The Affirmation Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Manifest On July 15, During Mars In Virgo

Build your dream from the ground up.

what your zodiac sign can manifest on july 15 yevhen and ifc2 from Getty Images both via Canva Pro

Here is the affirmation your zodiac sign needs to manifest what you want on July 15, during Mars in Virgo. The universe asks you to get profoundly serious about what you want to manifest by focusing on the small, sometimes mundane details to bring your dream to fruition. Today, Mars in Virgo aligns with the Gemini Moon, allowing you to get to work and do so by choosing the path of your highest self.


The Moon rules your emotional truths, and when the Moon is in Gemini, it can help you see where you've been neglecting yourself or tuning into your soul. This allows you to direct what comes up and what you learn into your manifestation work with Mars in Virgo. Mars is one of the best planets to manifest as it automatically boosts action and motivation; however, in Virgo, you must be a bit more logical about the steps you take to create what you dream of.



The far-fetching dreams of someday don't work under this energy, and instead, you are guided to acknowledge your truth, where you can do better, and then focus on the small steps to create that big, beautiful life you feel is meant for you. While dreams are what life should be built on, they must happen slowly and with determination to ensure it's something that will last. There is no rush when it comes to the work of your soul.


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What each zodiac sign can manifest on July 15:


(March 21 - April 19)

How to manifest: Improved health

Ruled by Mars, you have a heightened awareness. Create a tea using turmeric and black pepper to rejuvenate your physical and emotional body. As you send your intention to the tea, focus on embodying it with each sip. When you're finished, please repeat the affirmation six times.


Daily affirmation: I am healthy, capable, and excited for my future.

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(April 20 - May 20)

How to manifest: Commitment

Take a picture of yourself. Write everything you want to create on the back. Roll this up, binding it with red and white thread to symbolize your commitment toward a new beginning, and plant it beneath a pine tree for healing and growth. As you do, repeat the affirmation five times.

Daily affirmation: I am committed to myself and to creating a life I love.

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(May 21 - June 20)

How to manifest:Plans for the future


Begin your day by anointing your pulse points with sandalwood essential oil to help you focus on everything you want to plan and care for. As you sit deeply inhaling, visualize your dream as if a staircase leads to it. As you reflect on this meditation, please write down the steps that came to you and place them with amethyst under your pillow.

Daily affirmation: I am focusing on all the details of my dream life.

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(June 21 - July 22)

How to manifest: Networking conversations

Anoint your throat chakra with geranium essential oil and place sodalite in your pocket, or wear it as jewelry to attract positive communication and connections. Follow this by closing your hands, focusing on your throat chakra and repeating the affirmation three times.


Daily affirmation: I am meeting and engaging with those that will have great significance in my life.

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(July 23 - August 22)

How to manifest: Tying up loose ends

Light a green candle to help you attract abundance and sit with it momentarily, gazing into its light while reflecting on what feels undone in your life. Tie a white string to the candle, and one to your right index finger, feeling that pull of energy when it feels like you've received the answers you need. Untie the end from your finger and wrap it around the candle, binding your clarity.

Daily affirmation: I am focusing on all those things left undone to attract greater abundance.


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(August 23 - September 22)

How to manifest: Embracing the present moment

With Mars in your sign, clear your mind as you begin the day, cleansing your aura with selenite and repeating the affirmation. Notice where distracting thoughts arise and exhale them away as you embrace your present moment. Anoint your temple with palo santo essential oil and drop it into your heart center for the day ahead.

Daily affirmation: I am precisely where I am meant to be now.

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(September 23 - October 22)


How to manifest: Mindfulness

Perform a self-massage in the morning using cedarwood essential oil to help you release the idea. As you massage your body, send it love and acceptance while repeating the affirmation eleven times.

Daily affirmation: I am letting go of the need for perfection and choosing to see all I have accomplished.

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(October 23 - November 21)

How to manifest: Expansion of your inner circle

Create a circle of white salt outside, and place blue candles around it to symbolize your safety in expanding relationships. As you sit in the circle's center, place your hands on your knees, palms up and repeat the affirmation nine times.


Daily affirmation: I am embracing greater vulnerability with those in my life who are of benefit.

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(November 22 - December 21)

How to manifest: Career development

On a slip of paper, please write down the career changes you're considering, and then, using a green string for abundance, bind it together with basil, lavender and rosemary. Place this on a north-facing windowsill for knowledge while repeating the affirmation ten times.

Daily affirmation: I am focusing on aligning myself with my truth to create a career that inspires me.

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(December 22 - January 19)

How to manifest: Taking a soul chance

Write down on a slip of paper what it feels like your soul is calling you to do, and place an amethyst out underneath the night sky. As you stand before your intention, anoint your third eye with lavender essential oil, repeat the affirmation eight times, deeply inhale and send trust into the universe.


Daily affirmation: I trust my soul and its infinite wisdom to guide me into uncharted territory.

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(January 20 - February 18)

How to manifest: Peace and intimacy

Light a white candle with your partner for peace and deeply settle your breath. As you do, take a lavender thread and tie one end around your partner's left middle finger and the other around your right. As you sit quietly, try to sync your breathing with your partners and hold the affirmation in your mind's eye.

Daily affirmation:: My intimate relationship is a source of peace and adds immense value to my life.


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(February 19 - March 20)

How to manifest: A committed romantic relationship

Collect a red candle and bind lavender with a green thread symbolizing growth. As you light the candle, and sit in your sacred space, repeat the affirmation seven times.

Daily affirmation:: I am attracting a committed relationship that resonates with my soul.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.
