3 Zodiac Signs Experience Lucky Love Horoscopes On November 11

Physical love is where it's at today.

couple in lucky love on november 11, 2023 robertsrob from Getty Images Pro, Scopio, Chikovnaya

Today brings in the idea of the power couple. This is a couple that believes in equality; both parties bring it all and enjoy the fruits of their efforts. There is no power struggle here; there is only the pure joy that comes with knowing that this relationship is based on equality.

November 11 brings us the Scorpio Moon, and for three zodiac signs, this day could end up being nothing short of rapturous. While it all may end up in the bedroom, nobody will be complaining, that's for sure. It's good to feel the rush that comes with being a power player, and when two people honor this kind of relationship, transits like the Scorpio Moon are there to support them.




Oh, it's a lucky day for love, that is for sure, but we have to be ready to give all we can give. November 11 takes no prisoners. We're not here to casually date; we're here to express our undying love and affection. Physical love is where it's at today, and during the Scorpio Moon, you either have what it takes, or you aren't one of the three zodiac signs most influenced by this powerful astrological event.


Three zodiac signs experience lucky in love horoscopes on November 11, 2023:

1. Virgo 

(August 23 - September 22)

Today, November 11, 2023, lets you know that you are in the right relationship with the right person. It hasn't always been like this, and you didn't intend for things to be as excellent as they turned out to be. Still, it does seem as though the wisdom that comes with personal experience has finally put you on the right track, and that is proven today, during the Scorpio Moon, in your romantic life. The person you are with is someone whom you consider to be your equal ... and that makes all the difference in the world.

You are not here to carry around the weight of another person; you need a partner who can carry their weight and still feel unburdened if they need to care for you. Your partner is generous and so are you, and it feels amazing for you to recognize that for the first time in your life, there's someone right by your side who is ready, able and willing to be the partner you want them to be. The kicker is that this is what they want, too.

This person is your equal; you have nothing to worry about from here on in. That doesn't mean things are perfect, but during the Scorpio Moon, you'll recognize that what you have is as good as it gets, and that's saying a lot. You have way too much experience under your belt. The person you are with now is your power partner, and you both know it. Secret smiles and knowing glances will accompany you both throughout the day.


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2. Libra 

(September 23 - October 22)

It's taken you a long time to feel comfortable with the person you are with, and now that you've grown into the knowledge that the two of you are here to stay, you think that the only place to go with this romance is up. You feel the power of union, and during the Scorpio Moon on November 11, it's as if you've never felt stronger in your life. Perhaps this is because you are personally in control of your own life now. Your confidence is great, and that allows for your romances to be just as great.

On this day, November 11, 2023, you are going to feel the presence of Scorpio in your life, as a season and during the Scorpio Moon. There's a lot of passionate energy in the air, and you mean to take full advantage of it. You and your partner are seemingly made for each other, and you prove this to each other with your actions. What starts small ends up big on this day, and this is a very loving state of mind for you.


Don't be surprised if your partner shows you a side to themselves that you've never seen before. They feel free enough around you to let their hair down. Inhibition takes a backseat during the Scorpio Moon, so know that whatever the two of you get into today, it will be deep. What you can also expect is that nobody else will enter your private domain. This day is for you and your partner alone. That's where the power lies.

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3. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)

It doesn't get any better than being a Scorpio during Scorpio season under the Scorpio Moon, and bingo, that's what you have today. This is going to result in feelings of joy and power for both you and your romantic partner. While you generally have good self-esteem, today is going to rocket your confidence out of the park, and when you get in a good mood like this, your partner benefits tremendously.


You are with someone who continuously encourages you to be your best, and that's not because they are pushy but because they believe that you have so much in you and that you are truly amazing. Today, you get to step into those superhero boots and show them that they are right. It feels good to be someone's hero, and during the Scorpio Moon, you get to show them what you're really made of.

If today is for power couples, then you will get to see your partner rise to the surface as they are all there for this game. With you feeling so good about life, they can't help but want to join in, and they will. During the Scorpio Moon on November 11, 2023, you'll feel so thrilled just to be alive that you'll wish every day was like today. Well, in a way, you can continue with this feeling if you wish. One taste of the power that comes along with the Scorpio Moon, and you'll be wanting more, more, more.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.