How Black Moon Lilith Impacts Each Zodiac Sign's Tarot Horoscope This Week
Let's now focus our gaze on the cards before us.

We see changes are coming thanks to Black Moon Lilith's impact on the tarot horoscope for the week. The cards that we have laid out before us most definitely show us that we are not only working with the astrological transits of the week but that the subtleties of the cards themselves add to our understanding of the cosmos around us.
This week brings us the energy of Lilith, and while this celestial body entertained us last week, we will find that it's softer this week easier to deal with. The top of the week brings us Venus sextile Lilith and, later on, Mercury trine Lilith. We are also looking at the last retrograde in Mercury this week, which may be what puts some of us over the edge.
The Tarot helps to pinpoint certain aspects of the universal influence. With the help of the one card pulled for each zodiac sign here, we are able to take an overview as well as a detailed glance at what's to come. Let's now focus our gaze on the cards before us.
How Black Moon Lilith impacts each zodiac sign's tarot horoscope this week:
(March 21 - April 19)
Tarot Card: Ace of Wands
This card shows you, right off the bat, you will be focusing on work and work-related things. There's much that you have in your mind to look forward to, and you do not feel like this is the time to get lazy simply because the rest of the world around you is in celebration mode. You will get there on your own time, but you feel that you need to watch out for yourself during this time, and you will do so.
This week, you have a vision that you believe in in store for you. While we mention the word 'work,' it's not necessarily restricted to the kind of work we do for a living. This could be a project of yours that has nothing to do with making money, although it is still very important for you and you've made up your mind that you're not leaving this year without putting this in order.
Keywords for the week: vision, structure, psychic
Dates and moments to keep in mind: The week begins with the power of the ones, as this card is all about singularity and ultimate power. The Ace of Wands is a ONE card, card and the five-fingered hand that clasps tightly to the Wand suggests that December 15 might be a very good day for you to feel the power and get things done.
(April 20 - May 20)
Tarot Card: Ten of Cups, reversed
This card shows you that you are so close to your goal, and while you may not achieve all that you want to this week, you will know that success is inevitable because you've laid the ground and your efforts were valiant and true. You feel good during this week and while you recognize that the work is not yet done and complete, you feel fine with knowing that whatever is left to do is both doable and pleasurable.
This card, in its reversed state, is still quite fortunate, as it depicts a happy family life and much success in love. That it's reversed only suggests to you, Taurus, that there is more to look forward to and that the state of love and contentment is something of an ongoing project. This warms your heart and gives you a feeling of purpose and direction. You know what you need to do and are not intimidated to proceed with that plan.
Keywords for the week: reflection, happiness, plans
Dates and moments to keep in mind: Of all the dates this week that show promise, you're looking for the best results. What you put into this week has exceptionally good chances of being manifested, so make the best of your thoughts and seize the day (or days, in this case, Taurus.)
(May 21 - June 20)
Tarot Card: The Hermit
Spending time alone this week is probably a very good idea, as this card is not so much about loneliness as it is about setting yourself aside so that you can think before acting. It's a card of wisdom and foresight, both of which you will need during the week, as there are pressing decisions that await you and you know you'll need to think things through before acting on them. The Hermit, in your case, Gemini, shows you that the ultimate decision is the one you must make alone.
That's all good with you, too, as you knew this and you accept that it falls on your shoulders to do so. A lot is going on in your life, and you need clarity to make the right moves at the right time. You're going to know for sure that silence and a peaceful attitude are what's going to get the job done.
Keywords for the week: insight, intelligence, self-assurance
Dates and moments to keep in mind: Your days of reflection will take place on December 12, but you may find that on December 13, you will start to become a little more pragmatic and less dreamy. You have to make a move, and while reflection is necessary, action and action, in your case, needs a plan.
(June 21 - July 22)
Tarot Card: King of Swords
If you are to succeed with what you want this week, then you are going to have to be very determined and very strict. While this may sound like something intense is brewing, it's not that harsh. What's needed here is discipline and you will have that at this time. Discipline comes very easily to you, but you don't like to have to be this strict in general. Something is going on in your life that demands your attention, and if you are to give it, then you need to focus.
This card implies that you will be making the right choice at the right time and that you will not be in the position of being swayed. This is good, as you really don't need anything to distract you. You have your eyes on the prize and only you know what that prize really is. However, this takes work on your part. Sticking to the plan isn't always that easy for you, yet you will do this during the week.
Keywords for the week: discipline, sovereignty, choice
Dates and moments to keep in mind: Being that we have a Mercury retrograde transit coming on December 13, you will be the person in people's lives to set the record straight. Trust in your ability to judge correctly, as those around you may be turning to you for important advice on direction.
(July 23 - August 22)
Tarot Card: Death, reversed
It's quite typical to receive this card at the end of the year, and as we all know, this rarely, if ever, implies an actual 'death,' and in its reversed state, even less so. So, don't worry about this card and the reality of what's happening this week, for you, Leo, is that it's more along the lines of wanting to get the year done and over with already. You are waiting for the 'end' and it feels like it's taking forever.
On the bright side, this card might also mean that you have big plans for yourself come 2024 and that you're only real problem right now is that you're impatient. Well, time will do its thing on its own time, so there's nothing you can do about speeding it up. Relax, enjoy the ride, and know that you don't have to wait that long. The season is upon us and you can devote yourself to some merry-making if you can relax enough to let your hair down.
Keywords for the week: impatience, giddiness, frivolity
Dates and moments to keep in mind: The week may start slow, but you will find that once you hit December 14, things will start to feel as though they have purpose and direction. You've got some Aquarius energy coming your way on December 15, and that could cause you to regress a bit. By week's end, you'll accept your situation and know what your next move should be.
(August 23 - September 22)
Tarot Card: Two of Pentacles
The good part is that during the week, you will be making a financial decision that is actually easy for you to cope with. This card implies that you are basically juggling funds, but it also means that you HAVE the funds to juggle and that's a very good position to be in. There's a trip in your future, meaning you will be traveling within the next year and you may want to spend this week figuring things out financially.
What's more than likely going to take place is that you are going to do something this week that adds to your future experience in adventure and travel, but the entire thing rides on whether you can make up your mind or not as to what must be done. There are no negatives here; there is merely the need to decide. So, either way, you're going to be planning something special at this time; you just have to figure out 'which special' you're going to decide on.
Keywords for the week: balance, steadiness, future
Dates and moments to keep in mind: There isn't one date that is more important than any other during this week. You may want to watch your temper on December 13, as you may feel your plans are not going to happen as you see them in your mind. This is a temporary state, however, and should not throw you so far off course that anything disruptive happens.
(September 23 - October 22)
Tarot Card: King of Pentacles
This week has you as the authority figure and the one who 'holds the purse strings.' While this is not the position you would love to take on, you may feel that you need to be the controller of funds this week as the people in your life may be a little too irresponsible when it comes to their finances. This is not such a terrible position to be in, however, as you are quite fair and you do know what you're doing.
This is where your Libra skills come into play, and as this card suggests, you will be at the top of your game. You might not have known that being the person in the family who controls the money is something that you actually LIKE doing. This week will show you that there's a reason why you like it so much: because you're good at it. You are balanced and full of reason; you give good advice and what you offer is worth listening to.
Keywords for the week: authority, the bank, advisor
Dates and moments to keep in mind: Being that this week is such a 'money-oriented' week for you, you're going to want to pay attention to what's going on in 'the fine print' on days like December 12 and 14. While you feel strong and confident, don't forget to go over every detail during these days. You wouldn't want to be caught off guard.
(October 23 - November 21)
Tarot Card: Four of Cups
This week will not be exciting, nor will it be dull. What you have in front of you, Scorpio, is a week that offers you the opportunity, and all of it is within your grasp. You can accept what is offered to you, or you can let it go. You do not feel the need to make anything 'urgent'. You are not in a rush to sign any agreements, nor are you worried that they will disappear if you put them off.
This card shows you that you are, indeed, in control, but it also implies that while opportunities are there for you, you could blow it if you are too lazy with your response. So, the basic idea here is that a lot is going on for you, and while you can definitely take your time, you may not want to see it all as 'something you'll get around to someday.' Yes, you have time, but not all the time in the world. You're OK now, but you could potentially miss out on something if you get too lazy.
Keywords for the week: slacker, dreamer, carefree
Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 12 15 are the days you need to pay attention to, as these are the times when you could make the wrong move if you get yourself to believe that 'everything is fine.' What this means is that, while 'everything is fine,' that's not a promise: you need to be alert. Yes, you are doing well, but you have to stay awake during this time.
(November 22 - December 21)
Tarot Card: The Empress
During the week, you are going to feel like something is stirring in the universe and that it's all conspiring to assist you in your mad plans. You have been working on something for a long time, and you've always been super focused where this is concerned. This week, as shown by this card, lets you know that you have every right to feel grand and mighty. It seems that hard work pays off, and this is the week you can kick back and see that you're the one who made it happen.
What's also good about this particular card, The Empress, is that it's a loving state of mind that consumes you this week and that enables you to feel very, very good about all you've done without the burden of excess stress. You're the one who can sit tight this week and basically 'rest on your laurels.' It's a good week for you, Sagittarius, and it might just be the first of many great weeks to come.
Keywords for the week: love, self-promotion, pride
Dates and moments to keep in mind: We've got a lot of Lilith energy happening this week, and we also have a mercury retrograde transit and these events could topple your sense of achievement. Look to December 12 and 16 to make sure you stay on top of it all. You are doing very well. You just need to stay on it rather than get too lazy here or there.
(December 22 - January 19)
Tarot Card: Eight of Wands, reversed
You are not going out without a bang, and as this card implies, you will be working hard to get every single thing in order before the year comes to a close. This week is all about putting your foot down and making things happen. Typical of your zodiac sign, you like things to be in order, and sometimes, around this time of the year, you get a little panicked, thinking that you've left something undone. It is not your style.
It will be during this week that you not only tend to unfinished business but also tie up any loose ends in relationships. This could mean forgiving someone or asking for forgiveness from a friend. You want to balance the scales out during all week. This could have you taking personal inventory of what you owe others, as well as what you believe they might owe you.
Keywords for the week: persistence, optimism, self-sufficiency
Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 13 brings you a Capricorn Moon as well as the retrograde in Mercury, so expect that day to feel like it's getting the better of you. If there's any day this week that threatens your balance, it's that day. Still, there's nothing to worry about, as you will deal with it accordingly.
(January 20 - February 18)
Tarot Card: Six of Swords
While this isn't what you love doing, you'll find that most is for chores and escorting family members here or there. A lot still falls on your shoulders, and while you don't love it, you are still quite responsible and will always do your part, even if begrudgingly. This week has you taking up the mantel for certain family members who aren't able to do it for themselves.
This makes sense in a way, as the end of the year is coming and there's always a lot to figure out around this time, meaning what will you walk in with as you approach the new year and what needs to be put aside, once and for all. While personal choices won't be at the top of your life, you will be helpful to others at this time, as they have come to rely on you when it comes to making their own personal choices. You are a helper and a guide.
Keywords for the week: annoyance, obligation, responsibility
Dates and moments to keep in mind: In reality, all the days of the week are equally important as you will definitely be living up to your end of the responsibility bargain. You may find that your hardest day falls on December 13 simply because having a Mercury retrograde thrown in on top of everything else is just ... annoying.
(February 19 - March 20)
Tarot Card: Nine of Wands, reversed
This week has you making a very firm decision. This decision doesn't come until you have one final experience of being repressed and shut down by someone or something else. OK, what does this mean? It means that you will finally learn a lesson and it could potentially change your life, and definitely how you approach this coming new year. What you will learn is that you have been taken advantage of and that it's now up to you to either say 'no' or to stick with the problem.
This is an interesting card, this reversed Nine of Wands, as it really shows that you have a choice in how much pressure you take. You are the person that everyone around you just assumes can 'take it' and yet, you don't feel as though you've ever consented to this kind of responsibility and pressure. This week has you understanding — through experience — that this is not for you and that you need to be the one who spares yourself here.
Keywords for the week: revelation, disturbance, ideas
Dates and moments to keep in mind: This week is amazing for you and you will find that on December 13, 14 and 15, you might be so filled with thought and inspiration that you'll wonder why all this never hit you so hard before. What you have this week is the impetus to change your situation. It's not just empty words and thoughts: you are beginning to see how this can work out for you after all.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.