What To Ask The Universe For During The Moon In Cancer, May 22 - 24, By Zodiac Sign
Here's what to manifest during the Moon in Cancer for the next two days.

Think of how it will feel once you have manifested your deepest desires. Instead of focusing on things like more money or a great relationship, go deeper. Close your eyes and reflect on how it will feel, what emotions you’ll have, and how it will smell and sound, engaging as many senses as possible.
Hold onto this image because this visualizing practice is the most powerful in manifesting. Incorporating this into your daily practice allows you to open a deeper connection portal with your future self, who is already living the life you’re dreaming of now.
What to ask the universe for during the Moon in Cancer May 22 - 24, 2023:
(March 21 - April 19)
Manifest: Quality time at home
Create a smudge of white sage and rosemary. As you cleanse your space, repeat the affirmation four times.
Affirmation For Today: I embrace my loving and safe home.
(April 20 - May 20)
Manifest: Constructive conversations
Write what you want to build within your life. Plant it beneath a basil plant and sprinkle it with cinnamon for luck.
Affirmation For Today: I am able to build the future of my dreams through the words I speak.
(May 21 - June 20)
Manifest: Self-worth
Participate in the breath work practice of alternating breaths through each nostril for a count of five as you slow down and repeat the affirmation for each full breath.
Affirmation For Today: I deserve to take time for self-care.
(June 21 - July 22)
Manifest: Self-acceptance
On a piece of paper, list all your best qualities and what you are proud of, and then say them out loud during a mirror meditation. Light a white candle during your practice for added intensity.
Affirmation For Today: I am precisely and wonderfully as I am meant to be.
(July 23 - August 22)
Manifest: Self-love
Create a space on your altar or garden with a rose and surround it with a clover. View this as an extension of yourself as you speak positive words into it and repeat the affirmation twelve times.
Affirmation For Today: I will love all parts of myself and my life.
(August 23 - September 22)
Manifest: Reciprocal relationships
Collect a pot and two lavender plants. Place them in one pot as you envision them growing together while repeating the affirmation. You can also add a slip of paper with the written affirmation to the bottom of the pot for greater manifestation.
Affirmation For Today: I am attracting nurturing, loving relationships into my life.
(September 23 - October 22)
Manifest: A clear purpose
Place a white candle in a clear bowl of water. Add rosemary and lemon oil as you meditate on the flame and envision looking at it through your third eye while repeating the affirmation.
Affirmation For Today: I am attuned to my most significant purpose.
(October 23 - November 21)
Manifest: Grace
Participate in a guided meditation as you visualize yourself surrounded by a white bubble of protection. As you reflect on the people or situations that have caused you harm, send them their bubble apart from yours as you repeat the affirmation nine times.
Affirmation For Today: I extend grace to all those things left undone and find closure within myself.
(November 22 - December 21)
Manifest: Forgiveness
Create time for a guided, conscious writing meditation. Begin by writing at the top. I forgive myself, and then I am free to write whatever comes to mind. Once finished, fold three times, burn safely, bury and sprinkle with rosemary for forgiveness.
Affirmation For Today: I forgive myself for when I was not at my best.
(December 22 - January 19)
Manifest: Romantic quality time
Draw a small red heart on your left wrist as you repeat the daily affirmation seven times. Visualize receiving and accepting love in your life and into the spaces in your life.
Affirmation For Today: I embrace the love in front of me.
(January 20 - February 18)
Manifest: Softness
Using a white feather, cleanse your aura as you repeat the affirmation six times, visualizing a soft glow from your body.
Affirmation For Today: I am embracing a life of softness and tenderness.
(February 19 - March 20)
Manifest: Gratitude
Spend time on a walking meditation Today, taking time to be mindful of the sights, smells and textures around you. Repeat the affirmation as you walk, barefoot is preferable, while smiling.
Affirmation For Today: I embrace the simple pleasures of life with gratitude.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.