3 Zodiac Signs Have Second Thoughts About Love On December 4, 2023
Venus in Scorpio comes in to show us that there's always room for our friend 'doubt.'

Today, December 4, 2023, brings us the transit of Venus in Scorpio, and this, my friends, is one tricky transit when it comes to our love lives. Being that it's December, many of us are already in a state of panic when it comes to our romantic lives. We want to know that what we have is real and that it's good to go for 2024.
That's when Venus in Scorpio comes in to show us that there's always room for our good old friend, doubt. Today, of all days, we will suddenly find reasons to second-guess our relationships. Could this be real? After all this time, we are starting to have second thoughts about the person we're with? Yes, and for three zodiac signs, this day could make or break a relationship for real.
Venus in Scorpio is ultimately about the challenge. We have something good and yet, we feel this nagging urge to seek out what's wrong with it. It's not that we need to find something wrong either, but it is all about this compulsive desire to guess things second, find what's wrong with them, and make up our minds about them to see if we really have a case ... or not.
These three zodiac signs have second thoughts on love starting December 4, 2023:
1. Aries
(March 21 - April 19)
You spend an enormous amount of energy making sure everything in your life works according to plan. This covers business and career, love and romance, health and wellbeing ... the works. You are an orderly person with a vision and you like knowing that all your efforts afford you a certain kind of control over the things of your life. If only this could be true, right, Aries?
Here's the thing: on this day, December 4, 2023, no matter how organized or in control of things you think you are, you will be challenged during the transit of Venus in Scorpio. This transit is going to have you compulsively wondering if all of this work to make things perfect is not as perfect as you might have thought. The idea of 'compulsion' is strong during Venus in Scorpio, as it will have you going over things you thought you completed.
You thought, for instance, that you and your romantic partner have all of your issues sorted out ... but is that true? Were they really listening to you, or were they simply humoring you to make you feel heard? You will overly worry about things like this today, and so much of your worry will channel itself as second-guessing the person you are with. You may not even want to, but that's how compulsion works, and Venus in Scorpio is the master of it.
2. Leo
(July 23 - August 22)
It's getting on in the year and you still aren't sure if you've achieved even a small portion of what you've wanted to accomplish this year, Leo. Feelings of self-doubt are prevalent during the end of the year, as so many of us are sizing up our accomplishments and weighting them for value as the year comes to a close. You will be looking at your love life for meaning, and while you will find much meaning in it, you may also find that you are doubtful.
This is the signature emotion of the transit, Venus in Scorpio, and on December 4, 2023, you will try to avoid questioning your partner. Still, you will end up wondering certain things about them, nonetheless. Whatever happened to make you see them as dubious is something you can't even put your finger on, and still, something's wrong here. There are red flags that are waving in the breeze and they are having you second guess the entire relationship.
This, of course, makes you feel nervous, as you really don't need THIS, too, on top of all the rest you have on your plate as of this day, December 4, 2023. Are you really safe and sound with this person whom you call your romantic partner, and is there any reality to the idea of the two of you going on as a couple until the 'end of time?' You might be overdoing it, Leo, as things don't really look as bad as they might feel during Venus in Scorpio.
3. Libra
(September 23 - October 22)
Whatever has taken place between you and your romantic partner over the last week, has you second-guessing whether or not any of this is worth it. This is a very negative way of thinking about this person as you know in your heart that it's really not as bad as your mind is making it out to be. Still, on December 4, 2023, you will encounter the transit of Venus in Scorpio, and this transit will have you wondering about everything.
The one thing you really don't appreciate is confusion, and you don't understand why confusion seems to rule your world, especially on December 4, 2023. Well, the reason why things feel so fragile and iffy is mainly because that's what Venus in Scorpio delivers to all of us. So, if you feel as though you are second-guessing your partner or having second thoughts about being with them, do yourself a favor and pause.
Your need for balance and poise is notorious and it's also your undoing, as this makes it hard for you to cope with real life and all of its uncertainties. During Venus in Scorpio, you will be cosmically challenged and you won't be able to stop feeling doubts over this, that and other things. It's OK and it will pass, Libra. What's suggested for you today is to wait until tomorrow and try your best not to come up with any conclusion on what to do with your romance during Venus in Scorpio.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.