Which 3 Zodiac Signs Feel Happier After A Breakup On October 18, 2023
It's time to allow ourselves some happiness.

It's October 18, 2023, and we've just ended a long-term relationship. We know that we should feel like a heap of garbage. Yet, here we are, feeling like we just got away with murder ... in all the right ways (if there is such a thing as that ... ?). Anyhoo, the thing that's going on today is that we feel optimistic about life and we feel it because we've just done ourselves the service of breaking up with someone who didn't deserve to be with us in the first place.
Yes, today, we give ourselves that status: single and deserving. We have a Waxing Crescent Moon in the zodiac signs of Sagittarius and that's enough to give three zodiac signs here today the hope and stamina they need to not only get through the aftershock of the breakup but to own it and love it. Use it as fuel to get to the next place. We are happier now that we've done the dirty deed; this is what we wanted.
So, let's see where we're going with this. After their break up, these three zodiac signs will feel better about love and life on October 18, 2023:
1. Virgo
(August 23 - September 22)
It's not like breaking up was the first thing on your mind when you got together with the person you feel you spent way too much time with over the last few months (or years), but as time dragged on, you came to notice that, NOPE, this is not the place for you. Being in the relationship you just got out of was a prison sentence that you now think of as time spent. It's done, you served, you did your time and now you're as free as a bird.
You may not have thought about it this way until now, as the Waxing Crescent in Sagittarius invites those feelings of freedom and lets you know to your core that you escaped Virgo. You should be happy with your new direction. Sure, it's taken some time to get to this place where everything looks good to you, but October 18, 2023, seems to be Day One for you, and that's alright with you.
Plus, here you are in Scorpio season and this is a good time to contact your edgier side. Why bother endlessly returning to the crime scene when you can move forward and conceptualize new horizons filled with love and hope? It may have taken a long time to get here, but you feel happy, Virgo. That means you did the right thing. Now, get out there and live your life!
2. Capricorn
(December 22 - January 19)
When the Moon waxes toward Sagittarius, you can't help but feel as though all of your previous decisions to break up were the right ones. Only you and you alone know what you went through in that dreaded romance. Only you can know what freedom from dreaded romance means to you. On October 18, 2023, it will become 'real' to you. Today is the day it finally kicks in and what we mean by that is that you'll start smiling again on this day. Oh yeah.
You might even get a laugh or two over your feelings of giddiness as you look over some of the things you endured. While you felt terrible then, you now feel this intense sense of liberation, as if you can breathe freely for the first time in years. Sagittarius energy encourages feelings of independence, and while we're not yet in the zodiac sign of Sag, you, Capricorn, can't help but feel good about getting there.
October 18, 2023, marks off a new era for you, Capricorn, because not only are you now free from your ex-partner, but you are free to start loving yourself and caring for yourself in ways that have gone neglected when you felt you were overly burdened by the person you ended the relationship with. This is only the beginning for you and you feel grateful to finally be on your own, able to think and create by yourself.
3. Pisces
(February 19 - March 20)
You probably never thought that the day would come when you'd feel elated over the idea of breaking up with someone, but by October 18, 2023, you will be more than ready to start smiling again. It happened. That 'click' moment has finally happened where. You no longer carry that heap of pain and heartache. It's time to chuck out the trash and lighten up.
During the Waxing Crescent in Sagittarius, you'll feel as though, for the first time in forever, you can feel happy about your future. While being with the person you just broke up with, you've learned that there is more to life than just faking it through some false romance to prove to other people that you can be 'just like them.' Gone are the days when you must live up to anyone's expectations. Today is for you. The future is yours for the asking.
This transit, the Waxing Crescent Moon in Sagittarius, allows you to hope again. You're never going back. The past is dead, and you are too happy to move forward. You can feel the positive momentum and nothing can stop you from being happy in the future. That future starts today, October 18, 2023. Welcome to your new life, Pisces. You did what you needed to do to get here. Now it's up to you to enjoy it. You will.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.