3 Zodiac Signs Feel They Have Something To Prove In Love On November 28, 2023
Today, you have something to prove, and Moon opposite Mercury has you going for it.

Do you need to prove someone wrong? As the year comes to its end, we stand back and take a look at what we've accomplished and it is at this point that we assess if we are happy with our progress or not. Today is November 28, 2023 and we are under the influence of the great transit, Moon opposite Mercury. Today, our assessment will forge our path. Today is the day that three zodiac signs know what must be done.
We are looking for both accomplishment and completion here. During Moon opposite Mercury, we have it in mind that what we've been striving for can still be attempted, whether we've gotten to the place of success or not. We are here to prove ourselves. We will not be stopped. It's not that we're pushy or annoying. We are on a mission for success, and only we know how to get there.
Today is definitely the day that three zodiac signs rise and accept the challenge, and that challenge is one we put on ourselves. We know now that by November 28, 2023, if something hasn't worked out for you, we have one of two choices: we can continue with it, or we can let it go. During Moon opposite Mercury, we chose to pursue. We have something to prove to ourselves and we need to give it at least one more shot.
Here are the three zodiac signs have something to prove on November 28, 2023:
1. Gemini, you decide to go for it.
You always have something to prove, don't you, Gemini? While this might be true, what's going on during Moon opposite Mercury on November 28, 2023, is that you've gone over your personal progress report for the year and you still have not accomplished that one task that really means the most to you. You know what? You've allowed laziness and a defeatist attitude to stand in your way. During Moon opposite Mercury, no such attitude exists. You want to give it one last shot.
In your case, you need to prove something to someone in your life. Now that enough time has passed by, you feel an urgent need to convince this person of your worth. While you know you are worthy, you feel that the impression that this one person has walked away with is not the impression you want them to have. More than that, they caught you at a bad time, and you want to make amends and perhaps start anew with them.
During the transit of Moon opposite Mercury, you will be very aware of the idea that they may not respond well at all. You can't live with yourself until you at least try to make things right again. You are also conscious of the fact that you've changed. Whatever mistake you made in the past is by no means that which you want to define you in the eyes of this other person. Now, you have something to prove, and the Moon opposite Mercury has you going for it.
2. Aquarius, it's time to get down to business.
You feel you've had a very intense year. You also are quite aware that so much of that intensity went to things you weren't necessarily into and responsibilities that weren't your first choice. You need to concentrate on your own life right now, and you see that you have indeed wasted time. During Moon opposite Mercury on November 28, 2023, you will know that your biggest 'sin' was procrastination.
Well, enough of that. You are driven now; you've seen that time waits for no one and you aren't about to make that mistake again. However, this day acts as a powerful catalyst for you and because of the transit, Moon opposite Mercury, you will feel like you need to prove to others that you really are serious. You fear that nobody has any faith in you anymore and that they all see you as 'the eternal dreamer.'
No more eternal dreamer. You are now all about action. You have gotten over your fear of change — and that was a biggie, Aquarius. You are now embracing the idea of newness and change and even though it's come to you at this late stage in the year, you feel very confident about the 'better late than never' stance. You have something to prove and you aren't not stopping until the cows come home.
3. Pisces, you are ready to follow through on your goals.
Oh, how easy it is for you to push aside your responsibilities and just rest on the fact that being lazy is just ... fun. That is until you realize that you've just wasted an entire year because laziness was more than 'fun' to you; it was a way of not taking responsibility.
Now that it's November 28, 2023, you are starting to see that an entire year has passed by and that all of your New Year's resolutions from last year have not even been touched.
During the transit of Moon opposite Mercury, you will get an enormous wake-up call and it will tell you that you cannot waste any more time and that time is, indeed, fleeting.
This life is precious and every day is an opportunity for creativity, learning, growing and excelling ... while being ambitious isn't exactly your top priority, you won't be able to help but feel as though you need to get on board now or you will miss out on everything.
Moon opposite Mercury is a highly inspiring transit that has us all moving fast. In your case, Pisces, you're going to see that there's still time left to get your act together and that nothing is stopping you from being the person you know you are in potential. So, as of November 28, 2023, you will feel as though you have something to prove, something to show yourself so that you know that at least ... you tried. DO IT! Go for it, Pisces.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.