Each Zodiac Sign's Luckiest Day Of The Week Starting October 16 - 22, 2023
Commit to your dreams with an unyielding passion and watch as the magic happens during Mercury in Scorpio.

It's a week of excitement and divine energy as you begin to step into the portal of time between the two eclipses of this month. This moment is governed more fiercely by the universe, where you can find sudden surprises and turnarounds to help you realize your luckiest days are genuinely ahead of you.
To make use of this energy, you must be willing to understand that what you had planned may not come to fruition simply because something better is awaiting you. Release your attachment to anything going a particular way, and instead, smile as the universe guides you to manifest all you've ever desired.
In the week of October 16, Mercury shifts into Scorpio, joining Mars and giving you immense power behind the words you speak. Asteroid Juno, ruler of commitment, also moves into Virgo, showing you precisely how to make all your dreams a reality.
Together, it gives you the best of everything as you can hone in on what you are genuinely passionate about and commit to it unwaveringly to achieve anything you set your heart on.
The First Quarter Moon in Capricorn rises auspiciously this week as well, helping you to rededicate yourself to the intentions you set on the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra. This is a time to focus on removing or overcoming obstacles you've felt have arisen. With the added strength of Juno in Virgo, there is nothing you can't achieve so long as you don't let yourself be swayed by these challenges.
Before any significant uplevel in your life, the universe will always test you to see if you are ready for it by setting down obstacles or even old situations you've already moved through. It's not to set you up for failure but to help you see how far you've come and that you are ready for all you dream of.
The more you commit to what you desire, the easier it is to make it a reality. There will always be specific challenges or situations you must overcome, but it doesn't mean that what you're dreaming of isn't meant for you. It means that you are being prepared for it. It's not just about achieving something under this powerful eclipse window energy, but in preparing yourself to be the person who can make anything you want the reality you live.
The luckiest day of the week for each zodiac sign beginning October 16 - 22, 2023
(March 21 - April 19)
Luckiest Day: Saturday, October 21
Leading Energy: First Quarter Moon in Capricorn, ruler of your career sector
You've been considering making a change in your career that will allow you to feel more aligned with what is important to you. Whether it's a different role or profession, you must honor this changing desire within yourself instead of telling yourself why it won't work. While confidence has been something you've been working on this year, right now, that's not what's holding you back, but instead, a fear of failure.
When you realize that the entire universe is on your side and you have the feelings you are because you're being guided to take a leap of faith, you'll also be able to see just how divinely lucky your path is. Use the First Quarter Moon this week to release the fears or doubts keeping you somewhere you've already outgrown. When you honor your growth, you can see that you will become more abundant by creating the space for it to take root.
(April 20 - May 20)
Luckiest Day: Saturday, October 21
Leading Energy: First Quarter Moon in Capricorn, ruler of your house of luck
Nothing is standing in your way this week as you are guided to believe in yourself fully and what you dream about. Having the First Quarter Moon rise in your house of luck means you will be asked to leap of faith. It's also grounded and real, as you can trust that whatever you must do to make your dreams a reality will be worth it.
This part of your life also tends to bring up new opportunities for travel, spiritual growth or even education, so make sure you remain open to new ideas you're having or even chances to expand your mind and practice. The key to achieving the luck you desire rests in being able to take the chances that will help you transform your life.
(May 21 - June 20)
Luckiest Day: Sunday, October 22
Leading Energy: Mercury in Scorpio, ruler of your sector of well-being and determination
It's said that the most incredible luck isn't in something you create outside of yourself but in your health. You are being asked to focus on this while Mercury, ruler of communication, shifts into Scorpio this week. Having a sense of well-being isn't just a matter of diet and exercise. It's about the space you create to flourish.
Take time to reflect on your needs, not just for your physical body but also for your emotional and spiritual well-being. Regardless of what it is, you need to feel like your best self to attract the luck you seek. You may need some alone time and even more rest as you embrace healthy boundaries and let yourself have a divine reset to start living life as your best self.
(June 21 - July 22)
Luckiest Day: Tuesday, October 17
Leading Energy: Juno in Virgo, ruler of your sector of communication
When it comes to communication, you need to ensure that you are always honoring your truth. Your truth comprises how you feel, want, need and dream. It creates a foundation for you, which everything else must align with. Because of how much you care for others, expressing your truth can often be challenging because you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or even isolate yourself from others. To genuinely live your truth, you also must be able to express it.
As Juno, ruler of commitment, shifts into Virgo, you will have immense power behind your words as you feel a rededication to return to your inner truth. Juno in Virgo will allow you to commit to your truth and honor why that is so important to you, which is just the beginning of not just creating a life that is authentically aligned with you but also one that carries all the luck and abundance you desire.
(July 23 - August 22)
Luckiest Day: Tuesday, October 17
Leading Energy: Juno in Virgo, ruler of your house of wealth
It's not surprising that you desire all the creature comforts of life, but something that you need to remember is it's not just coincidence whether you create it, but part of your divine power. As a zodiac sign known for following its heart, you must learn that your best ideas come from this place of passion. And these ideas are precisely what will lead to the abundant life that you desire.
As Juno shifts into Virgo, ruler of your house of financial abundance and self-worth, return to your dreams and beliefs about life. To know which job to accept or where to move to, you must trust this part of you because it is always connected to the divine, as it helps you create a life aligned with your fate. Please ensure you are only thinking about what you want to manifest. Then, open your heart to take advantage of the opportunities around you, leading you to the luck you're hoping for.
(August 23 - September 22)
Luckiest Day: Tuesday, October 17
Leading Energy: Juno in Virgo, ruler of your sector of self
When it comes to yourself, you can often be more self-sacrificing than you intend to be simply because you are trying to help others so profoundly. Sometimes, helping others means you are doing a disservice to yourself. As Juno shifts into Virgo, make sure you fully commit to prioritizing yourself during this time because it's meant to be a period that returns you to your inner power.
Knowing and embracing your inner power is integral for attracting the luck and divine help of the universe. This is because you need to be in a place where you will seize what is meant for you without letting the thoughts or feelings of others distract you from your path. Take one day at a time, journal and let yourself return to your space of truth, power and knowing that you deserve to genuinely create the life of your dreams.
(September 23 - October 22)
Luckiest Day: Sunday, October 22
Leading Energy: Mercury in Scorpio, ruler of your house of value and wealth
In a year that has already brought so much change, you are being primed to enter an entirely new phase of your life. With the new eclipse cycle just beginning, this is your life to transform your life in all the ways you desire. You will be ending patterns, becoming the cycle breaker and healing not just your wounds but those generationally. To fully begin this life-changing process, you first need to know all you are worthy of confidently.
Mercury in Scorpio activates your sector of personal value and wealth, everything from self-worth to money and even the importance of particular relationships or people in your life. You are being asked to become truly clear on what is most important to you, not just those situations outside of you but also those dreams and aspirations you hold within your heart. The more you know you are worthy of your dreams, the more you will be able to surrender to this transformative process the universe is guiding you toward, leading to unexpected luck and joy.
(October 23 - November 21)
Luckiest Day: Tuesday, October 17
Leading Energy: Juno in Virgo, ruler of your sector of wishes
As an emotionally deep-water sign, you must let yourself embrace the light occasionally. With more planets beginning to enter Scorpio ahead of the Sun beginning your zodiac season, you are starting to feel more like yourself. You are trusting your thoughts, embracing your truth and recognizing nothing wrong with wanting what you desire from life. This allows you to be filled with the courage to believe in yourself, which is the fuel you need to bring all your dreams to fruition.
As Juno shifts into Virgo, ruler of your sector of wishes, focus on what you dream of for your life. Instead of getting caught up in the likelihood of it or whether others will agree with or go along with the changes to make it happen, honor your truth. Believe in yourself because you decide it is right, and you won't ever give your power to anyone else again. Take time to make some critical soul wishes this week, as they will become the foundation for your new life.
(November 22 - December 21)
Luckiest Day: Tuesday, October 17
Leading Energy: Juno in Virgo, ruler of your career sector
You've been reflecting more deeply on your career as you've tried to figure out what you want to pursue with your life. This is bigger than what job you are pursuing and will have you returning to school or even simply trying to expand your mind in unusual and exciting ways as you discover your purpose. Just because there are always different options available doesn't necessarily mean they are all meant for you. Yet, to be able to discern which are, you need to know what your goal is.
As much as you've been on a path of exploration and discovery recently, this new energy shift with Juno in Virgo will help you become clearer on what you are trying to create. Sometimes, it's as simple as figuring out how you want to feel when you finally have reached the chapter of your life and then working backward as you decide what will bring those feelings to your life. Focus this week on the details and the purpose behind all you do so that you can truly see everything that has occurred for a purpose and have been divinely guided through it all.
(December 22 - January 19)
Luckiest Day: Tuesday, October 17
Leading Energy: Juno in Virgo, ruler of your house of luck
Let yourself open your heart and see just how fantastic life can be if you let it. As an earth sign, you are excellent at focusing on and working to achieve a particular goal. Life doesn't have to be all work. When you create space for the universe to surprise you, you will see how amazing it can be.
Juno in Virgo helps you become more committed to expanding your perspective as you feel called to travel or explore new topics. This brings about a shift in your life priorities as you are drawn to experience more of all around you rather than simply a path of success. Your career is in good standing right now, so let yourself be pulled by what excites you because it's often in the most unexpected moments that you realize you are already living the fate you've been dreaming of.
(January 20 - February 18)
Luckiest Day: Sunday, October 22
Leading Energy: Mercury in Scorpio, ruler of your house of career
You've begun to reflect on your career and professional life more deeply as you've desired to feel more connected to your work. It's not that you despise your job or have already decided you're looking for a new one, but you are looking for that quintessential more in your life right now. Honor and validate this desire, as it will help you incorporate more of your recent growth into your career to feel confident you are precisely where you are meant to be.
With Mercury and Mars in Scorpio, there is a quest to feel connected to the work that you're doing. This doesn't mean you will have to focus only on non-profit work or anything like that, but you need to feel benefit and useful, as if what you do truly matters.
The desire for deeper connection is part of a bigger process you've been moving through this year as you've started to align the different facets of your life with all the growth and healing you've moved through. This is just one more piece, and it will help guide you toward genuinely feeling confident that you are working within your divine purpose for this lifetime.
(February 19 - March 20)
Luckiest Day: Sunday, October 22
Leading Energy: Mercury in Scorpio, ruler of your sector of luck
You must see where the winds of fate take you now and then. You are a water sign, and by nature, you tend to go more with the flow than others, but at times, you become stuck because you think there's only one way to become successful or have all your needs met. When you release even these ideals and truly surrender into the universe, you can also honor more of your intuitive side, which is deeply connected to the universe around you.
As you shift into Scorpio, ruler of your house of luck, reflect on the ideas you've been having for travel, starting a new business or even exploring a new interest in your life. This is the birthplace of your dreams, and the more you can honor what arises here, the more you will see luck blossom in even the most unlikely places.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and retreat curator. For more of her work, visit her website.