3 Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest In Love On August 10, 2023

Good time, good times!

zodiac signs who are luckiest in love on august 10, 2023 Aleksse, Andrea Piacquadio, and AlxeyPnferov from Getty Images all via Canva Pro

Smart choices make for confident lifestyles, and on August 10, 2023, we will see how these choices affect our love lives and the very nature of our relationships with the people we are sharing our lives with. Today is one of those days where things make sense ... if we spend the time trying to figure them out.

We are strong and courageous today, and that is because we have the very positive cosmic influence of the Sun sextile Moon transit. With this in our pocket, we feel unafraid of the outcome. We set ourselves a positive goal and we meet it. In love, this is how we work things out, and for three zodiac signs, today is an advisable day for having deep and meaningful conversations.




We must set the rules if we want our relationship to go far. While today is not about strictness or rules, it is about being truthful with one's partner. Today's transit, Sun sextile Moon, lets us feel safe within their proximity. We aren't afraid to overstep our bounds and trust our partners to tell us if we do. Today is dedicated to the respect of the relationship. We're not kids anymore. This stuff is both serious and exciting. Nothing to fear; we're grown-ups now ... we can do this!


Three zodiac signs will use their intellect today to solve any problems. We are not interested in high drama or unnecessary arguments. There's a point to be made here and that is that we are here to stay. So, let's work it out together and make the best of what we have. Sun sextile Moon brings out the best in us, so let's take advantage of that and put our money where our love lives are!

Three zodiac signs are luckiest in love on August 10, 2023:

1. Aries 

(March 21 - April 19)

You are determined to work every detail out with your partner today, as this relationship is something you've hoped for and shows you its potential. You've come a long way, Aries, and you know that the days of drama and unsolved problems are a part of the distant past. If there's something that needs to be discussed, then you will discuss it without hesitation.

During the transit of Sun sextile Moon on August 10, 2023, you and your partner can congratulate yourself for being such good sports. Yes, there is passion but there must also be reasoning, rationality and ... reality in this love affair. You both want it to last and are conscious of what makes a love affair fail. That will not be happening, and certainly not on this day. Strength and honor, Aries!


RELATED: How Each Zodiac Sign Deals With Relationship Drama

2. Taurus 

(April 20 - May 20)

If there's one thing you know you DON'T want, it's unnecessary drama and you have chosen a partner that feels the same way as you do. That was a wise choice, and while it may not have been made with anything other than a gut feeling to guide you, it seems that YOUR gut is trustworthy — a perfect thing. Today, during the transit of Sun sextile Moon, you'll feel like all the pieces are coming into place.

You don't ordinarily trust these feelings as you haven't always been on point regarding relationships. Still, on August 10, 2023, you'll know for sure that you are finally in the presence of someone who not only cares for you but that they are a person who wishes to see this all the way through. Great conversations will expand your consciousness today as you and your partner get into the nitty gritty of what matters most to you.


RELATED: How You Really Show Affection When You're In Love, According To Your Zodiac Sign

3. Leo 

(July 23 - August 22)

You don't feel anything could go wrong during the transit of Sun sextile Moon, and you're probably right about that, Leo ... especially regarding your love life. You have risen above the odds and you've come to know that the person you are with now is someone you can see yourself growing old with. Expect today to open new horizons regarding deep conversations and mind-blowing ideas.


You, too, love to share a good mindblower, and Sun sextile Moon inspires the greatest and most exciting ideas you can think of. It's all good on the home front and for the first time in a while, you feel like you can count on life coming through for you. What a nice feeling. It's also contagious, as your romantic partner meets you halfway in just about everything. Good times!

RELATED: The Most Affectionate Zodiac Signs Ranked From Touchy Feely To Standoffish


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
