What Each Zodiac Sign Needs Most In January 2024, Per The Tarot
Let's keep it easy and simple.

We got ourselves this far and we deserve to know that the future is open to us and that we are here to make the best of it. Whether we are the kind of people who make resolutions or not, we can't help but feel as though January has to show us something good. We're also aware that we are the driving force behind that thought process ... so let's go, team!
This month, we will look at one single card picked for each and every zodiac sign. One card only and the reason for this minimalism is to get to the point without much fanfare.
We have a tarot card reading for the entire year, which will go into more detail. For this month, January 2024, we start with the basics. Let's keep it easy and simple.
Before us, we will see symbols; these symbols come with numbers, images and perceptions. These symbols are up for interpretation. We can choose to welcome them, or we can reject them. They are there, nonetheless.
The card you receive means that only you can understand because alongside the main interpreter here, there's you ... and understanding your fate is a matter of being open, being smart and doing your due diligence. This year is about owning our intelligence and working for the greater good. Let's do this!
What your zodiac sign needs the most during the month of January 2024:
Aries, you need to assert yourself.
Tarot Card: Ace of Wands
Talk about getting a good card to start with. Holy moly, Aries. This card, the Ace of Wands, is here to show you that January is all about you asserting yourself. You're not doing this blindly, either. You know exactly what you've come here for and how long it takes you to get here. Now that you're here, well, we need to part the Red Sea for you because what you're bringing is big and important. Feel confident about January, as this is a month that could be considered a proving ground for you.
Not only do you have a superb attitude about the year in general, but you are there right at the top, bringing the best ideas to the table. You are also respected for your brilliance and it becomes very obvious to you during January that the past is behind you now and that if you believe in yourself, then you'll have the world on a string. What you believe in, you see. You are the new creator, the master of your destiny.
Keywords for the month: ferocity, ownership, ruler
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 15, for sure, starts the momentum as this card is, after all, the ACE, which is the number ONE in Tarot-speak. You can also look at January 17, when the Moon is in your sign, for a chance to improve on something you are already good at. On January 21, you'll see a day of great luck in romance.
Taurus, you need a game plan.
Tarot Card: Queen of Pentacles, reversed
You might find that January is all about planning BIG things for yourself and being so intent on making those things happen that you get ahead of yourself. What's most obvious during January 2024 is that you are unstoppable and positive. You have seen what sloth does to you and you reject it boldly. You have also learned that you don't need to keep up with things that drag you down, and that might point to your love life.
You also have a personal goal set up and you don't mean to leave January without achieving something huge. You really aren't messing around, and while it's pretty common to feel this way about the first month of any new year, your attitude is rare Taurus. You are practically giddy because you know yourself. You know that you're going to take this year straight to the stratosphere and you will begin the countdown to lift off in January.
Keywords for the month: vision, order, determination
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 18 is the first day you really start to feel like your dreams and schemes are all going to work out for you. All dates that have a five will be days that bring you success in love and finance during January 2024.
Gemini, you need good luck.
Tarot Card: Wheel of Fortune, reversed
Being that this wheel spins and spins, there is no reality to the idea that there is a reversed way to look at it. The Wheel of Fortune is always good luck and for you, Gemini, that means you're the engine behind the wheel. You see January as the right time to start again, and while that might seem typical, well, then that's just that. All you know is that this is your year and you won't stoop down to believe anything less than that.
You've already set plans in motion, and you started the process last year. January is all about prodding those plans along and making sure all the details are in place. Keep in mind this is the wheel of FORTUNE, not misfortune, and so you can probably rest assured that January of 2024 will be a lucrative and successful month for you. You will be able to take this month and use it as an inspiration for the rest of the year.
Keywords for the month: chance, belief, vision
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January will have you noticing that you are indeed in your power and you will see that during the month, you are especially fortunate each time a seven pops up, so look to January 20 and 27 as days of great reward.
Cancer, you need more love.
Tarot Card: Two of Cups, reversed
If love kicked your butt last year, then January of 2024 is all about making good on that. The truth is ... you like love. Yes, that's right. You like being in love, you like having a partner and you really enjoy the whole process of falling in love and seeing where it goes. Nothing about love frightens you, and you certainly do have enough experience to be able to tell what you are feeling on the topic. You're not kidding yourself this year; you know what you want.
What's nice is that right at the top of the year, you not only feel romantic love but you are in a heady state of love for your friends as well. You just happen to be one of those lucky people who get a lot of friends in this lifetime, and some of them are lifers. Expect January to be filled with good times and wonderful moments shared with both friends and lovers. You will be quite popular in January of 2024, and that makes you happy.
Keywords for the month: karma, decision, flow
Dates and moments to keep in mind: It will be obvious to you that all days that contain the number TWO will be days of great fortune, although you are not exclusively limited to those dates. Expect the good times to start to roll on January 22, however. Why not keep the belief up?
Leo, you need to exercise caution.
Tarot Card: Five of Pentacles, reversed
Being that you've just come out of a long, troubled, financially arresting year, you now feel as though January brings you a fresh new start. You'd be one hundred percent correct with this, Leo, and this new attitude is good for you. While you aren't your usual fearless self, your sense of discretion works for you. You have learned that being fearless can also mean being careless, and that's not something you want to bring with you in January of 2024.
The one thing you have now is prosperity consciousness. You aren't in fear of losing all your money because you know what you need to do in order to remain secure. It's not much, but it's something that requires your concerted effort. Now that the new year is here, you feel like you're ready to tackle whatever comes your way. Not ultimately fearless, but most certainly not cowardly either. You will do what is necessary to make your life and your new year a better place.
Keywords for the month: knowledge, intelligence, acceptance
Dates and moments to keep in mind: Your lucky number for January 2024 is five and you will also see that during dates that contain a five, important things happen. This also means that you need to be aware of what you're doing and how you go about getting it done on January 24 and 25.
Virgo, your life needs more balance.
Tarot Card: Five of Cups
You've had a hard time balancing your feelings, and this new year brings you the idea that you still have so much to look forward to. January of 2024 is no mere fresh start; it's a way for you to see the present as the best time of your life. You have given so much time to worry, to anxiousness ... it's enough and you know it. You feel the pressure of time rushing by, and honestly, you're tired of hearing your complaints. It's time to make a reversal.
So, you do. You cop to a brand new attitude, and it helps you move to the next phase and the next phase after that. You still have good things to look forward to, and it is during January that you realize that if you look to the past, for whatever reasons, all you're going to do is waste precious and valuable time. Open your eyes and experience the love that's around you. Open your heart and know that right here and now, you are well and happy. It's all good, Virgo — believe it.
Keywords for the month: novelty, freshness, release
Dates and moments to keep in mind: It seems that the number five is bringing hope to many of the zodiac signs this month, and you would be fortunate to be one of them, Virgo. Look to January 26 and 27 for good news to come in the form of correspondence or phone calls.
Libra, you need more self care.
Tarot Card: Six of Pentacles, reversed
Good deeds done in the past are now catching up with you, and much to your surprise, at that. That's the beauty of selflessness; it always pays off, and it does so only because you expect nothing in return. That's the way the universe keeps us humble, and you'll find that you are humbled during January 2024. it's all good. You did the right thing, and now you see that whatever it is that you did comes back to you in the form of love.
Security is part of January's big reward, as well, as you, Libra, will experience a new kind of freedom. You aren't worried about bills and payments this month, and that frees you up for putting more into your love life and even your well-being. You may find that January 2024 is a perfect time for you to invest in meditative practices. All of this will do your body good, and you should stay open to the idea of spiritual practices and positive thinking.
Keywords for the month: health, development, honesty
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 24 starts up the good luck for you, and you'll find that if you stick with your goals, all dates that include a SIX in them will bring you the best of outcomes. Six is your good luck number this month, but it is also a symbol that you can keep aware of in your daily life.
Scorpio, you need more independence.
Tarot Card: Page of Pentacles
Bam! The good stuff kicks in right at the top of the year for you, Scorpio, as January shows you that you can stand on your own two feet and hold your own when it comes to both business and romance. What you will feel happens almost immediately is that you are in the presence of great love ... this love allows you to feel confident, nervous, creative and altogether capable. Love fuels your engine, and the surprising part is that this love is self-love.
It's as if January has you walking into a brand new segment of your life where you finally feel as though you don't need anyone else to show you the way. While you are open to the love of others, you know that you don't need them ... you are finally at that place in your life where you feel strong enough to make your own decisions without worrying yourself into the ground. There's a very happy autonomy that comes with January, and you will enjoy feeling this very much.
Keywords for the month: singular, trust, nerviness
Dates and moments to keep in mind: One and Five are your numbers of significance this month, Scorpio. You will find that on days that include one or both of these numbers, things that could potentially be life-changers will occur. This is an important month for you. Stay aware of dates that include a one, a five or both. January 25 is a good luck day for you.
Sagittarius, you need to be strong.
Tarot Card: Six of Wands, reversed
Last year gave you plenty to work with, and while you may not have seen the ultimate victory, you know that the ground has been laid and that this year is the year you will take the world by storm. During January of 2024, you will gather up all of your best information and you will start to apply it towards the successful outcome that you envision. You are all about success this year, Sagittarius, and it's been a long road getting here.
You imagine yourself very clearly now, whereas, in the past, your vision was clouded by ego. Now that January has kicked in, all you can see ahead is the potential truth that you believe you are walking into. You are one zillion percent positive energy and you know what they will get you — the world. You are here to conquer the past and blend in with the present so that you can secure and create the most beautiful of futures for yourself and your loved ones.
Keywords for the month: aggressive, bold, chance
Dates and moments to keep in mind: Ones and Sixes will play a big part in your symbolic life this month, Sagittarius and that basically means that you are required to pay attention to all dates that carry these numbers in them, as these will be the days that bring risk, opportunity and great good fortune.
Capricorn, you need to tune in to your feelings.
Tarot Card: The Hierophant, reversed
Being that the year you just walked out of taught you that you aren't always right, you still can't help but feel as though you want to try and stick to your feelings. Even if you aren't accepted, you feel you have something to say. While you've learned that you need to approach 'the people' in a different way than you once did, you'll see that you still can't get certain ideas out of your head during January of 2024.
In a way, this is all very good because it shows you that you really are true to your beliefs. You may find that January has you participating in some kind of activism. You are someone who takes a stand, and this year seems to charge your batteries up again so that you can fearlessly confront topics that others shy away from. You may not be adored for your opinions, but you will show others the way in January of 2024. Your beliefs have great value.
Keywords for the month: activism, faith, consideration
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 22 may be the big power player day of the month. You will see that days that do not have a FIVE in them are just as important because it's up to you to notice where the number FIVE comes into your everyday life. So, it may be on the 24th that you receive a letter that asks you to respond by the 25th of next month. Watch closely for the number five as it shows up at any time and brings with it good fortune.
Aquarius, you need change.
Tarot Card: Knight of Wands, reversed
What January of 2024 brings you is more of the same, and in your case, Aquarius, that's not exactly bad news. You are someone who does it all on your own. You don't listen to others and while you are open to influences and change, you don't really do much with those influences other than listen and chalk them off as part of the human experience. January lets you, once again, feel good about just being you. You are content with your life as it is, and while January may inspire you to adopt certain new changes, it's basically 'same 'ol, same 'ol,' and that's a good thing.
You are also very friendly and outgoing, and as long as things happen on your terms, you'll make January of 2024 into a royal party if you can help it. You feel that, even though you're a loner, you really do love sharing joy with friends and family. If you can help someone through a rough patch, then BAM, you're down for that. Having you around is a gift, Aquarius, and you'll feel very appreciated during this first month of the new year.
Keywords for the month: fun, appreciation, clarity
Dates and moments to keep in mind: Ones are on your side this month, Aquarius, and this should give you a good idea of how to pace yourself. January 18 is not the day for you to sit at home. In fact, if you treat this day as if it were a truly important launch date, you'll set the entire year in motion properly.
Pisces, you need personal space.
Tarot Card: Six of Swords
You start the month off with high hopes and a serious plan. While the people in your life might get to know that what you have to do has very little to do with them, they may find it difficult to understand you at times. This is OK, as what you have to do only concerns you, and if these people love you and trust you, then they'll just have to get over it, and they will. You have leftover work from 2023, and you don't want to drag it around with you for the rest of the year, so you nip it in the bud during January of 2024.
What you also may feel is a sense of great self-confidence during this new month as you see what you are capable of. In your opinion, it's nothing less than superhero work. You aren't feeling larger than life, but you do realize that what you do is serious work. This work takes serious stamina and effort, something which you've come to realize is a talent and not just an obligation. You are able to move mountains, and you do it alone.
Keywords for the month: surprise, confidence, ability
Dates and moments to keep in mind: The sixes have it and you'll be doing your best work on January 25 and 26. It's odd how this comes to be. Yet, the cards show that you will exceed your limits on days that bear a SIX in them. No more, no less ... just right. It's all good, Pisces. Trust the number 6 during January 2024.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.