3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On July 22

These zodiac signs are in for a treat.

zodiac signs best horoscopes DanFLCreativo, andreusK from Getty Images, and macniak all via Canva Pro

Three zodiac signs have the best horoscopes on July 22, 2023. First, here are the messages of the day for everyone. Retrogrades are generally never easy (unless you were born during said planet's retrograde period). This will be apparent today as Venus in Leo goes retrograde in the latter half. For some of you, it will feel like someone flipped a switch. You will go from being jolly and cautiously hopeful to suddenly drawing similarities between your paramour (or the person you are casually seeing) with someone from the past. Exes may also try to come back from the dead (metaphorically). It's called zombies in dating lingo; nobody likes their ex-zombies.


Interestingly, Lilith is also part of the critical cluster of astrological energies today. In such a subtle way, you may be halfway to third base before you realize what's happening. It's all because Lilith conjuncts Venus with conjunction aspects of Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn. This is not a silly energy you can brush off or ignore. So be careful!

Journal your thoughts and feelings if you feel overwhelmed during the latter half of the day. Questions like "Why am I feeling like this?", "what is triggering me?" and "What do I need to let go?" will help you tremendously. You can even peruse a list of journaling questions that help with anxiety, heartbreak and healing. Let's focus on the three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on July 22, 2023.


Three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on July 22, 2023:

1. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22)

A lucky break is in store for you today, Cancer. It may be a Saturday, but who knew Saturn's day could be this good? Some of you will come upon some unexpected cash today. It can be an inheritance (although the circumstances can be heartbreaking), a new opportunity or news of promotion. Your significant other will be responsible for your beautiful glow and positive experience for some of you.

Moon trine Pluto and Sun is an interesting combination. It can beat back the shiftiest of mood swings and make things more harmonious. Of course, the chances of cackling like a maniac are possible with Uranus in the mix. Who cares if it's because of a hilarious Instagram reel or TikTok?

Just be careful of who you let into your house today. Some of you may regret inviting a casual friend over when you realize they are not nice. The behavior of someone with lustful thoughts will aggravate others of you. But, on the flip side, if this is your significant other, their sudden desire for you will be surprising and more than welcome. You will know the difference.


RELATED: Love Horoscopes: 3 Zodiac Signs Are Likely The Luckiest On July 22

2. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20)

Taurus, one chapter will end today and another will begin. Although today will be just a transitional day on this journey, it will not be a boring experience for you. For some of you, this is because you have decided not to turn the other cheek and let go of something insulting. For others, you are done with the double games of your boyfriend or girlfriend and will break up with them.

All this sounds awful, but you are on the best horoscopes list for a reason. Jupiter's connection to Moon and Mars in Virgo makes the day perfect for getting your finances in order, making new investments and getting ahead of your competition if you own a business. It may be a Saturday, but for the workaholics among you and those who have to clock in on the weekend, it will be an extraordinarily productive day. No matter how much it benefits your employer, it will benefit you in a big way.


Blue roses are lucky for you today. No, you don't need to hunt for those genetically modified ultra-rare ones. Just having blue roses around you in some way will be helpful. It can be wallpaper on your desktop, a blue cloth rose or maybe even a ceramic sculpture of a dog holding a bouquet of blue roses. For all you know, someone may ask you out on a date ... and the restaurant's name will be "The Blue Rose."

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3. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22)

Virgo, the day is ripe for romance. You have to whisper your wishes on the breeze and the universe will make it come true. What else can you expect when you have the beautiful Moon in Virgo today? With Mars also close by, you won't feel the lack of energy in any quarter of life. Of course, some of you may want to pour this into cleaning your house, but if you can, try to do at least one relaxing thing today. The energy will blossom and bless you like you cannot imagine. If you have the sweetest dreams afterward, you know what caused them!


Of course, life being life won't let you live in peace for the entirety of the day. Don't be surprised if a neighbor or irritated colleague tries to harangue you on your day off. You may even feel like going full introverted today just to keep the drama out of your life. Trust your intuition when such feelings come to you. Such intuitive hits are commonplace when the Moon is perfectly aligned for you.

You may want to go to the movies too. A pleasant walk outside under the starry sky will do you great. If it rains, just stand on your balcony or near the window and enjoy the fresh spray. You can keep finding problems, of course, like the air is too polluted or the water is too dirty, but leaning into optimism and positivity will let this beautiful energy into your life. Why push it away?

RELATED: What Your Zodiac Sign Can Manifest On July 22, During The Moon In Virgo


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.