The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Finally Get An Apology On September 19, 2023
Was it worth the wait?

There's something about today's astrological transit, Moon square Venus, that makes us feel as though we just want to tidy things up in terms of the people we've known and what we feel they either owe us what we feel we might owe them.
Odd how something like waiting for an apology can feel like a debt that needs to be paid, and yet, so many of us do wait around for that one person to finally admit that they were wrong and just tell us that they feel responsible. Odd also how people are about apologies and how incredibly difficult is for so many of us to give them.
When we apologize to someone, we free ourselves from that debt, and it is no longer that heavy thing that remains unsaid. During the transit of Moon square Venus, we may find that the one person in our lives whom we feel 'owes' us this apology is now ready to deliver it.
On September 19, 2023, three zodiac signs will get the apology they've been waiting for. The question will be, at that point: does it matter? Is it 'too little, too late' or will this apology actually do what we want it to do...which is...what?
So what we're going to be dealing with today is the idea that if we do get this long-awaited apology, will it be worth anything to us? Or, rather, will it do what we believe it is supposed to do, such as wipe the slate clean and give us the closure we need?
That remains to be seen. What Moon square Venus provides us with is the first step; getting the apology. For three zodiac signs here today, we will examine whether or not any of it was even worth it. Let's find out.
Three zodiac signs get an apology they have waited for on September 19, 2023:
1. Cancer
(June 21 - July 22)
Today is going to bring you the words you've longed to hear, but the truth of the matter is that those words will not be sufficient, and after hearing them — in the form of an apology that you felt was long overdue — you will feel that the entire procedure was anti-climactic.
You'll get your apology during Moon square Venus on September 19, 2023, and you'll feel as though you spent way too much time waiting for this person to come through and that by the time they say what you've wanted to hear from them, it means very little to you.
In fact, this grand apology will more than likely not even be necessary. You've gotten over it all, and what kept you hanging on to the idea that you needed this apology was that you felt you had your principles. Principles alone kept you longing for an apology, and now that you've got what you want, it feels lukewarm and insincere; meaningless.
2. Virgo
(August 23 - September 22)
You've held something against someone for more years than you can remember, and every now and then, you bring up this one memory and it has you ranting and raving about this one person the one who did you wrong. You've resented them for what feels like a lifetime, and you feel as though they never really owned up to what they did to you.
The truth is, that during the transit of Moon square Venus, on September 19, 2023, that person will come around to apologize, and while it will seem like a big deal, the after-effect of their omission will be so stale and wishy-washy, that you'll almost wish that they kept it to themselves. It's almost as if the apology made the whole thing worse; that you didn't expect. So, you'll get your apology and it will feel like old news to you, Virgo.
3. Scorpio
(October 23 - November 21)
You know that something went wrong with someone you once loved, and while you definitely feel you played a big part in the destruction of the relationship, you know that they are the ones to blame for the ending and you've always resented them for it.
On September 19, 2023, your connection to this person will once again, resume but not in the form of a continuation.
This person will reach out to you in contrition and they will apologize for their part in the hurt you felt. You, too, will apologize to them, because during Moon square Venus, it seems that you need to rid yourself of your own guilt, as well.
This is the real deal in closure; you both relieve yourselves of the bond of pain that has held you together, even in memory. Today is the day you get to free yourselves from the memory of a relationship gone bad. This is very good, Scorpio.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.