in Leo, Uranus Direct, Sun trine Moon, Venus trine Lilith, Sun and Node, Sun square Uranus, Mars conjunct Pluto.
There's a lot of positive energy following you throughout the entire season of Aquarius, and you are going to find that your own state of mind is much more open than usual. You want to try new things and you aren't as determined about criticizing the things that you aren't familiar with. This makes it a lot easier for anyone you're seeing to introduce new ideas to you, as they are interesting people who have a lot to offer. During Aquarius season, you'll be open to the suggestions of potential lovers.
What might be very obvious to you is your own open attitude; you aren't trying to find 'what's wrong' in a situation, and that makes you feel good...and giddy, to a degree. Your usual condemnation of things you don't understand transforms during Aquarius season, in to you being interested in the new and trying new stuff out. You come across as an open and interested partner, and this quality will make any partner of yours feel at easy and very comfortable around you.
(August 23 - September 22)
Keywords for the season: Adoration, crush, romance.
Most loving days: January 24, 26, 28, February 3, 16, 17.
Notable transits: Venus in Capricorn, Full Moon in Leo, Sun trine Moon, Venus trine Lilith, Venus square Node, Venus trine Uranus, New Moon in Aquarius, Venus and Neptune.
Starting right at the top of Aquarius season, you will already be ready to accept positivity into your life. You feel that the beginning of the year went to unnecessary stress and you are quite tired of living in the dreariness of negative thinking. Even if you have to fake it 'til you make it, you will do just that, because you are here to experience love, light and happiness. You are ready to fall in love again, and you are ready to change your life one hundred percent.
Aquarius season is the perfect time for you to jump right into that kind of thinking. You feel as though you've healed; whatever tore you apart in the past is something you gave enough time and energy to, and now, you're open to falling in love again. And, with that kind of attitude, the only possible manifestation is...falling in love, which will happen during Aquarius season. This brings new and exciting energy into your life and you are all there for it.
(September 23 - October 22)
Keywords for the season: Freedom, independence, solitary.
Most loving days: January 24, 25, 27, February 8, 9, 10.
Notable transits: Full Moon in Leo, Libra Moon, Uranus Direct, Sun trine Moon, Mercury conjunct Pluto, Mars with Neptune, Venus and Neptune, Venus conjunct Pluto.
During Aquarius season, you will see yourself as someone who can handle your life well, and that is because you've decided earlier on that you need to know when to be social and when to pull away. While this is a good season for you to spend time on your own, you will find that what you do on your own, sets you up as a stronger person, which, in turn, allows you to love more freely and with more conviction. Because you are focused, you don't waste your love; you save it up and use it when the time is right.
You'll find that during Aquarius season, you'll be very discriminatory when it comes to love, which, in a way, makes it even more worthwhile when you do decide to come out to play. You will see that the time you spend working on yourself will manifest as great love in the near future. Doing it your way is ideal for you and you will that Aquarius season provides you with much healing, and much inner forgiveness, which is just what you needed.
(October 23 - November 21)
Keywords for the season: New love, breakthrough, forgiveness.
Most loving days: January 29, 31, February 10, 13, 16, 17.
Notable transits: Venus in Capricorn, Full Moon in Leo, Uranus Direct, Sun trine Moon,Venus trine Lilith, Venus square Node, Mars and Neptune, Sun with the Nodes, Mars in Aquarius.
You didn't think that having an actual breakthrough was part of your karma when it comes to love and romance, and yet, here you are, with the full power of Aquarius season on you and that's exactly what's happening. It starts right at the top of the season and carries through all the way to the end. You feel strong and capable, and even though you tend to shy away from the idea of new romance, this time around will be different. You may gravitate towards new love without even being conscious of it.
There's some definite healing energy being created by the transits during Aquarius season, and it seems that so much of it will be absorbed by you, Scorpio. This means that if you fall in love with someone during this time, you will be more open than usual, which is actually something you've needed. In the past, you've kept your heart closed off, and you know this leads you nowhere. During Aquarius season, you'll find that you are much more willing to share and be open with your emotions.
(November 22 - December 21)
Keywords for the season: Discipline, reward, expansion.
Most loving days: January 25, February 3, 7, 8, 9.
Notable transits:Venus in Capricorn, Venus trine Uranus, Full Moon in Leo, Uranus Direct, Sun trine Moon,Mercury in Aquarius, Mercury conjunct Pluto, Venus square Node, New Moon in Aquarius.
Something extraordinary is about to happen to you, Sagittarius, during Aquarius season, and that is in your ability to see yourself clearly and formulate a self-image based on that clarity. This is the season when you realize that you've been living so much of your life in reaction to the past. Things that were said to you never left your psyche, and you've take those things to heart, where they never let you go, and never let you love.
With Aquarius season upon you, you'll notice that in that clarity, you are able to see that there is no purpose to holding on to those hurtful words of the past, and that if any lesson was to be learned from them, you got that lesson a million years ago. There's a lot of healing energy guiding you during Aquarius season, but more than that, there's the idea that you can fall in love again, that love has not shut the gates on you. This excites you and allows you to feel like there's something to look forward to.
(December 22 - January 19)
Keywords for the season: Seduction, rejuvenation, contentment.
Most loving days: January 24, 25, February 16, 17.
Notable transits:Venus in Capricorn, Full Moon in Leo, Uranus Direct, Moon square Mars, Sun trine Moon,Venus trine Lilith, Mercury square Jupiter, Mars in Aquarius, Mars conjunct Pluto.
Because Aquarius season brings out this feeling in you that makes you feel as though you have it all, you will take that successful feeling and work it in the world of love and relationship. You feel good about the person you've become and you are not arrogant about that, either; you've worked hard on the many negative attributes that have caused you grief in the past. You fought to become the success you are now, and during Aquarius season, you will move that success into the world of love.
Your ability to charm is legendary, and sometimes it's your cool attitude that literally charms people into loving you. You appear inaccessible and that is alluring to many, but during Aquarius season, you'll see that you want to let down that chilly exterior and let others in, so they can see the real you. You are very interested in finding out who the real you is, yourself, as you have never really allowed yourself to seem vulnerable. Aquarius season changes all that, so be prepared.
(January 20 - February 18)
Keywords for the season: Insight, intuition, goals.
Most loving days: January 24, 25 28, February 5, 9, 13.
Notable transits:Uranus Direct, Sun trine Moon, Mars trine Uranus, Mercury in Aquarius, New Moon in Aquarius, Mars in Aquarius, Venus trine Neptune.
January has been a heap of trouble for you so far, but you know in your heart that it's not going to stay that way, and that during your own sun season, Aquarius season, you will find your way to higher ground. You are very much into the idea of doing things your way, as you feel you've been dedicating so much of your time to the people in your life who demand that 'you do it.' Aquarius season shows you that it's your time to shine, and you will do so, your way.
One area that you really want to focus on is love and romance. You are always in love with someone, whether you know them or not, and this helps you feel young, light and creative; Aquarius season brings this kind of playful side out in you and while you still have your dreams and goals, you are also in touch with the reality of your love situation. You know now that it's now or never; if you love someone, you have to make it real, and that's what Aquarius season is all about for you.
(February 19 - March 20)
Keywords for the season: Healing, release, freedom.
Most loving days: January 25, 27, February 2, 5, 8, 13.
Notable transits:Moon trine Mercury, Full Moon in Leo, Uranus Direct, Sun trine Moon,and harmonously smooth relationships between Mercury/Neptune, Mars/Neptune, Venus/Neptune, Mercury/Node.
When Aquarius season hits you, it's as if the prison doors break free, and out goes your heart into the world, where the breezes are sweet and cooling. You have been cooped up in a world of pain for far too long, and you come to realize that this kind of healing is only available to you because you've finally decided 'it's time to heal.' There are many healing and restorative transits that will add to this pleasant experience for you, Pisces.
It's going to be a very nice Aquarius season for you, because you will see this time as one where you no longer have to carry around the past, in order to define who you are today. You are now free to love again, to feel excited about a person again. There is nothing to hold you back, and you easily recognize when the old patterns want back in; you reject the old thinking as there is no more room in your life for the celebration of ways that no longer work for you. Love is now possible in your life.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.