3 Zodiac Signs Try Again With Their Ex December 25, 2023

We are able to clearly see that breaking up with this person served its purpose.

3 Zodiac Signs Try Again With Their Ex December 25, 2023 Clubfungus From Pixabay Via Canva/Icons8 Photos Via Canva Pro

While this may be considered a 'Christmas miracle,' the idea of getting back with an ex cannot possibly be an action that comes out of thin air. In fact, what's about to take place for three zodiac signs on December 24, 2023, comes as a result of much planning. Yes, some of us will actually be getting back together with our ex's, and it is Sun sextile Saturn that makes it happen.

It's during this transit that we are able to clearly see that the entire idea of breaking up with this person had its purpose. We needed the space, and we needed to know whether or not we could survive without this person. And, as time has shown us, we can. We did survive and for this reason alone, the universe is providing us with a second chance. And that is where Sun sextile Saturn steps in.


What's nice about this reunion is that it comes with none of the old complaints. Enough time has passed by and we are now ready to welcome a new state of mind into an old relationship. We've learned the hard way and we took it all the way. Yes, we can live without these people, but why should we, when we've learned that we finally can live WITH them after all?


1. Taurus 

(April 20 - May 20)

You might not have thought that something like this was even possible, considering the fact that the break up you had with this one person was theatrical and definitely led both of you to believe that there was no way in hell that you'd go back to each other. However, the passion that created the chasm between you is still the passion that attaches to you. On Deceive 24, 2023, you are both going to realize that, oddly and ironically, you're made for each other.

You'd like to think that you could make this work again, and while the transit of Sun sextile Saturn is in the sky, you may see things from a different and more positive perspective. You've spent enough time away from this person to realize that you miss them more than you can stand and that if your gut feeling is right — as it always is with this person — then they miss you just as much and the writing is on the wall: "let's get back together."

During Sun sextile Saturn, we feel like we can tackle the hardest of issues, and we also feel as though we can trust in ourselves to know if what we are doing is right or wrong. December 24 brings you a distinct feeling of rightness, and your gut tells you that getting back with your ex is much more than a premonition; it's an inevitability. Go for it, Taurus. One life to live, right?


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2. Sagittarius 

(November 22 - December 21)

Getting back with your ex is probably something that has been suggested to you since the breakup. While you've always laughed off the prods that close friends have delivered, you might feel as though there's something to it now. It's December 24, 2023, and you have the inspiring transit of Sun sextile Saturn to guide you. What you'll find happening is that you'll recognize that the timing for getting back together ... is right.

There was a point when the idea of ever even looking into the eyes of this ex was something you'd absolutely run from, as you've spent plenty of time shunning this person and wanting them as far away from you as possible. That's the deal with healing and time ... if time heals all wounds, then Sun sextile Saturn lets you know that you've done time and that now, you are healed. And being healed allows you to see things differently in terms of this old love of yours.


What's interesting to know is that it will probably be your ex who makes the first move, as they, too, feel healed. This healing that takes place ... reminds you of what you shared, what love you had together, and that with this new perspective, it might be worth taking a second shot at. You're coming back to each other as new versions of yourself. The old love is still there, but the lessons are there, too.

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3. Aquarius 

(January 20 - February 18)

Only recently have you started to go over a few old memories, and the odd part about them is that they don't make you feel bad? One of the reasons you never travel down memory lane is specifically because you don't want to remember how you were hurt or who did what and how you kept that feeling with you for far too long. Something happens on December 24, 2023, and that will have you rethinking something ... and it will hit you: perhaps it's time to reach out to that one person to set things straight.


During the transit of Sun sextile Saturn, you will see things in a new light. You'll see that you were not always as fair as you might be now and that you've grown so much since you broke up with the one person whom you've felt so strongly about that you'll feel a burning need to speak with them. Is it just possible that they are still available in this way? And would they even want to speak with you?

Well, you are about to find out, that's for sure, Aquarius. On December 24, your timing will be so spectacular that you'll shock yourself, especially when this ex of yours apologizes profusely for their bad and childish behavior and practically begs you to come back to them. Well, that's a surprise ... or is it? Your connection with this person never stopped. Ego got in the way, and now, during Sun sextile Saturn, that ego has stepped aside.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.