Horoscope For November 5, 2023 — First Quarter Moon In Leo
Every journey begins with one first courageous step forward.

Here is your daily horoscope for today, November 5, 2023, during the Moon in Leo entering the Quarter Moon phase. Find out what's in store for each zodiac sign in astrology.
Your zodiac sign's daily horoscope for Sunday, November 05, 2023.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Your optimistic side gets a boost of big energy thanks to the Moon in Leo. It's the perfect day for a fun-loving ram like yourself. So, why not do something creative? Pull down the Halloween decorations and prepare for the holidays if you feel like donning Yule-tree.
Why not? Stores are promoting their holiday sales, and events are promoting their attractions. It's a great day for giving in to the things that make you feel happy inside. Wear red and go all out!
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
You've got big, brave and bold dreams, Taurus, and you're ready to assert your right to roar like a Leo when the Moon transits your sector of home and family. Typically, you like to lay low and let others figure their own things out, but this weekend may be the time to change your passive tune.
The Moon in Leo promotes assertiveness and bravery. You may be making executive decisions about your household, the family and a few matters to real estate. In other words, on this day, the boss is in!
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
You have been holding back a lot more than others realize, and when the Moon is in Leo, you're ready to roar your opinions to any and all who are willing to listen. Today, you're filled with a deep desire to be heard. From body language to words, you may not mince words when it comes to a specific topic on your mind.
One area of life where you may be feeling tension the most can be related to work. With Saturn stationing direct in your career sector, be careful not to go off on a boss or fellow coworker. It's good to be heard, but you don't want to burn a bridge unintentionally.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
You don't give a gift to get attention, but there are times when someone simply cannot hold back their gratitude for what you've done in their life. Today, you may find yourself the center of attention from a recipient who is filled with great appreciation for your generosity and kindness.
You may be tagged in a post on Facebook or get a shoutout online on Twitter. If you've been wondering whether or not you ought to be a big giver today, this is your time. What you do will touch a heart, including your own.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Once a month, the Moon enters your sign, and it gives you a little bit more motivation to do things that you need to do just for you. You can schedule all your fancy spa and facial appointments.
If you have been wanting to go out shopping and spend an early holiday bonus, go for it. If you're waiting to hit the buy button online for when the Black Friday specials are around, you can begin creating your Wishlist on Amazon to purchase it later.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
You may be in the process of weeding out the negative energy in your life, from bad friends who sell you out to coworkers who talk or chat through work, using up precious productivity hours and leaving you working later than you'd like.
Today is one of those days to bravely do the thing that you've wanted to do all year: clear up your social media, delete old images off of your phone, and set up an email away message for the weekends or your days off so that you're not disrupted by work-related matters during your off-time.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
There's a part of you that simply loves to be around good people, and even though you cherish your alone time, you also adore having individuals in your life that are interesting, eclectic and fun to talk with.
During this Moon in Leo, you're ready to put your friendships front and center in your life. This is the time to talk to the people you want to get to know better to coordinate a date night.
See who wants to purchase seasonal Opera tickets with you or who would love to be your go-to concert date for shows that you are interested in. It's a great day to share openly what you're thinking; chances are people may feel the same.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
You want recognition at the workplace, Scorpio. You are a powerhouse, a force to be reckoned with. You have been working hard for the last year and a half, and you feel it's time to be noticed for the contributions you bring to the workplace. The Moon in Leo can give you a strong sense of pride in your work.
It's one of those days where you are more intentional, providing excellent service to others and shining brightly the way that you know you can do. While you may not get the immediate gratification of acknowledgment on this day, you are planting seeds that lead you in that direction. Today, you are a team player, but you're also a leader. You shine because you know that is what you're meant to do.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
You love to learn, and today, you love being a teacher. You already have a reputation for being honest and forthright, so when you issue a lecture to a friend who is willing to listen, it brings you deep satisfaction. During today's Moon in Leo, class is in session.
You're ready and willing to share your thoughts, ideas and opinions with others who are just as intrigued and curious about the world as you are. It's the perfect time to take a course in a subject area that you feel you'd like to teach later. If you're giving a lecture or speech today, things should run smoothly for you, and you'll love being in the spotlight.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
You can always tell when something is hidden from you, and today, you may be the bold one who calls out the elephant in the room. It's a day for courage, and as Saturn stations direct in your sector of communication, you are eager to set records straight and be clear about your thoughts, ideas, intentions and beliefs.
Today's not one of those days where you are elusive. You may say less, but even in the little bit that you do communicate, you speak with impact and authority. If you have a decision to make, a position to defend or have something business-related to write, it's a great day for you to weave words.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Boldness in love is what you need, and today's Moon in Leo helps you to feel the emotional energy of courage to confess the feelings you have toward a person or a project. With your ruling planet in retrograde over the last few months, commitment may not have been your strongest trait.
However, now that Saturn is beginning to travel forward in your possessions sector, you may begin to feel a bit more determined and focused. It's a great day for marital decision-making or deciding what type of role you'd like to play in a newly developing business partnership.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Life is good, and you are feeling the call toward personal independence and autonomy and that includes improving your routines.
With the Moon in Leo, thinking about what is best for you and your needs is easier. While Saturn was retrograde, you may have felt a need to lay low when it came to pursuing your dreams. The Moon in Leo can help you push your way out of that funk and step into the light of courage you are meant to be in.
Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.