These 4 Chinese Zodiac Signs Will Be The Luckiest In Love This Month

True joy lies in wait for these zodiac signs during the month of September 2023.

chinese zodiac signs are luckiest in love in september 2023 Emily_XX and Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni and kirkchai benjarusameeros all via Canva Pro/Google Design Icons via Canva

Four Chinese zodiac signs are luckiest in love in September 2023. First, let's look at the month's love messages for everyone. Dismay can quickly turn to joy, heartbreaks can be healed, and love, once lost, doesn't have to be lost forever. If you are in limbo right now and unsure what to do about your love life, whether that's because you don't know if you even want someone in it or because you are looking for a soulmate and haven't found true love yet, now's the time turn inward and take a closer look at what truly lies within. The world cannot give you answers to such personal questions. No one can tell you the right path because they are not you.




Lake over lake is the i-ching hexagram of love for September (#58). The energy is joyous and delightful now, but you cannot align with it if you have forgotten your inner child. Do at least one thing this month that fills your heart with love and joy. Like a magnet, you will draw even more such experiences to yourself. If you are considering down with anyone, now's the time to talk about children. Let's focus on the four Chinese zodiac signs who are the luckiest in love in September.


Four Chinese zodiac signs who are luckiest in love in September 2023:

1. Dog

1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

Dog, Your Luck in Love in September feels peaceful and introverted. Your imagination and inner world will be at the forefront of these blessings, and you will find strength and confidence through them, regardless of whether you are single.

If you are single, the timing is not yet right for your soulmate to come to you. Have faith in the mysterious workings of the universe as it aligns your path with your true partner's. After all, it would be bad luck to meet the right person at the wrong time. Take this time and this blessed energy to show love to yourself and close out chapters that have caused pain to you in the past. Cord-cutting rituals, energy cleanses and therapy help you center yourself and become whole and strong within.

If you are in a relationship, luck will bring choices on your path this month that can potentially turn your colors in a good way. Some of you shoulder too many responsibilities and do not allow your partner to split them equally. Now's the time to communicate effectively about the same.


Are you really with the right person if thinking about this fills you with dread or worry? Why wouldn't your soulmate want to make life easier for you as you have been doing for them? Luck is on your side this month as long as you are willing to reach out and seize it.

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2. Rabbit

1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

Your luck in love this month has the shine of the Sun to it, Rabbit. Then again, 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit and the blessings will keep coming in for you in waves. If you are single, this lucky energy will open paths for you and make stepping through doors that take you to the next level easier. It's almost like your love life and career are intertwined right now.


For some, this energy will soon introduce you to the right partner, the other half of your power couple team. For others, luck will enhance your charm and shine and make it easier for you to move forward in spaces where people pretend there are no biases but there inherently are. If you are in a relationship, be careful of the toxic people in your or your partner's family this month. Luck will tell you who to avoid, which gatherings to attend and what to say to whom. It can't protect you if you allow the veil of illusions to be drawn before your eyes and think the best of people who have shown you only their worst. For some of you, this energy is also trying to protect your children's future. So tread with care.

If you feel called to, hang a talisman or remedy outside your home to prevent negativity. Sometimes, that's all you need to allow luck to flow easily into your life. Green chilies, lemons and salt are good ingredients, but you can also follow a culturally significant technique for you and your heritage.

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3. Goat

1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015


Goat, the end of sorrows in love is what luck brings to your doorstep this month. The way that will play out will be different for each of you. For some, it will help you move on from the worst relationship of your life. For others, it will prevent you from falling in with the wrong person with the right charms.

If you are single, journaling your feelings about love and relationships will help you align yourself with this good fortune. Ask yourself the fundamental questions people forget to ask before diving headfirst into a romantic situation. What do you hope for your life and future? What kind of partner will fit beautifully into it? What do you bring to the table that makes you a worthy partner for someone equally worthy? What do you hope your romance will look like (without focusing on anyone else and their definitions)?

If you are in a relationship, you and your partner are headed in the right direction at this time. Keep going forward with strength and courage and you will be fine. Luck is here to give you wind beneath your wings, but you must cast your sails first and choose the direction (which most of you already have). If you feel called to, now's the time to think about your and your loved ones' health and how that story will unfold as you grow older.

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4. Ox

1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

Ox, your luck in love is manifesting weirdly this month. It's here to caution you against falling for pretty words not backed by actions. You can pull away from such tactics if you want to, which will allow luck to weave into your life in better ways than saving you from pitfalls and problems.

If you are single, you are being called to look closer at the people in your inner circle. You are the average of the five people you surround yourself with. Are their negative beliefs about love and relationships, or their skewed perspectives about life, affecting you in a harmful way? Is it turning you jaded? Is it turning you against someone you feel strongly for but haven't dared to express your feelings to?


If you are in a relationship, you and your partner are a solid team now. No one can get between the two of you ... if you stay aware and don't allow it to happen. Because, for some of you, someone is trying to get between you. It can be a friend, a parent or even a sibling. They have been unsuccessful so far, but if you grow complacent, they will find a way to tear the walls down. As mentioned earlier, your luck this month depends on you staying alert, so luck doesn't have to save you from problems and can instead help you with your successes.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
