3 Zodiac Signs Succeed No Matter What On December 22, 2023
This is the day we realize that 'it's time to grow up.'

Right now, we have a day when we have to 'person up' and take responsibility. While this is, of course, an everyday experience in most people's lives, what makes this day hard for three zodiac signs is that it requires action.
December 22, 2023, is when we will have to own up to the idea that we are responsible and that the time for shirking that responsibility is at an end. This is the day we realize that 'it's time to grow up.'
As serious as that sounds, it may also trigger in us the idea that we want to remain Peter Pan-like. In other words ... we will do what we have to do even though we don't want to grow up.
The upside is that it's not all that bad, and we'll always have time to be playful and have fun, but on December 22, 2023, three zodiac signs will know in their hearts that they have to take something very seriously this Friday.
The reason we are being put in the position of having to become very realistic, very quickly, is because we are in the presence of the transit, Moon sextile Saturn, and this is like being told to 'clean your room, or else!'
Saturn brings strict energy and in this formation with the Moon, it's basically telling us that we need to get ourselves together and act responsibly. Can we do it? Yes, we can. (Although these three zodiac signs might have a slight problem with it ... ) but they see things through.
Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on December 22, 2023:
1. Leo
(July 23 - August 22)
During the transit of Moon sextile Saturn, you are going to find that you could be a little bit more lazy than someone else likes, and they are going to be on your case about it, possibly all day long.
The date is December 22, 2023, and you feel as though it's way too late in the game to 'get serious' with things, and in all honesty, you'd rather just blob through the rest of the year as you feel fit.
You aren't in the mood to 'get up and go,' even though that one person continuously hounds you to do so.
The thing is, you know they have a point, and you may come to realize that during Moon sextile Saturn, you're merely shirking your responsibility and calling it 'feeling the holiday season.' What you're really doing is being lazy and perhaps even a little inconsiderate. You don't like thinking that you'd be that way, but somewhere deep inside, you realize that your potential laziness is definitely putting someone else out, and their feeling may very well be justified.
What makes this day rough for you is that you don't like having to be put on the spot to suddenly 'act' a certain way so that you can please someone else's idea of what's expected of you. The real problem is that you know they're right and that you can't get away with being the lazy blob all the time.
Being lazy infringes on their time and wastes their energy. You wish it were another way, but all signposts point to the idea that you're the one holding things up. So you bear it, and do what needs to be done. You find the energy to push threw. You can give in to the laziness another day, just not this one.
2. Libra
(September 23 - October 22)
You may find that on December 22, 2023, you can't get away from a certain person whom you feel is pressuring you to 'get in a good mood' and that hits you as badly as it does when someone, out of the blue tells you to 'smile.'
You don't want to smile and you don't want to be told what to do, but during Moon sextile Saturn on Friday, it's as if the entire world feels the need to cheer you up. The funny part is that you're not in any particularly bad mood. Maybe you just 'look it,' but ... you're found 'as is.'
It's the 'as is' part that seems to be getting on everyone's nerves as people just can't mind their business, which is also typical of what happens during the transit of Moon sextile Saturn on December 22, 2023.
This kind of energy has everyone minding everyone else's business. We tend to project our insecurities onto others during this transit, and we even insist that those insecurities are someone else's real-life problem. For some reason, you're the target of many people's projections.
What's going to take this day and make it a rough one for you, Libra, is that in order to protect your psyche, you're will be tempted to act rudely to people, and that's what hurts you the most. You are not rude by nature.
In fact, you have a terrible guilt conscience, which keeps you in 'polite mode' most of the time. However, on Friday you will want to break down that wall and free your inner Kracken. If you release some of the pent-up frustration, let's just say, 'heads will roll.' So you choose not to do so. Instead, you stay true to yourself, and you maintain composure. It's rough, but you are going to make it.
3. Aquarius
(January 20 - February 18)
December 22, 2023, is a day that you basically wish was over from the moment it started, and only because there's so much on your plate, and just about all of it is dreadful to you. Dread and resentment rule your day, and most of it is caused by the idea that you need to tend to things that only you can. And, if you don't stand up and do the job at hand, everything will fall apart and you'll be blamed.
This day brings you a heaping checklist of responsibilities that, if you had your druthers, you'd walk far away from. But, during the transit of Moon sextile Saturn, you know, deep down, that you are the only person who has the authority to do what's needed and that if you shirk this responsibility, you, yourself, will regret it.
You'll beat yourself up for being so lazy on December 22, but don't. The worst of it is that this is a serious matter, and the truth is that you don't want to have to take it that seriously ... because it hurts to see the truth.
So, it is going to be hard on you simply because there's something possibly heartbreaking involved. During Moon sextile Saturn, the world has very little sympathy for you, which makes you feel even more alone as you tend to what needs to be tended to.
You are facing the inevitable, and there's no escape, and this makes you feel anxious and put upon. Unfortunately, there is no other option; you have to be 'the one.' So, you'll do the right thing, even if it's hard. You'll act the adult and push through to make things right once again.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.