How The Numerology Of 8 Improves Each Zodiac Sign's Horoscopes In 2024
The balance you seek is in the work you try to avoid.

"Balance isn't something you find. It's something you create." — J. Kingsford. 2024 can be different and better than any in recent years, but to receive the benefit, you will also need to do the work. In numerology, there is a number attached to all things, whether it is the vibration of the year, your birthdate or even your address.
It is the science of understanding not only how planets or zodiac signs can influence you but also numbers. All numbers carry their significance and meaning, which can help you understand why 2024 will be all about creating the balance you seek.
The numerology of 8 is found by adding the numbers of 2024 together, 2+2+0+4, which adds up to eight. Eight is the symbol of balance created between the spiritual and physical bodies but it also asks that you honor and align yourself with what you need before trying to achieve what you want. Following 2023, which was a 7 year of healing, 2024 is now ushering in the energy of showing you how to put it all together to create a life that feels more at peace and abundance.
While numerology 8 is most known for governing balance, success and being able to master your power — it also carries other significant vibrations. Angel Numbers are a different aspect of using numbers to discern the greater meaning of events and where the popular 11:11 sign to make a wish originated from.
Angel Number 8 represents the infinity symbol and one of abundance, letting you know that whatever you create this year won't only find stability but will be something you can continue to build on for years to come. In many ways, 2024 is where you can pick up the pieces of 2023 and figure out where each goes to turn all you've been through into gold.
Numerology also connects to astrology, and in this case, the number 8 is governed by Saturn, which will spend all of 2024 in Pisces. Saturn rules over hard work, diligence, boundaries and a sense of divine timing, ensuring that everything occurs precisely the way it's meant to.
With Saturn currently moving through Pisces, the themes of numerology 8 will be intensified as you work to create your balance between the spiritual and the physical, which means also honoring the truth of your soul.
Ultimately, to create the balance and success you desire in your life begins with creating that within yourself, as anything that exists within the world will only ever be a mirror of the relationship you have with yourself.
How the numerology of 8 improves each zodiac sign's 2024 horoscopes
Aries: Intuition
(March 21 - April 19)
Numerology 8 will heighten themes of intuition and bring intense dreams. These are meant to guide you forward on a new path as you allow yourself to prioritize your internal feelings over what may seem logical.
The idea here is to heal what has prevented you from listening to yourself, honor what your intuition is guiding you to pursue and then put in the work to achieve it. You may find that you also can step into a greater space of authenticity as you no longer ignore the best parts of yourself.
Taurus: Wishes
(April 20 - May 20)
Numerology 8 in 2024 will guide you to open your life more to those that surround you while you begin asking for help and support in making your dreams a reality. Instead of being stubborn or thinking that you can or even have to do something all on your own; see those around you as an untapped resource.
It's not always easy asking for help or being vulnerable in expressing a dream, but to truly achieve what you desire, you will need to embrace your relationships with others this year.
Gemini: Career
(May 21 - June 20)
Numerology 8 will guide you toward a new career path in 2024 as you work to honor what it feels like your soul's purpose is. Although you tend to be able to be successful in a variety of fields, you've recently felt more out of place or unfilled as you have begun to need more from your professional life.
In this new phase of your life, you are going to need to believe in your dreams more fully so that you don't give up on something just because, at first, it seems hard. Don't be afraid to take risks, even if you are the only one who believes in your dream, because ultimately you are meant for more and you may find this includes being of service more to others.
Cancer: Luck
(June 21 - July 22)
Numerology 8 will bring greater luck into your life, but only if you're willing to create the space to receive it. 2024 will guide you to take new chances, pursue different career paths, travel, maybe take that course in astrology you've been considering and open your life to being more than you thought it was destined to be.
In many ways, this also will come down to 2024 being the year that is all about you. It's not necessarily the relationships with others you need to focus on right now, but instead, the life that you are dreaming of and the one that you know you're meant to live. Believe in yourself in 2024 because by following your dreams, you will be able to create the balance you desire.
Leo: Transformation
(July 23 - August 22)
2024 will be about positive transformation as numerology 8 rules over new and exciting changes in your life. This will help you take the leap of faith in making positive career changes, as well as to surrender more to the love and connection you seek. While Numerology 8 brings transformation, it will feel more like a transition year as you shift from one life to a brand-new one.
This means there might be moments of discomfort or growth, but it will help you find success in all you do. Remember that there is no finish line to creating the life you dream of. As long as you allow yourself to be uncomfortable at times, there is no limit to what you can create.
Virgo: Romance
(August 23 - September 22)
Numerology 8 brings in themes of balance, success and abundance, which is precisely what will be occurring in your romantic relationship in 2024. Much of last year brought new changes and positive developments, but now, as you realize you've created all you desire, you can deepen your relationship in all the best ways.
Let yourself focus on how to create a different relationship unlike ever before, where each person is encouraged to have their own life and interests. This will create more space in your union, which will create a more profound sense of intimacy. Love will only ever encourage you to be more of who you are, which means you should also be doing the same for your partner.
Libra: Well-being
(September 23 - October 22)
Numerology 8 brings a clear focus to your sense of well-being, as well as the inner determination needed to embrace what 2024 will bring. This will be a year of profound growth and shifts, both within yourself and your romantic relationship, but numerology 8 will also ensure that you're caring for yourself in ways that you previously haven't.
Numerology 8 will bring to your attention the necessity of taking care of your whole self, which includes your physical body, as well as your mental, emotional and spiritual self. This will be intensified by the theme of balance between the physical and spiritual that numerology 8 represents, so it's important to never sacrifice your inner peace for a relationship, job or other aspect of life.
Scorpio: Joy
(October 23 - November 21)
Numerology 8 brings a return to joy, which may also mean that you either create a significant relationship this year or even get married. In this case, you are first being guided to commit to your happiness and create the life that supports this.
Whether it's moving, indulging in more of what brings you joy or even just in how you live your life, as you commit to your happiness and dreams, you will attract a partner or deepen an existing relationship that is more in alignment with what you desire for yourself. While a relationship can never make you happy, it can add to what you've already created for yourself, which is what 2024 is all about.
Sagittarius: Healing
(November 22 - December 21)
Numerology 8 invites you into healing, where you are guided to focus on your childhood wounds, conditioning or trauma affecting your life now. In this area of your life, it also may mean that you need to be more dedicated if you're going to create the home and family life you desire.
This will allow you to understand yourself more deeply and create inner balance by healing what has been working against you. As you do, knowing what you want and where to invest your energy will become easier. Just be mindful that to genuinely heal and create a life different from what you experienced as a child, you're going to need to fully commit to becoming your best self.
Capricorn: Truth
(December 22 - January 19)
Truth becomes a salve for the soul with numerology 8 in 2024. This will focus on the words you speak, write or even those you whisper to yourself. While communication of all sorts will be your primary focus, you also must remember that in a year that's about balance, you may also need to become more vulnerable about what you share with others.
The work lies in what you are often afraid to address or even share, yet truth and transparency are the only tools that can build the future you dream of. Let yourself become accustomed to your truth first, then begin testing it with those who feel the safest so that you can build up your confidence and realize the balance you need exists in letting others know how you are feeling.
Aquarius: Wealth
(January 20 - February 18)
Numerology 8 brings great wealth and increased value into your life. This can help you truly receive a raise, investment or even inheritance from others but it can also make you fall more in love with your life. In this space, you are being encouraged to deepen your self-worth and reflect on what and who brings the most value to your life. Because of that, you may find your priorities shifting as you create balance by honoring what and who you love the most.
Don't try to overcomplicate things in 2024. The right decision can really be as simple as prioritizing what makes you feel good. With every change you make this year, the universe will support you, so there aren't any feelings of loss, but only embrace each and every amazing moment you can.
Pisces: Success
(February 19 - March 20)
Success in yours with numerology 8 in 2024. This brings up the need to continue to work for what you want, even if you can't fully see the path forward. By choosing to invest your time in specific ways, you are planting the seeds for what you want to create.
You've been working on manifesting your dreams for quite some time, always wondering and waiting when that breakthrough moment will come. For you, it will arrive in 2024. You just need to make sure that any sudden success or fame doesn't go to your head and have you abandon what is genuinely important to you. If you remain loyal to your core values, you will find success in business and love in 2024.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and retreat curator. For more of her work, visit her website.