These 3 Specific Zodiac Signs Are The Luckiest In Love This Month

Time to experience the power of love.

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If you can make October work for you regarding love and romance, please share your secret, as this month will present us with some challenging transitions. We've got a lot of Mars energy heading our way, and the numerous Mars, Venus and Lilith aspects lined up throughout the entire month may work together so that things become distorted and upsetting for many during October 2023. This rides on the idea that certain zodiac signs are just not up for it, which also implies that there's another side to that equation ...


It seems three zodiac signs are up for the challenge. We will not only tackle the minefield of obstacles between us and our perfect dream of love and passion but also find ingenious ways to work with the obstacles at hand. Considering that we've got Venus conjunct Saturn, Saturn conjunct Lilith, and Mars trine Saturn, all within the same week (week two), we must know that things will not be easy. 'We' are born under the right zodiac sign, and 'we' will handle it. We've got a New Moon in Libra to push us in the right direction and a Full Moon in Scorpio on the 28th to show us that we were right all along.




So, this month is all about making the right decision at the right time, and that, my friends, will take talent ... and insight. If we play our cards right, we can experience great love and amazingly romantic moments this month. That means we don't just follow our hearts. We also use our brains. That's the kicker right there. Using our heads to make decisions is key. Here are the three zodiac signs that will make the best of October 2023: love, life and romance.

Three zodiac signs are luckiest during the month of October 2023:

1. Aries 

(March 21 - April 19)

You will use as much positive energy as possible during October 2023 because you refuse to fail. You feel you've been put the wringer, and enough is enough. Your life's hard times have to end, and guess what? You'd be right in thinking that way, Aries, because not many zodiac signs can whip themselves into a state of pure, glowing positivity as you do.


And, because you can recreate yourself and your fate, you'll be able to attract someone who will defy the odds into your life. You may think that love has passed you by, but you have no idea what's coming your way, and that's because you happen to work well with Venus and Lilith's energy, and you'll be receiving heaps of it this month. Be on the lookout for some new love interest in your life. It's not who you expect at all.

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2. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)

You've got Lilith energy in your back pocket, so when this celestial body transits in the many ways it will during October 2023, you are ready and willing to use it to your benefit. Venus works to help you move with grace during this time, and you will find that your ability to make the right decision is spot on and works especially well in your love life.


You feel the heat of October in ways that others do not. You like the dark side of things and are excited by a partner who likes the same mischief. Your birthday is coming up, bringing you a sense of power to come. You use that power to attract and seduce. You're in your element now, and you'll see an extraordinary example of your power during the Full Moon in Scorpio on October 28, 2023.

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3. Sagittarius 

(November 22 - December 21)

One of the reasons this month is so good to you is because you feel the decline of the year, and it makes you feel ... at home. Born in the latter section of Autumn, you feel much more at home during months like October and November, and it will be during this month that you come to know who you are and where you stand in your romantic life.


Venus energy turns you into someone who loves and adores themself, allowing you to love someone else in return. You feel so strong and mighty during this month that you won't be able to help but attract people who are similar to you. You have high aspirations and amazing confidence during October of 2023, and your love life will reflect your inner state. You will feel the love and the power of that love in ways you've never experienced before.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
