The Weekly Love Horoscope For June 5 - 11 Encourages Specific Zodiacs To Follow Their Heart
You have to listen closely.

The key to love is always to follow your heart. Your truth isn't centered in your mind, as it often will only try to protect you from what feels unfamiliar or unknown. Your mind is full of doubts, fears and minute details which can impede even the deepest desire — but your heart will always know the truth.
During the week of June 5-11, 2023, as Venus, the planet of love, returns to Leo, it will be essential to separate the truth of your heart from your mind's fears. Venus in Leo only cares about what is passionate, what you want, and then finding the courage to go after it.
Because Venus will be spending about four months in this zodiac sign as part of its retrograde, this energy coming in will be a central focus as you move through the summer months. Forget all the reasons why it won't work and only focus on the one reason it will. That's all you'll need.
Weekly love horoscope for June 5 - 11, 2023, by zodiac sign:
(March 21 - April 19)
Best Love Day: Monday, June 5
It's been quite a journey in your love life recently, and while you have doubted at various times, you'll be able to do what it takes to get to the other side. This is the week you can finally see what you have. No matter the challenges or the obstacles you've faced, you haven't backed down, and now is when you will be rewarded for your efforts.
During the week of June 5-11, 2023, as Venus, the planet of love, shifts into Leo, your sector of pleasure, joy and marriage is activated, helping you to feel like happiness finally isn't so far off. Make sure to continue to address what needs to be taken care of so you can finally enjoy this new chapter of love which is just beginning.
(April 20 - May 20)
Best Love Day: Monday, June 5
It can be challenging when nothing is certain in your relationship. You might be sure of your feelings, but if the rest of the relationship feels shaky, it can be hard to feel like you can find stability in your life. Part of this comes down to recognizing that what you seek outside of yourself can only be found within — but it is also about being honest about what you need and want.
As Venus shifts into Leo during the week of June 5-11, 2023, it will become easier to speak about what kind of romantic relationship you want and give you the blind courage and faith to pursue it at all costs. Remember, you only get what you want by never giving up on it.
(May 21 - June 20)
Best Love Day: Sunday, June 11
It was a hard few decades when it came to love as Pluto moved through your sector of intimacy and transformation. Pluto doesn't take it easy in this part of your chart, and you've had to become honest about your choices and what you have allowed from others. Don't become disheartened as the lord of the underworld returns to this earth sign once again. You aren't who you were, which means there is no chance of slipping backward.
Use this time to wrap up any transitions or endings, such as divorce or a challenging break-up. Reflect on your lessons, and never let yourself accept something in your heart that isn't aligned with your worth.
(June 21 - July 22)
Best Love Day: Sunday, June 11
Home and family, including your relationship, are some of life's most important components. This is where you find your roots, your stability and even the ability to feel like you're being yourself because you have those you care for in your life.
You've learned during Pluto's time in Capricorn that no matter how you love others, you can't sacrifice yourself for them, especially if it's at the cost of your dreams. Use this return to Capricornian energy to help you practice all you've learned and remember boundaries are an act of self-love.
(July 23 - August 22)
Best Love Day: Saturday, May 10
It's time to reevaluate your progress in your romantic relationship since the last Full Moon in Sagittarius. While you may not yet be ready to seize a new beginning, you must slow down and feel your way through what is happening right now.
As Venus returns to Leo during the week of June 5-11, 2023, it will allow you to speak more from your heart. You just need to give yourself time to understand what it truly means. This is supposed to be a new start for you, whether in a current relationship or with someone new, so make sure you act like it is.
(August 23 - September 22)
Best Love Day: Saturday, May 10
Love and romance can always feel confusing, especially as you want logical proof of something. You have a deep well of feelings but tend to rely more on your mind for your truth and direction.
As the Last Quarter Moon in Pisces dawns during the week of June 5-11, 2023, it's time to focus more on your heart. Let go of how you thought it would turn out or even how it would look. The only thing that matters is how you genuinely feel, and the more you tune into it this week, the more you will regain the confidence necessary to move ahead.
(September 23 - October 22)
Best Love Day: Sunday, June 11
During the week of June 5-11, 2023, Pluto, the underworld lord, returns to Capricorn for another chance to settle old wounds and help you transform your reality so your life is more aligned with your truth. Pluto in Capricorn often works by breaking apart what isn't working so you can fix it from the ground up.
If things start to feel challenging in your romantic relationship this week or those old wounds resurface, remember it's only happening so you can heal more deeply — not because this relationship isn't meant to be. Lean into what feels more uncomfortable and practice all those lessons you've been through about speaking your truth to honor this new person you've become.
(October 23 - November 21)
Best Love Day: Sunday, June 11
Don't be afraid if suddenly it seems like everything you've ever wanted is finally on its way toward you. You have a deep skill of imagining your inner world so deeply it can almost feel real at times, so when it becomes a reality, you tend to doubt it first.
Recognize this for what it is, an old wound surfacing, and don't let it take you further than simply observing it. Ground yourself in your romantic relationship's new and positive changes to enjoy every moment. The more you receive the love you've always desired, the more deeply you will heal.
(November 22 - December 21)
Best Love Day: Saturday, June 10
While some zodiac signs have a tough time feeling their truth, you can sometimes be challenged by intense emotional conversations. Even if they are incredibly positive regarding what you have always longed for, part of your work is taking your deep feelings and articulating them to your partner through conversation.
As Mercury shifts into Gemini during the week of June 5-11, 2023, you will be invited to open more deeply and start expressing those feelings you've been holding inside. Truth is something you honor above most, so this is the week you finally begin to understand the importance of expressing yours.
(December 22 - January 19)
Best Love Day: Monday, June 5
It's not bad to wear your heart on your sleeve or your emotions like a proud badge. There is no rule because you are logic. You can't also be a fool for love. Being a fool for love simply means you're willing to do whatever it takes to achieve your heart's desire. No matter how impossible or even challenging, you focus on what your heart is feeling.
During the week of June 5-11, 2023, take a walk on the wild side and let your emotions rule. Let yourself get carried away by love and forget to keep cool or play any game. Just simply be yourself and let the transformative powers of love have their way with you.
(January 20 - February 18)
Best Love Day: Monday, June 5
Things truly are looking up in every facet of your romantic life as Venus shifts into Leo during the week of June 5-11, 2023, just as Jupiter and the North Node separated from the divine union last week. Whether it's romance, relationship or even commitment related, there isn't anything that isn't on the table as an offer. You just must not let yourself get carried away by the sudden intensity of your love life.
What is developing now is what you have always longed for. The only thing you have to do is remember you still get to make up your own rules. Love isn't a box you must conform to but a way of life. The more you can keep it in mind, the more opportunities you'll be able to take advantage of.
(February 19 - March 20)
Best Love Day: Sunday, June 11
Something big will pick up momentum during the week of June 5-11, 2023, as Mercury shifts into Gemini, casting a light on your home and family sector. This area also got much attention while Mars moved through this zodiac sign for a rare seven months from last year into the start of 2023. As Mercury steps into this space, conversations and plans will be key.
You may have had your eyes opened to what kind of committed relationship you need or even where it truly feels like home, but now you're finally going to be able to put it into action. Don't shy away from commitment or working through the challenges to create your dreams, as you are fully supported by the universe in this chapter of your life.
Best days for love this week:
Monday, June 5
Venus, the planet of love, begins the week by moving into fiery and passionate Leo igniting your heart's desire. Venus in Leo is very much motivated to achieve whatever it wants, and for you, it means finally finding the courage to make the moves in love you have been seeking. This is incredibly directed and focused romantic energy coming in, which will help transform even the most stagnant situations.
At the end of July, Venus will retrograde in Leo, giving you four months of the planet of love in this zodiac sign which will help you not only act toward following your heart but also likely some reflection for the ways you haven't as well.
Saturday, June 10
The Last Quarter Moon in Pisces is a period of metamorphosis when you are asked to take what has occurred since the Full Moon in Sagittarius and decide what needs to change so a more favorable result can be manifested.
This is a time to talk less and feel more, so lean into your emotional truth about your romantic relationship and what needs to transform to create deeper intimacy and healthiness.
Sunday, June 11
After about two decades in Capricorn, Pluto entered Aquarius in March, prompting an internal revolution regarding your romantic relationship. Planets like Pluto take longer to transit and officially stay in one zodiac sign. Today marks Pluto's return to Capricorn as part of its retrograde. It doesn't mean you'll be guided back toward where you grew, but some lingering details or lessons must be learned before fully moving on. Pluto will remain in Capricorn until January of 2024, so this is a valuable time of reflection and to make sure the truth you're operating from is the one that is sincerely yours.
Mercury shifts into Gemini today in incredible synchronicity, prompting more detailed thinking and productive conversations. This is one of the home zodiac signs for Mercury, the planet of communication, so you are being guided to reflect on what starts to come up with Pluto moving back into Capricorn and to have the necessary conversations to clear away any remaining ties to the past.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.