How Capricorn Season Impacts Each Zodiac Sign's Love Horoscope All Week
Let the fires of love be reignited. "Love in its essence is a spiritual fire" — L.A. Seneca

This week, each zodiac sign feels the impact of Capricorn Season on love and relationships. Capricorn season initiates this year's Winter Solstice, which is a time to slow down, reflect and enjoy a time of ease.
The Winter Solstice arrives on December 21, 2023
just as the Sun slips into Capricorn, can help you to embrace greater integrity and truth in your relationship while also being able to put in the time and effort to bring about reconnection in even the most challenging of situations. To allow that to occur, you must also release those walls around your heart, the pointing of fingers and let yourself surrender into the fires of your heart.
Asteroid Vesta sets the tone as it shifts into Gemini
As part of its retrograde journey, creating the space for emotional vulnerability and connection. While Capricorn can have integrity, it often can still come across as rather stoic energy. Still, with Vesta retrograde in Gemini, you will be able to find more emotional clarity, which can help you open up those important pathways of communication in your relationship.
Even if it's about smaller matters, such as how to celebrate the holidays, or the bigger ones of what the next year will hold for your relationship, you can use this time to bare your heart to your partner and see that opening up yourself is the best way to once again feel the blush of love in your relationship.
Mercury, as part of its retrograde, will also shift from Capricorn into Sagittarius on December 23.
Mercury in Sagittarius changing the focus to matters of the past, to what lies beyond the distant horizon. While decisions are best made after the first of the year once Mercury has stationed direct, something is cresting on your heart this week that lets you know you may have to make an important decision soon due to the First Quarter Moon in Pisces.
Together, it's important to allow yourself to make communication the central focus of your relationship this week as you open to receiving more information and love, knowing that no decision needs to be made just yet — even if it seems like it does. You have all the time in the world to not just reignite the love you desire so deeply but also to create a relationship that can stand strong even in the face of great challenges.
The First Quarter Moon in Pisces takes place on December 19, and it prompts the need to make some important decisions in your relationship.
With Neptune recently stationed direct in Pisces, this will bring a choice that is six months in the making since this planet began its retrograde journey in June. Pisces is the sign that represents unconditional love but also the ability to see only what you want instead of what's real.
As the First Quarter Moon rises, think about the ways the truth has been revealed to you and what decision that now means must be made, but proceed slowly as Mercury is still retrograde, which means you may not have the full story just yet. If you can, it's best to take this energy under consideration, even write it down in your journal, but wait to take action until after January 1, when Mercury will be direct.
Wednesday, December 20
As part of its retrograde journey, Vesta prompts a change in perspective or desire involving your closest relationship, whom you call home or whom you call family. Vesta governs your internal fire and home, while Gemini encourages you to heal broken bridges with your words as you are motivated to reignite your emotional connection with your partner.
This period may have resulted in you becoming aware of a different dream or need when it comes to your relationship. So, it becomes important to truly let down your walls and try to connect with your partner before making any immediate decisions.
Thursday, December 21
Capricorn Season arrives with integrity, truth and the reminder that good does always win. Capricorn is an earth sign that governs the structures and stability within your life along with your internal moral code. During this time, you are more apt to try to do what feels right or to work harder to make your dreams a reality. This is also the time of year when you tend to be drawn inward as the Winter Solstice wraps its cape of warmth and comfort around you.
Use the benefit of Capricorn Season to ensure you build a foundation in your relationship based on integrity and truth while also letting yourself realize that it's not about having to work harder — but instead smarter. Reflect on your schedule for the remainder of the year and try to make more space for quality home time with your partner or by yourself, as you remember that rest is an important part of any journey.
Saturday, December 23
Mercury governs communication and self-talk, while during its retrograde, it is known for bringing up issues with travel, electronics and cars. This particular phase has been more about boundaries with a sense that you're bringing a new kind of peace to the past. As part of Mercury's retrograde, it will shift from Capricorn into Sagittarius on December 23, changing the energy and what you are asked to reflect on.
While Mercury retrograde in Capricorn has largely been about the past, especially with Pluto wrapping up one of its last phases in this earth sign, in Sagittarius, it becomes more focused on the future. Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius can help you understand the choices you've made and the dreams you've tabled — both for yourself and your partner.
Embrace this energy to help you honor your most important desires, along with establishing a deeper understanding and more faith for what is to come. While matters of life and love may appear with more clarity now, remember it's best to wait to make any big decisions until after the first of the year when Mercury will be stationed directly.
Here's how Capricorn season impacts each zodiac sign's love horoscope all week:
(March 21 - April 19)
Best Love Day: Wednesday, December 20, Vesta in Gemini in your house of communication
The only way through things at this point is to talk about them. Regardless of whether you want to remain together or plan your separation, there is no need to go about things in the most challenging way possible. Asteroid Vesta rules your internal fire, that represents what you want and what is most important to you. As it shifts into Gemini as part of its retrograde, it will help you honor your change in perspective and needs as you engage in important conversations.
Suppose you have experienced a challenging phase in your relationship. In that case, this is the perfect energy to help you rekindle the desire and love in your connection, as Vesta in Gemini promotes that emotional bond. Gemini energy also rules communication and conversations, so it means you might have to venture out and be more vulnerable or honest to get the outcome that you are hoping for.
(April 20 - May 20)
Best Love Day: Saturday, December 23, Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, ruler of your house of intimacy
Mercury governs themes of communication, and in Sagittarius, it highlights your house of intimacy. This isn't purely speaking to the physical connection that you enjoy with your partner, but the mental and emotional one as well. It's this all-encompassing connection that allows you to feel greater security in your relationship, which you need to trust and keep investing in.
Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius will help you open the doors of communication as you discuss the events of the past year and how to take everything you've both been through and use it to improve your relationship. If you are single, this energy may also help to call in an important relationship to your life, as it can also represent second-life partners. Remember, whether it's in an existing or new relationship, transformation is the energy that a forever love needs in order to keep growing.
(May 21 - June 20)
Best Love Day: Saturday, December 23, Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius ruler of your relationship sector
Sagittarius energy rules your relationship sector and because of that, it's this area of your life that will be the main focus this week. Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius means you will have to start discussing and finding resolutions for past issues or challenges that you've experienced. This energy also can point to an ex-lover coming back into the picture. Just make sure, if you allow it, you also talk about everything that caused the breakup or split previously.
When you can see love and your partner clearly for who they are, you also are finally experiencing the truest meaning of love. Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius can help you find peace, resolution and a space to continue to grow together. While at times it's important to bring up matters of the past, just remember that there is a time, a place to make the most of this energy.
(June 21 - July 22)
Best Love Day: Thursday, December 21, Sun in Capricorn, ruler of your house of love
Capricorn rules over your house of love, which means that as a new zodiac season begins, you will start to see positive developments in your romantic life. Pluto has been causing disturbances and changes here for the majority of the year as it has prepared to shift into Aquarius for the next twenty years. Still, it means that you are wrapping up an entire way of loving or being in a relationship as it transforms into something new.
As the Sun returns to Capricorn, focus all your energy on creating the new. The Sun rules external action, so during this time, you can reflect on the changes you want to make or what new phase you want to start. If you have been considering starting to date or approaching your existing partner about a greater commitment, then the time is now to start speaking what's been on your heart, trusting that you're ready for whatever it brings.
(July 23 - August 22)
Best Love Day: Saturday, December 23, Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, ruler of your house of marriage
Sagittarius' energy rules your house of marriage, which is also the one that governs children, joy, pleasure, and creativity. You are someone who lights up a room without even trying, but sometimes you forget just how different and unique you are.
At times, this can make you feel like certain aspects of love aren't meant for you, like a traditional wedding or having a family. As Mercury retrograde shifts into Sagittarius, you can embrace your moment of awakening as you start to honor what you really want from love.
You can expect a conversation with a lover to resurface about the future, commitment or marriage, resulting in a proposal or elopement. You also must stay aware that the one who got away may return in a big way. Remember that even when you know what you want, you don't have to rush it. The only thing you must do is not push it away because of ego or inconvenience, as you remember love always arrives at divine timing, even if it's different than your own.
(August 23 - September 22)
Best Love Day: Tuesday, December 19, First Quarter Moon in Pisces, ruler of your romance sector
The First Quarter Moon in Pisces prompts an important decision to be made involving your relationship. With Capricorn energy lighting up your sector of marriage and Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius getting ready to change things up in your home, you can expect that if it's not an engagement, you will very much be taking your relationship to the next level.
You have been wanting this for some time and have had several conversations with your partner about it. Still, now, after the waiting, even if done not so patiently, everything you've ever dreamed of is about to arrive. If you're single, pay attention to any offers or opportunities that arise around the First Quarter Moon, as this is also the perfect time to meet your forever love.
(September 23 - October 22)
Best Love Day: Thursday, December 21, Capricorn Season, ruler of your sector of home and family
When you want something, you must put in the changes to make it real. You will feel the effects of the asteroid Vesta in Gemini pushing you toward new horizons while the Sun in Capricorn lights up themes of your home and family. You have already been thinking of relocating, whether it's because of love or even for love. This is something you will continue to explore next year, but that doesn't mean this week should go to waste.
Reflect on where you want to take your relationship or romantic future if you're single, and then write it down. Take this as a serious step toward creating a space of newness and adventure that will help bring you closer to creating that healthy reciprocal relationship you seek. Now is the time to start planning for the moves you will make next year, and in the process, it's also good to remember that nowhere feels like home other than wherever you are, and love can be found.
(October 23 - November 21)
Best Love Day: Tuesday, December 19, First Quarter Moon in Pisces, ruler of your house of commitment
The First Quarter Moon arrives in your house of commitment and joy, bringing about a major decision that must be made. Pisces rules this area of your life, and with Saturn and Neptune both here, it's also something you've been reflecting on more deeply. While this area can bring marriage, it also asks that you make an unwavering commitment to creating the life that brings you true fulfillment and joy.
Whether you are single or in an existing relationship, focus all your energy this week on choosing happiness. Whatever that may mean and however it might work, when you choose your happiness, the universe responds. For some, it may bring a significant commitment, and for others, it may be finally being in the place not just to know the life you deserve but also finally being able to choose it for yourself.
(November 22 - December 21)
Best Love Day: Wednesday, December 20, Vesta retrograde in Gemini, ruler of your sector of romance
Gemini rules over your sector of romance, helping you to focus more on your relationship and giving it the importance that it deserves in your life. Asteroid Vesta governs your internal passions and fires for what is most important to you, while retrograde it can often bring up significant changes in perspective and direction. You've been so focused recently on building success that you may have forgotten about that person who is always in your corner rooting for you.
Allow yourself to fully embrace the energy of reconnection that Vesta in Gemini brings as you create conscious spaces of quality time with your partner. Let them know what they mean to you, and if there are important things to discuss because you've had a change in perspective, then create the space to do that as well.
Often, the only distance that occurs in a relationship is because one or both people simply stop talking about what's most important, so as you focus your energy on opening back up that channel of communication, you'll also fall in love all over again with each other.
(December 22 - January 19)
Best Love Day: Wednesday, December 20, Vesta retrograde in Gemini, ruler of your sector of well-being
You've been working on trying to be the best person that you can be while also learning who that event is and why authenticity means so much. As you've been on this personal journey of self, you've also begun to desire to change how you relate to your partner or become more aware of what kind of love it is you need to feel fulfilled.
Vesta shifting into Gemini as part of its retrograde will bring you the chance to talk about what it is you need, as well as what you've currently been moving through. This can help not only improve your relationship but also make it healthier as well. When you know there is a better way to do something, you also are obligated to follow through, and in this situation, it will only end in a greater, more profound love.
(January 20 - February 18)
Best Love Day: Wednesday, December 20, Vesta retrograde in Gemini, ruler of your house of joy
Let your hair down, Aquarius and simply allow all the good to make its way into your heart finally. It's okay not to have anything else to focus on, but enjoy life, love, and wherever the universe takes you. After so much self-growth, you deserve a break, which means you don't have to worry about the future as much as simply making the best of each day as it arrives.
Not everything needs to be figured out at once, and when you can simply decide to receive as much joy as you can, then that's also what you tend to focus on. Find gratitude for what brings you happiness and let yourself direct your energy toward enjoying time with your partner as much as you can. Happiness isn't frivolous but the very purpose of everything else you do, especially all that self-work.
(February 19 - March 20)
Best Love Day: Wednesday, December 20, Vesta retrograde in Gemini, ruler of your sector of domestic intimacy
Gemini energy governs the place you call home and the domestic intimacy you experience in your relationship. This is an extremely key area of your life because it's so connected to your heart and the safety that you feel to be able to be yourself. As asteroid Vesta shifts into Gemini, you will feel a rekindling of importance around these issues and will feel more like staying around a cozy fire than any big social event.
Vesta in Gemini will also help you establish a deeper connection with your partner, so it may be time to talk about moving in or, at the very least, some shared drawer spaces to help each of you feel more at home in one another's residences. By talking about what you desire, you will also foster a deeper appreciation and desire for connection so that you can feel confident that you have finally found the love that you can count on.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and retreat curator. For more of her work, visit her website.