Each Zodiac Sign's Weekly Horoscope For September 4 -10, 2023

Love, romance and money — it's all here this week when Jupiter retrograde begins.

weekly horoscope for september 4 - 10, 2023 estherpoon from Getty Images and LumiNola from Getty Images Signature both via Canva Pro

Welcome to the weekly horoscope reading for all zodiac signs. The week is September 4 -10, 2023, and the extraordinary planetary lineup. We will immediately notice that if one thing stands out about this week, we're about to communicate like champs. We are letting go of fear in many departments. 

At the top of the week, we are 'blessed' with transits such as Mercury trine Jupiter, Sun trine Moon and Moon trine Mercury. We have the onset of a Jupiter retrograde, which isn't as bad as it sounds. It might give us a healthy perspective to make our choices this week sound and stable.


We're also looking at how the fearlessness in communication takes on an edgy tone because we've got the North Node trine Lilith going for us this week, too. This implies that we're not dull or repetitive during this time. We may want to get our points across, but we won't bore anyone with redundant speech. We are clever, if not seductive, in how we reach people's hearts, and with all the positive Gemini vibrations going on, we will surely find that being confident and sticking with it was a good choice.



We're also looking at several Neptune transits and for all zodiac signs, these aspects will help clear up certain misunderstandings that have kept us down. A definite feeling of momentum is going on this week, September 4 -10, 2023. As we progress through the week, we'll end up with our Moon in Leo, letting us know that whatever choices we made or paths we decided were best for us, we did the right thing ourselves. Strength and vision are everyone's 'keywords' this week.


Here are the horoscope readings for each zodiac sign for the week of September 4 -10, 2023.


(March 21 - April 19)

Getting yourself out of a dark place is what you'll concentrate on this week, and you'll find success if you stick to your beliefs. You don't want to reflect too heavily on the past or even the recent past. You need to keep your eye on the prize. In your case, the award is contentment. Yes, you've been through an upheaval, but you will not let circumstances drag you down again. You must be strong and whip September 4 -10, 2023. Don't sink into despair; know your worth!

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(April 20 - May 20)


You are going to dance away the pain this week, and it's not that there's a lot of pain to deal with. Some memories continuously get in your way. You feel like the past is tugging at you, and that's more than likely because this week, September 4 -10, 2023, has you in touch with someone you don't want in your life anymore. Do your best to rise above their negative energy. You know you can, and you know you will, Taurus. Let them have their say, and then ... move on.

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(May 21 - June 20)

What floats your boat this week is friendship and trust. You don't trust everyone (well, who does?), but when you do feel that your heart and your life are in someone's hands that you can trust, it's like the whole world opens up for you. September 4 -10, 2023, has this in store for you, Gemini. An old friend will show up unexpectedly, yet they're never really left. Their vibe is pure positivity and you welcome it into your life like a cool glass of fresh water.


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(June 21 - July 22)

You are the one who tells it like it is this week, September 4 -10, 2023 and that means that whoever in your life needs a good 'talking to' will certainly hear it from you. You may be a bit ferocious, but you are a warrior of truth and light and what you say will change lives. It will be up to the people you speak with to work with what you've said or to pass on your advice, but either way, your approach will be helpful and wise. You know what you're doing and how to speak what's on your mind.

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(July 23 - August 22)

This week, September 4 -10, 2023, has you feeling like you are on the verge of something incredible and positive ... yet it's not quite there. That's OK. You have the stamina and the patience to wait it out, so don't get frustrated when your master plan doesn't pan out on Day One. Your charisma will surround you with supportive friends who wish only the best for you and know that your vision will materialize at the right time. Your support team is there for you, Leo.

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(August 23 - September 22)

You may feel as though this is the week that ushers in discipline and as much as you detest the thought of that, you know that you have to call the limit sooner or later, or you will be way too deep into something you don't love. This refers to health and well-being and could mean that you are officially tired of eating poorly and getting no exercise. You feel the need to improve your health and even though it brings up dread in you, you are ready to go ahead and make those necessary changes.


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(September 23 - October 22)

Oh, the tendency to overspend will be high this week, September 4 -10, 2023, and you, Libra, will be the first person on the list who will want to indulge the need to buy things you don't need. You don't believe that 'need' is the only good reason to invest in something radically expensive, and when it comes to treating yourself well, then the sky is the limit. You might even say you're excessive regarding unnecessary expenditures, but it's your life, right?

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(October 23 - November 21)


Upkeep is the word of the week for you, Scorpio, as you will find that most of this week, September 4 -10, 2023, is about maintenance and ensuring that all you've done works out for the best. This is more than likely work-related, and success is inherent in your actions. Your stick-to-it-ness is needed. If you can keep things going smoothly, then success is guaranteed. It requires you to stay determined and on point, and that should be easy enough for you.

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(November 22 - December 21)

You will be inspired by someone else's ability to travel abroad this week, which might set you on a trajectory for creating your itinerary. You want to travel and you foresee it happening shortly. Nothing excites you more than the idea of returning to a beloved country of your choice or visiting one you've always read about. This week, September 4 -10, 2023, puts you back on the map. Travel arrangements will be made.


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(December 22 - January 19)

Your week will be dedicated to getting family members somewhere, which could mean literally or emotionally. You may be the only person who owns a vehicle, which puts you in the position of being the person who does the transporting. However, this week, September 4 -10, 2023, may also put you in the position of being the 'smartest person in the room,' which implies that you will be the most helpful to those beloved folks in your life who need you the most.


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(January 20 - February 18)

You may find that you're a little too worried about an investment you've made and are finding it hard to just ... wait and see if it will pan out. That's the nature of investing, Aquarius. You must wait and see. The good part is that you'll envision great rewards if you get optimistic. Remember that thought is creative. Think it and it will become ... so keep those thoughts positive.

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(February 19 - March 20)

If there's one thing you might want to avoid this week, September 4 -10, 2023, it's fighting over money with your romantic partner. That never goes down well, and almost everyone on Earth would agree. Money issues are the worst when brought up in romances, so if you've got something you want to complain about, try to avoid blaming them or pointing the finger. It's hard to stay on track when we're financially stressed out, so remember that you love your partner and that they are not the problem.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
