November 3 Horoscopes Have Beautiful Energy For 3 Zodiac Signs

A blessed day is in store when the Moon is in Cancer.

beautiful horoscopes on november 3, 2023 recap-bg via Getty Images Signature | Canva Pro

The energy is beautifully contemplative on November 3, 2023. You will benefit from engaging in introspective activities or relaxing adventures. The Moon in Cancer is the primary astrological benefactor. You will be blessed when you choose your loved ones over the empty pursuit of the rat race. Let your heart guide you, and you will deepen your bonds with those who matter. Sharing food, enjoying a movie together or just chatting and catching up are all indicated here.


Moon trine Mars in Scorpio is the secondary influence. It's urging us to be more particular about who we let into our inner world and inner circle. Curious people can be very forceful about breaking past your boundaries, but that doesn't make it okay. Hold your ground and turn towards those who love you and have shown respect for you through their actions.

Of course, three zodiac signs will gain the most from this — namely, Aries, Capricorn and Pisces. 

Some of you will benefit from journaling or scrapbooking at this time to help you unburden yourself or find peace. Your poetic side may come to the fore, too! If these activities have a positive effect on your love life, you will know you manifested it yourself. 


Three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on November 3, 2023:

1. Aries

(March 21 - April 19)

Aries, don't take on too much on your plate. The energy will benefit you more when you focus your attention on one thing (or a maximum of two) and do the best you can. Leaning into your sense of humor will also help at this time, especially if you are learning to deflect judgments and brush off the naysayers.

With North Node in Aries as your perpetual benefactor, trust your instincts and go full hog. The time for negotiations and observations is past. It's time to take action now, based on the intel you have gathered. Sun in Scorpio is adding to your good fortune by strengthening your intuition. Now, no one can say you are being impulsive. Or, they can, but they will be wrong.

If you feel called to, do a money manifestation ritual to take advantage of the good energy that's here. You can use green or gold candles for the same and crystals like Pyrite or Moldavite. Writing down your desire (and making it as specific as possible) before you begin the ritual will be more beneficial for you.


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2. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19)

Capricorn, you are strong, capable and more than what you (or others) think you are. Have faith in yourself, and don't falter. The energy is in your favor and it will help you find a way, whether in your career or personal affairs, no matter what. If their jaw drops afterward, that would be the cherry on top.

With Mercury in Scorpio in your corner at this time, you are being urged to rely on your intelligence and your instincts. The latter may feel risky to you, but that's because the subconscious mind does not give up its treasures to the conscious mind readily. Digging a little into your psyche with journaling or meditation will show you the method behind the seemingly mad idea.


Pluto in Capricorn is your second beneficiary (as usual). You may be the Goat of the zodiac, but right now you are phoenixing. Trust the process and maintain your pace. You will be fine. You can also carry a piece of Obsidian with you to help you stay grounded.

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3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)

Pisces, you have an absolutely extraordinary day in store. Rejoice! You will feel loved, appreciated and supported by those who love you. Even the naysayers won't be able to get underneath your skin today because you will see through their ploys immediately. Lean into this beautiful energy and share the good fortune with your best mates. You won't regret it.


Saturn, in 0 0-degree cuspal position between Pisces and Aquarius, is your main astrological benefactor. So is Neptune retrograde in Pisces. You are being urged to find a middle ground between processes and imagination. Too much of either will create havoc for you. The middle ground will polish and clarify your inner authority. It will also lead to some intriguing experiences.

Journaling your thoughts on the matters that are important to your heart, whether it's human rights, the influence of art or romantic love, is also being highlighted for you. Or, you can sink into a deep meditative state sometime during the evening. These activities will help you find your true motivations and stay true to yourself as you work your blessings to your advantage.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.