What Each Zodiac Sign Can Expect This Week, According To The Tarot
We want hope; we want something to look forward to, and the Tarot cards show us what is in store for December 18 - 24, 2023.

The week of December 18 - 24, brings new changes and some suprises fo each zodiac sign, and here is what each zodiac sign can expect. This is the week that puts us on the 'runway,' so to speak, and the destination we're heading for is, of course, 2024.
We may feel the drag of this week start to take place as things slow down. Businesses are starting to get rid of old stock, people are getting ready to hunker down for New Year's Eve, and there's Christmas Eve, which could bring joy or sorrow, depending on where you stand.
This year has seen a lot of pain, and during the 'big' holidays, we tend to reflect on so much of it.
The cards do their part in showing us who we individually deal with this second to last week of the year. For some of us, our minds are all business, and for others, it's all about love, romance and partnership.
We want hope; we want something to look forward to, and the Tarot cards drawn for us today show us what is in store for the week.
Weekly tarot horoscope for each zodiac sign in astrology starting December 18 - 24, 2023.
(March 21 - April 19)
Tarot Card: The Devil
As you may have assumed, receiving The Devil as your card for the week definitely does imply temptation. You, Aries, may not be able to resist what is offered to you during the week of December 18 - 24, 2023. This week has you deciding whether or not you should indulge, as you have definitely been holding back and now you feel as though you deserve a little reward here and there. You may go full-on glutton, however, so be careful as to where you place your indulgent focus.
There's a very good chance that you won't be alone in this radical indulgence, which might make it even harder to resist. then again, there's nothing here to suggest that you shouldn't let yourself go at this time, as it really is 'the season.' You've got it under control, Aries, so you won't feel too badly afterward. Just keep it in check, and you should be okay with this week's tempting offers.
Keywords for the week: temptation, indulgence, weakness
Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 20, 21, 23. Consider these days as the meant-to-be days for learning big lessons that will last a lifetime. There's much going on this week, and you need a clear mind to take it all in. This week may bring temptation, but it also brings wisdom. Stay open, Aries.
(April 20 - May 20)
Tarot Card: Eight of Wands, reversed
You are a master at turning things around, and so much of this is because you really aren't going down with the ship. Whatever you've been going through and whatever has led you to the place where you are right now is something that has only strengthened your resolve to do the right thing ... by yourself. This card shows that you can turn anything into gold if you decide that's what you want.
You are also not going to back down, even if persuaded to 'take a break.' You aren't here for 'a break' because you want to march into the new year knowing exactly where you stand. You've done the work and now you are all about the results. Should those results be less than what you expected, then you will continue to forge on. You are unstoppable and your aim is for goodness.
Keywords for the week: resilience, leadership, determination.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 21, 23. Understand this week as a notch on your belt, Taurus. You have done more than come a long way, and each of these days mentioned here has a learning lesson in store for you. Use your powerful sense of positivity.
(May 21 - June 20)
Tarot Card: Knight of Cups
It's good news all around and whether you're bringing it or receiving it, Gemini, it looks like the week is going to bring you great joy. Now, that's not a terrible thing to hear, is it? With this card representing the events and actions of the week, you will know that all you do is in the name of love and that might extend to family and friends, as well as to the romantic interest in your life.
What you may also notice happening this week is that your powers of communication will be kicking in big time and that you have a real grasp on how you let certain people in your life know what's on your mind. Of course, you mean well and so you are also able to show others that you can be trusted and that your love is worth its weight in gold. You are successful in love and friendship at this time.
Keywords for the week: forgiveness, sympathy, congratulations
Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 18, 19, 21. It will be during any of these days that you come to realize that you really do have a purpose here and that you need to pay attention to your surroundings. Create an environment of love for yourself.
(June 21 - July 22)
Tarot Card: Knight of Swords
You will be laying down the law, and that basically means that you will be telling several people about your plans and your dreams for the future. These people are important players in your life and will support your wishes, as these hopes and dreams include them, as well. You are the voice of the people in this case, and you are listened to and respected. You are clearheaded and thorough, and you leave no loose ends.
What you will make known is that, as of this week onwards, you do not want drama in your life. You'll find no argument there, as the people in your life are right on board with that kind of thinking. While you may come off as strong-willed or even pushy, you and those who support you know where you're coming from. You mean well, and while your style may be overt and intense, the entire point is to create a better condition for yourself and others.
Keywords for the week: focus, arrogance, steadfastness.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 21, 22, 23, 24. You'll notice that on these days in particular, you will feel an extraordinary amount of support coming from both the people in your life and from the universe itself. Take these days to do some deep thinking and enjoy whatever time off you get this week.
(July 23 - August 22)
Tarot Card: The Fool
The Fool is such an interesting card, and it has more weight than at other times, simply because of the timing. It's as if you get a free pass this week to be ... goofy. There's a feeling that comes over all of us during this time of the year when we just don't want to have to take it all that seriously, and you're the first in line to grab a little attention for doing all the silliest things.
What that basically means is that you really aren't going to do much more this week than kick back and act like a kid. You know what's ahead of you, and it's all work, work, work. You accept that you're someone who must work, but you also know that there has to be a time for some serious PLAY and this is the week when you give yourself over to innocence, lightweight laughter and much blobbing around, doing nothing.
Keywords for the week: risk, childishness, carefree.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 18, 19, 21, 23. You'll notice that during these days, the positive energy is definitely on your side, as you seem to be making everyone around you very happy. This week you gain insight into someone you love, as well.
(August 23 - September 22)
Tarot Card: Ten of Pentacles
To receive this card it definitely implies that you, Virgo, must be in line for a nice bonus at work. Your hard work has been noticed and those in the position of granting bonuses have taken your work into high consideration. The best part is that you really could use this extra kick in the bank account. This week is prosperous, but it is also rewarding; you earned this and now you know that you really are appreciated, too.
So, you may want to start thinking about all the things you want to buy. Yes, it's that kind of indulgent week for you. While the money that seems to be making its way to you will definitely be the kind you spend on necessities, you may want to be just a little frivolous during this time and buy yourself something ridiculously unnecessary and extravagant. What fun it will be not having to worry about doing such a thing.
Keywords for the week: balance, grounding, equality.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 19, 21, 23. These are the days when you will notice that you aren't as neurotic as you might have thought you were. During this time, you'll find a new version of yourself there in the mix. You will see that, yes, you can be very confident and collected.
(September 23 - October 22)
Tarot Card: King of Wands, reversed
While the world around you seems to be obsessed with the holiday season, buying gifts, spending money, and working until they drop, there you are Libra, feeling as though you want to back away from the mob and just relax in peace. This could very well become one of those weeks where all you do is sit around on the couch. If you are fortunate enough to do that, you'll find that while your mind is relaxed, it's also working in positive ways.
You will reject the social pressures and just do as you please. You feel that you owe nothing to anyone, and you're not trying to be rude about it. What's really starting to make sense to you is the idea of listening to your body. This week, your body is telling you to pull away, chill out and just spend time alone, doing whatever it is that YOU want to do. You are not living for everyone else, not this week, at least.
Keywords for the week: stoicism, reality, release.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 21, 23. If self-love is what's on the menu, then you will recognize this item during the mentioned dates. This is truly a time of self-improvement for you, Libra. While it may have you doing it all on your own, well, that's the universe's plan. You are here to accomplish what you came here for.
(October 23 - November 21)
Tarot Card: The Emperor, reversed
You may decide to grant everyone in your life a break. That means, if you are in a family situation, you will be telling everyone in your family to go 'hog wild' this week if that's what they choose to do. You are The Emperor and you are upside down, and what this means is that you do have the authority to rule over people. Yet, your rule this week is for everyone to ignore the rules.
Chaos rules, but it's the kind you control, which is somewhat based on hedonism. You are about to have a lot of fun during this time, Scorpio, and you are serious about having people join in on the party. You want those you love to know that they are being given leeway to excess. You trust everyone enough to know they won't take it too far, but what's a little fun between loving family members?
Keywords for the week: freedom, vacation, relaxation.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 22, 23, 24. There are great days here and ones to be paid attention to. You've got a lot of astrological backing as well, as you'll find that everything is assisting you to make great choices and worthy decisions. December 18 - 24, 2023, could very well be a fabulous week for you, Scorpio.
(November 22 - December 21)
Tarot Card: Temperance, reversed
You may wonder how you've kept it together all this time. This year, most especially these last few months, I have really tried your patience. Yet, you've kept an even keel through all of it. You sometimes wonder where you get such patience and if you'll ever just crack under pressure. Well, guess what, Sagittarius? This week has you cracking. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, either.
You're going to see that you feel very emotional, and as this reversed card states, your temper might be toppled. This is the week when you release some of those pent-up frustrations, which, in a way, is a good thing as it prevents you from dragging them into the new year with you. Being a patient person will always serve you well, but there will be times, such as this week, when you just flip out and let 'er rip.
Keywords for the week: windfall, spiraling, freedom.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 18, 20, 23. You've spent a lot of time 'holding on' and you'll find that your time to let it all go takes place on any of all of these days mentioned here. During December 18 - 24, 2023, you'll have to pace yourself, but you will and all will result in a much clearer conscience.
(December 22 - January 19)
Tarot Card: Two of Wands
Before you make any big moves, make time for reflection and memory. That's not necessarily the kind that holds on to you, but more along the lines of using the past to influence the present and the future. You've come a long way in business, career, finance ... even in love and romance. This is the week that has you sinking back into your mind to go over the events of the year.
You've learned so many, many valuable lessons this year. This card shows you that reflection is not only good but necessary if you are to build yourself an even better path to walk on in the future. You are not only thinking of yourself as you plan, but you must be by yourself in order to get your ideas in working shape. This week is introspective and meaningful, albeit quieter than one might imagine.
Keywords for the week: mastery, reflection, consideration.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 22, 23, 24. Thankfully, you'll get to walk into your sun season of Capricorn with a smile on your face this week, December 18 - 24, 2023. These days here are significant for you as you'll find that the universe is conspiring to aid you during this time.
(January 20 - February 18)
Tarot Card: Page of Pentacles, reversed
You might end up regretting a purchase, but you might also try to convince yourself that there's no sense in regretting anything. All you really want out of this week is to know that you're safe, secure and correct about the choices you make. You don't want to be doubted and if there are friends in your life who tend to 'share their opinion,' you're more in the mindset of outright ignoring them.
This week has you preparing to buy something rather expensive, and you may hem and haw during the purchasing of it, as it could be a life-changing endeavor. While you feel somewhat lonely during the process, you also know that you don't want anyone influencing you, as you know that you can be suggestible. You really want to do this all on your own, without the coercion of friends, family or romantic partners.
Keywords for the week: cleverness, solitude, autonomy.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 22, 23. While these days may have you feeling unsure, it's the uncertainty that both stirs you up and gets you going. You will feel inspired during these days and it will be on one of these days that you make your big decision to do what it is you want to do. December 18 - 24, 2023, holds much in store for you.
(February 19 - March 20)
Tarot Card: Seven of Pentacles, reversed
This week has you sitting quietly contented to do your thing, your way and that might just end up being you going over this year's victories. You've come a long way and this year was particularly important to you. You achieved many of the things that you want to accomplish. In terms of ambition, you surprised even yourself. Success is apparent for you at this time, though you won't feel like celebrating much.
Because this card is in reverse, it implies that you'll be cherishing this time on your own, reflecting on the good you've done and how to improve on them. If you note the mistakes you've made, you'll figure out how to make good on them during the coming year. This is a great time for you to check out your bank account and see how far you've come. While you don't like saying that you 'love money,' the truth is that you do.
Keywords for the week: regard, introspection, respect.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 20, 21, 22, 23. There's a lot to say about the way you communicate this week. you'll notice that on these mentioned days, you will either use silence as a way of communicating an important idea or you will find exactly the right words at the right time to express yourself. You are short on words this week but incredibly focused and understandable.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.