December 20 Brings Luck In Relationships For 3 Zodiac Signs
We feel that love and romance are 'imminent, thanks to the Moon in Aries.

Three zodiac signs will feel lucky in love on December 20, 2023. What many zodiac signs will feel on this day is imminence. OK, what does that mean?
Well, on December 20, 2023, we have what is called the Waxing Gibbous in Aries, and this Moon is what we see right before the Full Moon.
Do you know when you look up in the sky and see what looks like a full moon, and yet it's kind of off? Well, that's the Gibbous, and it represents in us the feeling of knowing something is going to happen.
We feel that, during the Waxing Gibbous in Aries, what's to come is positive and filled with love. We feel that love and romance are 'imminent.'
They are almost here, almost real ... and we live for the moment when it all becomes manifest. That's what occupies our minds today: the imminent love.
For three zodiac signs, this is the strongest feeling we can have on this day, December 20, 2023. We may not be all the way home just yet, but we see the romantic outcome as part of our relational destiny.
We feel supercharged and happy about where our love lives are heading. Three zodiac signs will spend much of this day in blissful but excited anticipation, thanks to the Waxing Gibbous in Aries.
Three zodiac signs will have a lucky day in love starting December 20, 2023.
1. Leo, your adventurous spirit will be ignited on this day.
December 20, 2023, during the Waxing Gibbous in Aries, you are going to feel lucky in love. While some may define 'imminence' as waiting for something negative to happen, you know all too well that it depends on which way your mind works.
And in your case, Leo, you never give in to negative thinking when it comes to romance unless it's necessary, and you see no need to 'go there' because the world, as it is right now, seems like a blissful place for you and your romantic thoughts.
And, your romantic thoughts are on the person you love and you know that in a day or two, something very special is going to happen for the both of you. This is what keeps you alive and gives you power. Starting December 20, is all about anticipation, and it is delicious. You can plan, make arrangements, get excited and know that this is just the beginning of something great. You feel it in your bones, and the Waxing Gibbous in Aries enhances that feeling a thousandfold.
What gives you the feeling that luck is on your side? While it hasn't manifested as of yet, you are fully dedicated to the idea that what you want is exactly what you will get in a romantic relationship. And, the fortunate part about it all is that this concerns a special person, someone you love. You see your dream of this person come true and you can't wait for it to happen. It's wonderful to have something this good to look forward to.
2. Libra, you want to believe in love again.
While it isn't always that easy for you to throw yourself into belief, this day has you experiencing the kind of hope that you ordinarily don't trust. During the Waxing Gibbous in Aries on December 20, 2023, you're going to see that everything you've worked towards is about to come through for you. This is directly in relation to the one you love. If you haven't started a relationship with them yet, it's coming your way very, very soon. And you know it!
This day is all about the feeling that 'something good this way comes.' You are absolutely ready to accept it, too, as you really don't have a reason to doubt anything at this point. The ways of old have left you cold, and right now, you're all about the heat and the light that both are apparently heading your way. Love and romance are not only on the horizon; they are imminently in view. This is happening and you can't deny it any longer.
During the Waxing Gibbous in Aries, it's not only about blind faith; you are also responsible for making all this happen. That's where Aries energy comes in to remind you that it is YOU who did this. You are only reaping the rewards of your actions, and because you didn't give up and you did hang in there, now you get to see the sunrise in the form of the love of another person focused on you. Nice going, Libra!
3. Pisces
(February 19 - March 20)
During the Waxing Gibbous in Aries on December 20, 2023, you are going to know, for sure, that not only will the holidays be jam-packed with love and romance but that the new year is going to continue with the tradition.
For the first time in a very long while, you feel more than hope; you feel like you're about to step into your beautiful destiny. You are in love and that love is waiting for you to claim it as your very own.
Today comes with much giggling as you can't help but start to plan what's to happen over the next few days. While your romantic life isn't 'on' at the very moment, you've already gotten word from the one you love that they plan on fulfilling all of your romantic dreams. Right now, you have no room for doubt; the feeling of believing in love is just too delicious to resist, so you go for it. You know this is happening and you let yourself believe in it.
So, this day is going to feel both nerve-wracking and anticipatory for you. While your nerves may be on fire, it's the 'good kind' of nervousness and you know where it's going to lead you. If all you want for Christmas is 'them,' then you can count on getting exactly what you asked for. During the Waxing Gibbous in Aries, you see the truth when it stares you in the face and that truth says that you are loved.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.