Love Horoscope For September 29, 2023

Love takes us by surprise sometimes.

love horoscope for september 29, 2023 Zeferli from Getty Images | Canva Pro

Friday's astrology forecast brings a lot of new energy into each zodiac sign's love life and intimate relationships. Here's what this means for your love horoscope starting on September 29, 2023.


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What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Friday, September 29, 2023:



Love needs to be practical, Aries, and for you, things have to make sense or why be in the relationship at all? Two areas of instability enter your love life today: finances and routines. You are all about romance and love being a priority, but if a relationship comes to a high cost for you, you may decide to put it on the back burner (for today) to sort your feelings out. Today may be a day when you decide to say, "Hey, I need my space."

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You're looking for romance, but the time has just not been there. Today, you may find it easier to sneak in a kiss or a hug from a partner who has longed for time with you, too. What helps you out today is Uranus in your sign speaking to Venus in Virgo. Your personal life has been slightly unstable ever since Uranus began to work on your life, and while your day may continue to feel slightly busier than usual, there's a small window of opportunity opening up that you can take advantage of. Seize the day, Bull. Capture the moments when you can.

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Love can feel unstable today, and you may feel less secure about your relationship as a result; however, let the time pass because it will get better. Something in your past may rear its ugly head today, revealing unfinished business in your family. This can be hard on a significant other because of their inability to make it better or understand. While it's never easy to go back to the past to clear up things you thought were over, it's a great opportunity to remove barriers to your romantic future.

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Don't rush to tell a friend everything if you just argued with your partner. Sometimes, you need to let the anger settle down so you can think clearly, even when you feel like your emotions are all over the place. Uranus in your eleventh house of friends may make it feel like you just have to gush all your secrets without any filter. But Venus in Virgo pulls you toward sensibility in thought. You know that when you are upset, you may say things you don't mean and regret being so angry later. Today teaches you to have patience and to regulate your emotions.

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Focusing on work can be an excellent way to channel frustrating emotions about being single or not knowing where your relationship is headed. Money may not be able to buy you love, but it can cover many other areas of your life that cause stress. So rather than dwell on what isn't going right, getting lost in a passion project or winning at work can make you feel more confident. That confidence will translate nicely into your relationships.

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Going on a romantic vacation can be the perfect way to end the week, and you deserve this. Being spontaneous (or at least wanting to be) is a bit easier when zany Uranus speaks to Venus in your sign. Your practical side can toss caution to the wind when it comes to love today. You may feel torn between being sensible and responsible and wonder why not go for it. Taking a risk — like asking your boss for a day off without more time can be hard to do, but with this energy, you may be surprised to hear yes. Who knows? Maybe you'll try it.

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You're ready to open up about your secrets to someone special, which can be the type of intimacy you crave. Even if you think you weren't affected by something in the past, if you still think about it periodically, a secret could be undermining your ability to let go entirely in your relationship. Today, during Uranus speaking with Venus, a part of you may feel ready to open up about what's bothering you. A small confession that is long overdue may help you to heal.

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A good friend can tell when things aren't going well in a relationship. Today, someone close to you may call you out on how you've changed and inquire why. That good friend may even be your partner who sees into your life daily in ways others don't. Today, try to set aside your tough person act. Even though you may not be comfortable letting others love you during times when you feel less attractive, today, it's advised to try.

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Work can be too much lately, and the pressure to perform at the office may be an emotional drain on you and your relationship as a result. It's time to do something to change the story and find a way to unwind and relax. Today pressures of life can feel harder to bear. With Uranus pulling you toward change and Venus pushing you to work on yourself, self-love seems like a great place to start.

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Try writing a love note to show your partner you're thinking of them. Doing something old-fashioned can be so romantic today. Uranus brings out your desire to try new things, even if they have already been done before in the past. Doing something you've not done for your partner can open the door to new emotions you've not felt in a long time. Sentimental words can foster a new mindset and awareness for you both that is special and sweet.

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You may find out something that you did not know about your family and their romantic history because today is perfect for digging into your history and how everyone met and fell in love. Uranus has been shaking things up in your home life a lot more than usual, and with Venus bringing support in your secret sector, it's time to dig into the treasures of the past with curiosity. It can fill your heart to learn about the challenges and happiness of past love that your grandparents or other relatives experienced.

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Someone may admit that they love you, Pisces. Their confession can take you completely by surprise! Today, everyone is affected by the unpredictable energy between Venus and Uranus in Taurus. Someone may not want to miss their chance at winning your heart. As a result, you hear about their love. The timing may not be perfect, but tuck the idea in the back of your mind to see how you feel later.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
