3 Zodiac Signs Stop Waiting For Someone To Love This Weekend
The timer is now off. We're not waiting any longer.

The Moon enters Sagittarius this Saturday, where it will be through Monday. During this time, three zodiac signs have decided that they are done waiting for love, and they are especially finished waiting for someone to love them.
When we have a Sagittarius Moon, we have an independent, freedom-seeking kind of Sagittarian day. This means that on this day, January 7, 2024, no matter what sign of the zodiac we are, we will be driven by whatever Sagittarius influences surround us, and on this day, there are plenty.
They will be doing their influence in every area of their lives. Where love is concerned, watch out because this day could be a life-changer on that account.
A weekend during a Sagittarius Moon will be a spectacular display of power, in so much as this is the day we give up waiting for love to show up and save us. We are blunt and philosophical, and we believe in ourselves very intensely, which is why we feel good about our choice to give it up and simply move on with our lives.
If there is one person in particular that we've been waiting on, we will stop the clock on this day; the timer is now off. We're not waiting any longer. We have been awakened to our adventurous spirit and we are restless enough to pursue happiness in a new and different way. We trust in the universe and so, we let go of past expectations. This is the day we give up waiting for love.
Three zodiac signs are done waiting for someone to love over this weekend, January 7 - 8, 2024:
1. Taurus
(April 20 - May 20)
This weekend may put you in the mindset of needing desperately to change something very specific in your life, namely, the way you've been handling your love life. You may be with someone right now and while you definitely do love them, they are really becoming a dead weight around your neck, a true 'albatross,' and you are starting to understand that, nope, this person is never going to change, no matter how many times they promise that they will.
They may love you but love just isn't good enough, and this is a lesson you've learned the hard way, Taurus. During the Sagittarius Moon, you are going to come to terms with this very intense lesson, and you are going to walk away from your romantic fantasy of 'love saves the day.' So far, love hasn't saved the day. It has brought you together with the people who have taken too much away from you. Saving the day is now something you have to do ... on your own.
You officially owned the idea that you are no longer waiting for love to see you through? It's just ... there. You cannot afford to wait on it any longer and it will be very obvious to you as the Sagittarius Moon enters the sky. This freedom-seeking transit inspires you to believe in your destiny and rely less upon the 'help' of another. Love? It's just ... 'there.' Not doing much more than just existing.
2. Scorpio
(October 23 - November 21)
In your case, Scorpio, you are going to come right out with it when it comes to telling your partner off. You are, quite frankly, sick and tired of waiting for them to turn into your dream lover and after this day is over, you'll officially know that they had no intentions of doing any such thing, anyway. During the Sagittarius Moon, you won't spare words, as that is the Sagittarius way. You might be a little too blunt, but watching your mouth isn't part of the plan on this day.
What you will expound upon is the idea that you can't wait for your partner to change, love you more, do more, be more involved, etc ... If they haven't become what you've expected them to become by now, then it's not happening and you finally get that. You feel stifled by your desire to create the perfect love, you will free yourself from the shackles of those expectations.
You are optimistic, as that is what the Sagittarius Moon brings you. With this gratuitous feeling of positivity, you will be very bold and very blunt with your partner as you tell them that you are no longer waiting for them to do anything. They can do what they want when they want, but as far as your emotions go, 'Elvis has just left the building,' as they say. You are out. No more waiting for change, no more waiting for love.
3. Sagittarius
(November 22 - December 21)
You will feel a very strong need to either end the relationship you are presently in or make a resolution to leave love behind this year, as you are up to your eyeballs in disappointment when it comes to love and your personal set list of what it is supposed to look like. Love has not come through for you, and yet, there you've been, constantly waiting for it to bash down the doors and save you.
During your transit of the Sagittarius Moon, you will feel very at home with your natural feelings, and those feelings will reflect the idea that, of course, you don't need someone else to make it all seem better. You are, by nature, a wild and free spirit, perhaps the wildest of all zodiac signs, and independence is your calling card. You are also human, and that means that you buy into the idea that love is what we need. It is what we need, but it isn't what you are willing to wait for ... this weekend.
As for now, you are giving up the wait. Another day for all that bother, as that's how you perceive the whole 'love deal' at this point: a bother. Your attitude is fierce and optimistic; you can do this alone and you will be only too happy to. Nothing stops you when you get like this, Sagittarius, and while your Moon is in the sky, you feel as though you shine a lot better on your own, and you'd be right about that.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.