Horoscope June 2023: Which 3 Zodiac Signs Have The Best Month
It's Gemini season!

Three zodiac signs have the best monthly horoscopes for June 2023. Before we get to them, here's the month's message for everyone. First up, we have a Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 3. So expect to feel more generous than usual on that day. It's also the perfect time to throw a full Moon party, preferably on a rooftop with keg beer and salty chips.
However, do it your way. Then there's the New Moon in Gemini on June 18. So if you want to make your feelings known to someone, that's the time to do it. New Moons mark the beginning of a new cycle. So start a new habit on that day if you have been procrastinating.
Summer solstice is also coming up on June 21. So if you live in the summer hemisphere, the days will get hotter henceforth. Romance will bloom, too, for those who want to socialize. Suppose you don't reconnect with nature and practice self-care. You can also wear a rose quartz pendant to align your chakras and stay positive. Now let's focus on the three zodiac signs with the best monthly horoscopes for June.
Three zodiac signs with the best monthly horoscopes for June 2023:
1. Gemini
(May 21 - June 20)
You had to be on this list, Gemini. June is your month! So don't be surprised when things naturally go smoothly for you. The Sun will be lighting up your life and bringing you great luck. Plus, Mars and the Sun will give your willpower a solid boost this month. You will be going faster than usual and feeling restless as you wait for the rest of the world to catch up. Chiron is also forming a beneficial bond with the Sun in June. So if you suddenly feel like stepping up your self-care game, that's why. Your soul wants to eliminate the baggage so you can fly light.
Also, Mercury will be slipping into Gemini in the middle of the month. So expect opportunities and good energy to come at you even faster then. Mercury rules Gemini, and the party rarely stops once in its house. Your relationships with your mother, friends and boss will also greatly improve during this transit. Just make sure not to make a fool of yourself. They may brush it off now, but you will face some challenges later once Mercury and the Sun move on from Gemini.
Your love life will also be pretty good this month as the Sun moves closer and closer to Juno, the asteroid of marriage and commitments. If you are married, don't be surprised if you and your spouse have some fun days near the end of June. Or, you randomly decide to renew your vows or fly to a paradise island. Singles will also feel this energy and look more closely at the people they are dating or hanging out with.
2. Leo
(July 23 - August 22)
You will feel extremely energetic this month, Leo. Mars is currently transiting through Leo and will form positive bonds with the Sun in Gemini throughout the month. That means you won't stop to think before you act. With Pallas firmly in your corner, you won't have to. Your ideas will be the bomb (in an awesome way) right from the start.
Venus will also move into Leo at the beginning of June. So expect your love life to become super exciting suddenly. With Mars and Venus both in Leo, what can go wrong? Just ensure you don't destroy the headboard or wake up your neighbors in the middle of the night. Although, with Lilith also moving into Leo in the middle of the month, you won't be able to hold your passion back. Ah well ...
Be careful, though. Some of you are now interacting with a soulmate from a past life. The romance will not go smoothly as Venus and Mars connect with Chiron, the asteroid of wounds. Emotional baggage and conflict will be front and center in the latter half of June. However, if you stick to your gut and follow your inner calling, your soul will lead you out of any trap you might find yourself in.
3. Aries
(March 21 - April 19)
June will be a pretty good month for you, Aries. It's all because of Mars in Leo and Sun in Gemini. These two friendly planets will shine their fortunate light on you most of the month. Just be aware of Chiron in Aries bringing up old wounds and triggers. You need to deal with them for your good. Don't brush them off or suppress them. The more you work with Chiron, the faster you will heal. Mars ensures you will heal pretty fast if you put your mind to it.
Be careful who you choose as a therapist if you go for therapy. Some of you are vulnerable to falling prey to a bad therapist who aggravates your condition to keep you on the bill for the next many months (or years). Trust your gut in these situations.
The transiting Moon will also bring luck and fortune at the beginning of the month. However, it won't last long as the Moon moves quickly. Seize the day when you can! The end of June is also a good time for you to reflect on the things that didn't work out for you in the past. Pallas in Leo will bless you with clear sight for most of the month. Don't look away.
Valeria Black is a tarot reader and astrology nerd, with a dash of wicked humor on the side. Follow her on Instagram for more.