What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest On November 1, 2023

Honor your emotional strength under the energy of Moon in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces as you begin a new month.

woman holding flowers in a lavender field RossHelen | Canva Pro

Allow yourself the gift of a fresh start as November begins. Eclipse Season is now behind you, even if new epiphanies may still trickle in within the next few weeks, but to manifest what you desire, you also must be the one to gift yourself the fresh new beginning that you deserve. By cleansing away the past month using sage, rosemary, or lavender smudge, you can more readily focus your energy on all that is to come.  


On Wednesday, November 1, the Moon in Cancer will trine Saturn in Pisces, creating a beneficial time to embrace your emotional truth and use it to embrace your greatest strength. Your feelings are not inconvenient, nor are they ever wrong. Instead, this deep well of emotional sensitivity that resides within yourself is one that you can use to find the strength to manifest what is necessary to continue progressing your soul path.

The Moon rules over your emotional self, while Saturn in Pisces helps you focus on the lessons you have moved through and the greater meaning of events. Together, this creates a space for more honestly honoring your feelings while realizing they serve a higher purpose.  




The Moon shifting into Cancer today draws you inward, as Luna is exalted within this water sign. Use this energy of focus not just on the home you dwell within but also on the one that resides within you. Cancer symbolizes the home, which includes the love, the nurturing and the cleaning out of the old that sometimes needs to take place. Focus on creating and tending to your emotional home today as you embrace your inner strength for manifesting in the new month. 

The elements you'll need for your rituals on November 1

Leading Energy: Cancer, Water 

Best Time For Your Ritual: Anytime 


Chakra Point: Third Eye 

Herbs: Sage, Aloe and Lemon Balm 

Essential Oils: Frankincense, Myrrh and Lavender 

Crystals: Emerald for hope, Red Jasper for passion and Rhodonite for love 


Incense: Jasmine 

What each zodiac sign can manifest on November 1, 2023 

Aries: Positive Home Changes 

(March 21 - April 19)  

Daily Affirmation: I am embracing new and positive changes within my home.  

Take time to focus on improving the emotional well-being of your home as the Cancer Moon unites with Saturn in Pisces. Begin by pouring a bit of ground cinnamon into the palm of your left hand. Repeat your affirmation as you stand inside and blow it through your doorway. 

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Taurus: Honoring Your Needs 

(April 20 - May 20) 

Daily Affirmation: I honor my needs and communicate honestly with others.  


Create a space of nurturing honesty as the Moon in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces align. Begin by drawing a warm bath, adding rose petals and the essences of lavender and frankincense. Repeat your affirmation as you submerge yourself in the warm, healing water.  

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Gemini: Financial Abundance 

(May 21 - June 20) 

Daily Affirmation: I am a beacon for financial abundance. Everything I desire flows effortlessly to me.  

Set an intention to attract the financial abundance you seek while the Cancer Moon aligns with Saturn in Pisces. Begin by adding rice, cinnamon and cloves to an offering bowl. Repeat your affirmation as you sprinkle it around your front steps so the abundance you seek can be attracted to you.  


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Cancer: Insight 

(June 21 - July 22) 

Daily Affirmation: I am embracing deeper insight into my authentic self. 

Allow yourself to gain deeper insight involving your authentic self while the Cancer Moon forms a trine to Saturn in Pisces. Begin by anointing your third eye with frankincense essential oil, and then place your left thumb into a bowl of rice. Repeat your affirmation as you take your left thumb from the rice and put it in your third eye, letting the rice fall off on its own.  

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Leo: Revealing The Truth 

(July 23 - August 22) 


Daily Affirmation: I am holding space for the truth to be revealed.  

Create a space for the truth to be revealed as the Cancer Moon aligns with Saturn in Pisces. Begin by writing your affirmation on a piece of paper, then place it in a vial of water with lemon zest and rosemary. Repeat your affirmation as you put it on a west-facing windowsill to honor the water energy of Cancer.  

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Virgo: Hope 

(August 23 - September 22) 

Daily Affirmation: I am filled with limitless hope for an incredible future.  

Embrace divine hope for all you desire as the Cancer Moon aligns with Saturn in Pisces. Begin by placing a white lily in a glass of water, then put lapis lazuli into the offering. Repeat your affirmation eleven times, and then take the crystal out, let it dry, and keep it with you to help you find the hope you need to create the life you dream of.  


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Libra: Career Guidance 

(September 23 - October 22) 

Daily Affirmation: I am receiving guidance and help to create the career of my dreams.  

Focus on attracting divine guidance into your professional life while the Cancer Moon forms a trine with Saturn in Pisces. Begin by collecting a small pouch or laying out a square of fabric; add in rice, cinnamon, cloves and a sprinkle of salt. Repeat your affirmation as you bind it together, then place it on your desk or on your workspace to attract the guidance and opportunities you seek.  

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Scorpio: Deeper Understanding 

(October 23 - November 21) 

Daily Affirmation: I am embracing a deeper understanding of myself and my life.  

You can grasp a deeper understanding of yourself and your life path as the Cancer Moon unites with Saturn in Pisces. Begin by slicing up a peach, then sprinkle a bit of brown sugar over it and add it to a small pot of water as you bring it to a boil. Once it’s steeped, repeat your affirmation as you strain the peaches and pour the tonic into a mug; add a bit of honey to sweeten your feelings.  

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Sagittarius: A Legacy 

(November 22 - December 21) 


Daily Affirmation: I am working to create a legacy for myself and those I care about.  

Let yourself reflect on how to create a lasting legacy for yourself and those you care about while the Cancer Moon aligns with Saturn in Pisces. Please write down your affirmation and then tear it into small pieces as you place them into an offering dish, then add in sage, lavender, rice and basil. Repeat your affirmation as you put a gold candle in the center, allowing it to completely burn out before burying the offering in your garden.  

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Capricorn: Partnership 

(December 22 - January 19) 

Daily Affirmation: I am fostering a healthy and loving partnership in my life.  

Call in a healthy and loving partnership into your life under the energy of the Cancer Moon and Saturn in Pisces. Begin by cutting a length of red string, then anoint it with jasmine essential oil. Repeat your affirmation as you tie it onto your left ring finger.  

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Aquarius: Your Best Self 

(January 20 - February 18) 

Daily Affirmation: I am continuously becoming my best self.  

Embrace the qualities of your best self while the Cancer Moon and Saturn in Pisces help you focus on emotional self-care. Create an aura spray to help encourage your higher self by using plain witch hazel, and then add in black tourmaline, clear quartz, orange zest and the essences of lavender and sage. Repeat your affirmation as you use it to cleanse your energy and home.  


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Pisces: Pleasure 

(February 19 - March 20) 

Daily Affirmation: I am creating moments of bliss by focusing on what pleases me.  

Take time to focus on creating the moments of bliss that bring you the most pleasure as the Cancer Moon forms a trine to Saturn in Pisces. Create an essential oil blend using almond oil and the essences of rose, jasmine and cedar. Repeat your affirmation as you massage the oil blend into your skin.  

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and retreat curator. For more of her work, visit her website
