Horoscope For October 31, 2023 — Moon Square Venus

We don't want to take changes with our money, relationships or things that hold value to us.

horoscope for october 31, 2023 Chikovnaya, Guiseppe Ramos V via Canva Pro/Robert Gruszecki from pexels via Canva

The last day of the month is here, and so is your horoscope for October 31, 2023. The Moon squares Venus bringing intense energy into our lives.


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Your zodiac sign's daily horoscope for Tuesday, October 31, 2023.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)


Integrity is your middle name, and when it comes to honesty, you don't like to mince words. You're shooting straight from the hip today, and you have a reason to be this way.

Aries, when it comes to getting your point across you lean more toward the blunt and straightforward route. Whenever the Moon is in Gemini, it boosts your ability to put thoughts into words clearly and concisely.

Today, during the Moon square Venus transit, you may feel a strong need to get something important off of your chest related to money, your health and what you need to feel comfortable in your own skin.

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Taurus (April 20 - May 20)


You may not be Snoop Dog, but today with the Moon in Gemini, you're got your 'mind on your money and your money on your mind.' With the Sun in your sector of business dealings, you're here to make things happen.

In fact, with Mars in Scorpio, you're driven to accomplish what you set your mind to do. Your Midas touch is nothing short of hard work and grit. Today's Moon square Venus transit may be challenging, but it's the push you need right now to get up and get what's yours. Today the keyword for your day is 'grinding'.

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20)


Today is the day you start to set boundaries about how you want life to treat you. You're tired of playing it small, Gemini, and now you're ready to push other people out of the way to get the attention and respect you deserve. Today's Moon in your sign brings an emphasis to what you feel you have earned.

Personal development and acts that improve your life are what you're about with Mars in Scorpio. However, it's the Moon in a square with Venus that drives your desire for respect from others. You want to feel appreciated by the boss, the family, and anyone else that you feel you've earned it from.

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)


You are energy sensitive, Cancer. When you walk into a room you can tell when something is off or not right. Today's Moon in Gemini encourages the discovery of enemy territory. This may involve toxic situations in life that drain you of your energy or problems that seem to remain unsolvable, and you're ready to remove yourself from the equation.

The negative vibe you're picking up could be because you sense that the impact this has is effecting your work, relationships and other areas of your life. Stress can be a drag, so instead of trying to push through, during today's Moon square Venus transit, you want to move on and forget about it.

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Leo (July 23 - August 22)


It's not too early to start holiday shopping. You've been feeling the urge to start preparing for the holidays weeks ago. You've been patiently waiting to buy things for friends and family. Black Friday seems so far away.

However, today's Moon square Venus can make it hard to resist spending your money on items you see. You might break the seal and order a few stocking stuffers or put up the tree this weekend now that Halloween is practically over.

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Virgo (August 23 - September 22)


It's amazing how social media seems to read your mind these days, and lately one word that's coming up for you is 'compensation'. You've been feeling underpaid, and rather than quiet quit or find a new job, you've been loyally sticking to your position with hopes of earning more money by a raise or a bonus before the end of the year. But now during the Moon square Venus transit patience is waning.

You don't really want to have to ask for a raise, but you find it hard to deny that you need one. You're working hard to earn one, so during this Moon square Venus transit, you may start researching the best approach to take to ask for your payraise.

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Libra (September 23 - October 22)


You were ready for an adventure yesterday, and today the idea of escaping from every day life is so appealing to you. One problem could be that you don't have the funds to take time off and go on a trip. You may even feel like you would get denied a time-off request anyway because the holidays are here and work is getting slammed.

Rather than pretend you're not feeling this way, start planning for something you can look forward to in the future. The Moon square Venus transit is the perfect time to create a Pinterest board for all your dreams. You can create a plan for the perfect post-holiday vacation ever!

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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)


You don't really like asking people for money or for help. In fact, it's not in your DNA to depend on anyone unless you absolutely have to do so. Today's Moon in your sector of shared resources has you realizing that so many people would love to help you if you needed it. You have friends who are always offering and you typically say no. Today may be different.

While it's never easy to ask for someone to help you figure a problem out, it's the ideal time to do so. Asking can help you learn how to be vulnerable during tough times. It can teach you to feel closer and connected to others because you've worked through those tough times together.

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Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)


You never know who you will meet or where. Today you may have met the person you were meant to be with at your job or through someone at work. It's an awkward situation when you find yourself crushing on a boss, coworker or a person that you work with.

You may struggle to keep this secret crush to yourself during the Moon square Venus transit. This may be 'only feelings'. For now, this is where you are, and you can process these emotions to see if they mature and grow or leave with familiarity and time.

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Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)


Some time in nature is all you need to feel relaxed and whole. The Gemini Moon will activate your sector of wellness and daily routines. Sometimes a small break in your day can be exactly what you need to free your mind and boost your mood.

Because the Moon is in a square to Venus, you may not feel like talking about your feelings to anyone right now. Journaling can be a wonderful outlet. You may also enjoy listening to podcasts that encourage new ideas for leveling up your life.

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Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)


You have a soft heart, Aquarius, and today whether or not you have deep pockets, today's Moon square Venus transit inclines you toward giving to others generously. You come from a good place.

You know what it's like to not have things, and you prefer not to see others suffer if they don't have to. Today your generous nature feels good being expressed without hesitation. In fact, you can't wait to dote on someone you love before the night is over.

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Pisces (February 19 - March 20)


Be careful, Pisces. There are certain days when challenging a boss ought to be reconsidered. While it may seem to be the right time to stand up for yourself, there are other situations at play that could lend it self to tension.

With the Moon square Venus in place, you will want to think about your ideas before you share. No matter how familiar you feel to someone right now, remain business like and professional.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
