Love Horoscope For October 7, 2023

Love takes you by surprise.

love horoscope for october 7 Gambar Madu via Canva Pro/AnyD and De_Momentz both from Pixabay via Canva

Here's how the love horoscope for October 7, 2023, turns out for each zodiac sign in astrology. 


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What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Saturday, October 07, 2023:



The warm fuzzies aren't there today, but that does not mean your relationship is doomed for failure or that you've fallen out of love. Relationships move out of the honeymoon phase and into theindividuation stage of relationship.

Today's Sun square Venus reminds you that love isn't always going to be full of heightened romance. Sometimes it's just two individuals working through their problems together as a team.

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Your personal well being and mental health is a priority, and as the Sun squares Venus it's essential for you to have a home you feel safe in. Today when there is tension with family or relatives, pick yourself first.

You may struggle with guilt if you're used to people-pleasing, and those who are used to you doing things for them may resent your boundaries today. While this transition to a new, healthier you isn't easy, it's important. Stay strong, Taurus.

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You're so ready for romance, and that eagerness you feel could lead you to saying too much to the one you love. Today, you'll want to put that nervous energy in check.

When you feel butterflies of excitement, try to remember that you're two human beings sharing the best of one another. There's no need to put on a good impression. During the Sun square Venus transit, what matters is most is just being yourself.

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Finances are a big stressor in relationships, and you may feel the pressure today a bit more than usual. Today's Sun in Libra emphasizes your need for security.

Venus in a square with the Sun indicates there's a lack of money or a financial situation can make you feel less secure than you'd like. When navigating the waters of uncertainty, don't let problems get the best of you. Try to stay positive and talk openly. Work together as a team.

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You might experience self-doubt when it comes to love. During Sun square Venus you may feel at odds with yourself. There can be an internal conflict between what you want and what you feel is reality.

What is the best way for you to work though feelings of inadequacy when it comes to love? Go for a walk. Have a good cry. Talk things through with a friend.

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Breakups can be sticky. You may need to ask for your things back, or decide that you don't care if you get them back anymore. Today's Sun square Venus reveals a sense of uncertainty between how to handle an ending and what this may mean for your reputation.

Should you really worry about what others think of you? You know the reason why things didn't work out. Whether or not a person has decided to hide their side of things isn't on you. It's not going to be easy, but cutting ties and letting go may be the right thing for you.

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Friends are such a great part of your life. So when your best friend dislikes someone you are in love with it can feel disheartening. You may not want to believe what you are hearing. It can be too tough for you to accept. You may feel as though this creates friction for you and your friends.

There's really no reason to feel as though you have to pick between your friendship and love. They are grownups and can figure things out on their own. If they both love you, they may need to compromise.

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Love is mostly meant to be easy, so when you are the one who is doing all the trying, making all of the effort, and pushing hard to make the relationship work it can leave you wondering why.

You may feel like there's something 'off' about your relationship. You may not be able to put your finger on it. It's hard to know if your partner isn't trying because they have fallen out of love or busy. Today pay attention to the signs in front of you. If you stop chasing, will they wonder why?

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You don't have to agree with everything someone says to you. Your friends may feel strongly about their opinion. Some may even think that they know better than you what you need and want in a relationship.

During the day's Sun square Venus, expanding your friendship circle can feel harder because of your unique way of thinking. Don't quit though. Sometimes you have to take a bit more time to find your people. When you do, you'll feel glad you waited.

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Behind all that arrogance could be a lot of pain. When you sense your partner's walls go up, look a beyond the mood. During Sun square Venus, distance and space can be a nice thing to give. But, sharing your concern and leaving the door open to talk more later is a nice way to say you care without pushing boundaries or invading personal space.

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It's time for a road trip, and you may be ready to go off on an adventure, but your partner may want to stay home. It's not easy to figure out what is the right to do. A compromise could be you going out to venture on your adventure and your significant other staying at the hotel sleeping in and resting. During Sun square Venus, there are options for you to pick from, and they don't have to be what others think you should do.

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You are not your secrets, and although you may be working through some type of deep healing, you are still entitled to love. You may feel like you can't really be transparent right now. It may even feel as though you don't have room for a relationship when you're still going through your healing. The day can feel confusing during Venus square the Sun, but give yourself some grace. You'll figure it out.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
