3 Zodiac Signs Whose Love Lives Are Most Affected By Venus Square Jupiter On August 22, 2023

There are three zodiac signs who work best with the energy of Venus square Jupiter.

hands making heart symbol around zodiac wheel DenisNata/sarayut_sy/Shutterstock

This day has us being paid a visit by an astrological transit that inspires excess, and while that can be a fun road, we all know that too much of a good thing is simply too much. What we're looking at is the transit Venus square Jupiter, and how it can help couples to express themselves in fun and exciting ways.

What we may encounter during some of this expression, however, is gluttony, or excess; this won't stop the love, but it will tire us out. What's interesting about how this transit, Venus square Jupiter, affects lovers is that, for three zodiac signs, it leads to realizing limits — and that's not exactly a bad thing. It's also what brings us together; this knowledge that we can do a lot together, but perhaps not 'all.'


August 22, 2023, brings us closer to our partners, and it may even make us feel like fools — the kind of fools that we may become are the kind that we can laugh at (and we will be laughing at ourselves a lot during this week). We are very inspired to accomplish positive things at this time, and the interesting part is that if we fail, we brush it off — and we do that because we fail together. This day is all about togetherness and Venus square Jupiter shows us just how joyful we can be, even when we aren't at our peak greatness.

What will stand out for the three zodiac signs who work best with the energy of Venus square Jupiter is the obvious feeling of knowing that they've definitely picked the right person to show this side of themselves to. OK, we might eat too much or party like rock stars. But we're doing it together, and so if we realize our limits — together — then we feel the support in knowing when it's also time to quit.


Togetherness, through thick and thin; that's what Venus square Jupiter brings these three zodiac signs on August 22, 2023.

1. Cancer 

(June 21 - July 22)

August 22, 2023, brings you something you've always wanted in your love life: the opportunity to have a lot of fun with someone you love, while knowing that if you embarrass yourself, you'll be totally accepted, no matter what you do. What will be even more enjoyable for you is that during the transit of Venus square Jupiter, your partner will be just as embarrassing and foolish as you, which might create a situation that brings about so much fun that you might not be able to stop laughing.

Today is all about taking it lightly and not getting too serious about anything. If we stumble, we are there for our partner, and them for us. Nothing is too silly on this day, and we feel the love in the form of unconditional acceptance.


RELATED: Weekly Love Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs From August 21-27, 2023

2. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)

Being the passionate person that you are, Scorpio, you don't mind throwing yourself into excess every now and then — and you'll be doing just that on August 22, 2023, during Venus square Jupiter. This transit hits you at home, and that means that while it turns your sense of limitations off, it turns the rest of you on, and you and your partner will get to experience the ridiculously fabulous kind of experience that only two human beings can experience when they trust each other with their lives.

Expect a tiring day of love and romance, but one that ends up with the two of you laughing while snuggling each other close. After today, you won't be able to look at your partner the same way, and this upgrade will bring the two of you closer than ever before.


RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love From August 21- 27, 2023

3. Sagittarius 

(November 22 - December 21)

Today lets you let your hair down, and if you end up saying the most outrageous things to your romantic partner, then let the cards fall where they may; it's out of the bag now. Intense expression of love is something you're very good at, and your partner is exceptionally good at interpreting you; that's why your relationship is going to take a turn for the incredible on August 22, 2023, during the transit of Venus square Jupiter.

This transit hypes up your imagination while helping you to release all your inhibitions. You are with someone who meets you on every level so this should be fun stuff. Venus square Jupiter has a way of presenting you with what feels like the impossible while letting you know that even if you do have your limits, you certainly won't see anything that happens today as limited.


RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign's Weekly Tarot Horoscope For August 21-27, 2023


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
