How To Manifest What Your Zodiac Sign Needs By The End Of The Weekend
"Either write things worth reading or do things worth writing." — Benjamin Franklin

Here's how to manifest what your zodiac sign needs or want while writing in a journal over the weekend. We have provided a journal prompt and what to write about for December 15 - 17, 2023.
This weekend, we are both action-oriented, reflective of the past, AND creators of our future. We are the authors and the readers. It's the best of both worlds for us creators. Like any creator, nerves can get the best of us and none of us are immune to it.
This weekend, starting December 15 through December 17, you can begin to manifest what your zodiac sign wants by writing in a journal.
Moon square Uranus greets us on December 16 and with it comes a bit of nervous, excited energy. This energy could be used to keep our hands busy instead of starting any type of trouble with loved ones. Remember, insecurity is normal and does not negate the quality work we've done thus far to shape our future.
We just want to make sure our positive, focused thoughts outnumber the negative ones and never lose sight of our overarching vision. It is sacred, and our sacred space will be untouched by any mortal fear.
Get granular! That's the motto for the weekend. It's December 2024 … what? It's not? Well, we are scripting, baby, so it's a typical weekend in December of 2024. you are excited because 2025 is right around the corner.
What awaits you there? A good indication of where you're going is where you came from, so we are going to reflect on your fabulous 2024 and how everything you did in 2024, yes, 2024, is going to set up for an EVEN BETTER 2025. Ready? Let's go.
How to manifest what your zodiac sign needs by writing in a journal over the weekend:
Journal Prompt: What are all the qualities you'd want in a partner at least 25? Now, circle the top 10. Those are qualities you are going to strive for and keep in mind in your search for love in the coming months.
Manifest: love
Love is the most important and salient manifestation available. We certainly want it around constantly but at times, we aren't ready. This doesn't apply to you, Aries. It's time. The only thing left is a little bit of preparation so that when it comes, we don't miss it.
It's easy to focus on wanting everything without accounting for what really matters. So, let's focus on that part.
Journal Prompt: What causes can I support how can I be a better ally in the coming year?
Manifest: Soul's calling
As an activist at heart, there are many causes that you support and marginalized people you would help. What better time than now to figure out how, with limited means, you can best keep them?
Doing some prep for this prompt can be helpful, including searching websites for your chosen causes and emailing outreach coordinators. This could really be the start of something big for you and fulfill a lifelong dream of activism and philanthropy,
Journal Prompt: What can connect you closer to the source? Source being supportive love, peace and positivity?
Manifest: spirituality
Spirituality can sound very woo-woo, but really, it's just about peace. Peace and space. How can you gain and maintain internal peace and how can you allow yourself space to grow and heal? The methods in which you foster both peace and growth are the essential components of your spiritual practice.
Is there an internal blockage where you aren't allowing yourself time to rest and heal? Are you doing too many hours of caretaking or holding a grudge or some guilt inside? Unfortunately, letting that situation fester will not allow it to get better. Only by wanting to get better do you get better.
Journal Prompt: What would a day in the life of your dream job be? For this prompt, use the internet and your intuition as resources.
Manifest: Clarity
There is a time to rest and then a time to move. This Cancer is a season of rest and renewal for you. Resting through, it's painful to think about what comes next. The best way to do that is to visualize and script it clearly.
We all tend to glamorize our dream careers but work will always be ... work. What does the average day in your field look like and where can you already prep to add moments of renewal and rest into your day
Journal Prompt: What feminine powers have I hidden that now need to come out?
Manifest: Divine feminine energy
The divine feminine can easily hide behind the masculine when stressed and in survival mode. This is not a bad thing but it is important to remember the pendulum will naturally swing back in the other direction. This, as well as the fact that sometimes forced masculine energy can be hiding wounded feminine energy and vice versa.
To regain peace and a sense of calm, step back into your receptive energy. The energy that encourages peace, tranquility and enjoying the world's many wonders.
Journal Prompt: What did you learn? Was it something valuable and precious? And secondarily, how can you pass on the knowledge you've gained?
Manifest: Healing over grief
The one way to make peace with loss, and this can be any type of loss, is to write down and remember what you learned.
Lessons get learned by paying with time and in return, you can experience memories and the ability to pass on knowledge.
Journal Prompt: What beauty can I find in a dark moment of my life? How can I shine a brighter light on it?
Manifest: Gratitude
Staying mentally stuck in any kind of rut is frustrating. It's an endless loop of a trigger entering your subconscious and then making itself conscious and looking at your environment for proof that, yes, this indeed sucks.
You clear out the whole possibility of seeing all in shades of gray (where everything in life resides) and lose the ability to have gratitude. We need it. We need gratitude, not for anyone else but for ourselves, to see glory and beauty in the mundane.
Journal Prompt: What type of season are you in?? A season of waiting, a season of answers, questions or business? What can you do to prepare for the next season of life coming to you?
Manifest: syncing with nature
We know the cycles and yet always get confused and thrown off when they move accordingly, as they always have. We know that planetary cycles follow through aspects until the planets reach their conjunction, marking the beginning of a new cycle.
We know menstruation cycles, grief cycles, the earth's revolution and the seasonal changes. And we even look forward to them. In our personal lives, we remain in awe that things change and then come back around. Why is that?
Journal Prompt: What am I grasping for control over that I cannot control?
Manifest: release
Sag, it is very much like you to cling to control when anxious. The problem is that objects are made of different materials and some are better to let go of. Glass, shards, razors, and poisons are some.
What poisons are you holding on to for fear of loss of control? What is harming you more than helping you? The illusion of control could be holding you back from actual growth and change.
Journal Prompt: What recent shits in your environment have prompted change? What can you do to create a more flexible attitude toward it?
Manifest: transformation
The only constant is change. Yet, still, as humans, we are often completely thrown off by the slightest change in plans. This shift is often, especially by you, Capricorn, as being a negative thing. No one but our human bias toward negativity says change has to be for the worse.
Even when we cannot prepare for change, we can adjust to make the transition easier for ourselves.
Journal Prompt: Script a diary entry: "I can't believe I found someone who…
Manifest: supportive love
Following Neville Goddard's scripting exercise of visualizing the future as the past is an excellent way to go forward with the end in mind. Use the passage of time to manipulate it and hone that power for yourself. Write about your future supportive love as if you've been together for over a year.
In the entry, focus on how they support you and what needs they meet of yours that you find most important.
Journal Prompt: Close the door today and script your ideal day for tomorrow. How will you refresh the day and how will the day serve you?
Manifest: release negativity
Releasing negativity is an ongoing process of allowing more of the good in and less of the bad. The purpose is always to know the universe favors balance so that upsetting news will be met with an uptick in something positive. The Sun WILL indeed come out tomorrow. Tomorrow has our hearts, so let's plan our tomorrow today.
Start with what you have for breakfast, what you will do and why it's important. Add any peaceful rituals you can at appropriate times throughout the day.
Venita Johnson is the Assistant Editor for Horoscopes & Zodiacs based out of New York City, who focuses on astrology, tarot and oracle card readings.