June 2023 Monthly Horoscopes For All Zodiac Signs
Welcome to the horoscope reading for all zodiac signs. It is June of 2023, and we're walking in the sunshine.

The summer solstice is coming, and so is the season of Cancer during the month of June. So, how does this effect your zodiac sign all month? There are so many Venus transits coming during this month that it would be foolish to think that all of this won't move our love lives, and while we will be doing an ample amount of healing due to all of the Node transits, it looks like our love lives will stand the test of time.
We've got a lot of Pluto in the cosmic sky, and as we've all learned, that doesn't necessarily bring good news. However, a sense of might seems to prevail through all of it, and so much of our strength will be mental and emotional. We are entering Cancer season, so we must prepare for emotions to lead the way. This can be a good or a bad thing, but as it appears, there's so much to show us the light of positivity that we can rest assured that June will bring us good fortune, astrologically speaking.
June starts with Mercury square Lilith, immediately bringing us flirtation and daring behavior. We flow easily into Venus trine Neptune, which, in its way, sets us up for our summer of love. We may not be taking anything too seriously at first, but the vibe of Cancer is upon us, so we shouldn't be surprised if things like 'falling in love' happen to us. Let's keep in mind that halfway through the month, we have Venus in Leo, which basically means that love will lead the way, and our hearts will have what our hearts want to have.
Our Full Moon lands in Gemini during June, making it very obvious that we can take this up ... or down. The entire idea of June being the middle month similarly manifests in our lives. We are in the middle of something important and must choose our next move very wisely. Will we opt for positivity and well-intended manifestation, or will we succumb to a victim mentality, blaming it all on outside forces? What will June's astrological forecast bring us?
Monthly horoscopes for June 2023:
(March 21 - April 19)
For the first time in a long time, you will admit something to yourself: you are in love. And, when you fall in love, Aries, you usually fall hard, and you will be doing just that during June of 2023. You are experienced with love, so you will take it slowly and 'feel things out' before you completely put your heart on the line, but in secret, you'll want to take it with this beautiful new person in your life. Love is what June is all about for you ... and about time, right?
(April 20 - May 20)
If you put your mind to it, you can get it done, and you feel this a little stronger now because you've come to realize that you've been way too lazy, and now is the time for action, not thinking. You hesitate from impulsive moves, but June brings you to the reality that you need to do some serious planning. Your love life is so good that it's made you lazy in other areas, and while you might want to shrug your shoulders, you'll get the real and true feeling that if you aren't more active, you'll miss out on something that could potentially change your life for the better. Get on it, Taurus! June is offering you the Big Op.
(May 21 - June 20)
It is official: you are ready for change, out with the old and in with the new. Gemini season has charged you up like a bolt of lightning, and now that the summer solstice is here, with Cancer season coming on strong, you are ready to balance your energy with emotional stamina. You are no longer intimidated by change or love, which means you don't have it in you anymore to judge people continuously. You've built a wall around yourself by blaming it all on others, and during June of '23, you'll knock that wall down and grab life for all its worth. One life to live! Aim high!
(June 21 - July 22)
Because you are such an emotional person, you've backed away from truly living your life for fear that something or someone will inevitably hurt you. Well, welcome to life on Earth, Cancer. It's bold, hard and impossible to deal with sometimes but this is all we have, and for you, it's going to become very clear that you need to make the change in your life if you're even to call it a life. You need to get out there and accrue some experience, and that is exactly what your heart will tell you to do — no more of this self-pitying victimization. You are ready to take a chance and will succeed with flying colors.
(July 23 - August 22)
Bad decisions have led you to a place where you recognize that you need other people in your life but that 'doing it all alone' is pretty much an impossible gig. During June of 2023, you will admit that you are vulnerable, and as soon as you own that, you'll find that friends are more agreeable and that your love life feels freer and seems to have much more hope. You have wanted to stand strong in the face of danger, but who needs that kind of pressure? You will take up the Leo mantle and become the royal person you know yourself to be in June 2023. You can't do it alone, and you shouldn't.
(August 23 - September 22)
For the first time this year, you feel you are being respected in the workplace. That's a lot for you, considering you have felt so dejected by how you've been treated, and yet, June seems to bring in either new people to work with or new conditions that make life easier for you.
You feel so good about your personal life that having things go well for you at work only feels like an extension of your good fortune. You used to rely upon your love life as the one thing you could call 'solid,' but it seems that June is about to heap many more fortunate situations on top of you. Open to this abundance, Virgo.
(September 23 - October 22)
June is almost stereotypical for you because it's all about new love and incredible romance. You're the lucky one this month, Libra, and this might imply that you are about to fall in love with someone you believe is the answer to all your questions. Life is good, and it's not that this new person is ideal; they are right for you.
They are no perfect people, and neither are you, but experience has taught you patience, and when you are in the presence of this new love, you will find that whatever challenges you have are something you can learn great lessons from. You will share a reciprocal relationship with someone who teaches you amazing classes.
(October 23 - November 21)
As it goes with this middle month of June, so goes it with your sense of balance. You know that you have a choice and choose what is right. You are very clever during this time, Scorpio, and you can now make clear decisions based on experience and true knowledge.
You can easily share the wealth of your wisdom and will be a good friend to someone in need. Your love life promises no problems, which puts your mind at ease. Life is well-balanced, and there is no threat of upset coming to you at any time too soon. All is well for you during June of 2023.
(November 22 - December 21)
June presents the perfect opportunity to show yourself what you are made of, and in a way, you've needed this kind of challenge. There is nothing scary here, only new paths to walk on and some unknown. The unknown entices you and awakens your mind, and you want more.
You are a knowledge hound during this time and enjoy analyzing spirit and science. June is for acquiring knowledge, wisdom, balance and steadfast behavior. You will make life-changing decisions this month and take certain matters seriously enough to take responsibility for them. It's time to show strength in mind and body, and you will do just that.
(December 22 - January 19)
June starts with regretting certain decisions, but your natural ability to override emotions will win as you come to terms with your life 'as it is.' Yes, you've made mistakes, but you are still here and can live your life diligently and with hope.
That is how June changes you for the better ... the glass will be seen as half full, and you see no reason why it can't be completely full. You are no longer tied to the past and the regrets that seek to bring you down. You see no reason to shackle yourself to bad memories. You feel you have this one life to live, so it's time to get on the ball and live it to the fullest. That's what June brings you, Capricorn.
(January 20 - February 18)
June gives you the idea that you really are on the fence about something and that it will take a revolution to make you go one way or the other. And, of course, that revolution is all about your ability to jump to it and make it happen. You have realized that nobody in this world is coming to your rescue, nor should they have to.
You are the one living your life, and during June of 2023, you're going to realize that if you want this life to be good, you'll have to seize the day and take responsibility for it. Yes, it's hard, but it's like birth. You need this massive change in your life, and you will shock yourself by making it happen. Aquarius, it will bring you joy and laughter when you find out how strong you are.
(February 19 - March 20)
If you felt you were thrown off course in the previous month, you will get very ms though you are handed a chance during June. In love, as it will be in life, you will no longer see the reason for suffering. You may have felt cloudy at first as the month began transiting, but around the 15th of June, you will start seeing everything with obvious eyes.
You know what to do, and with that in mind, you will be the one who saves your own life. Life seems precious to you, and you no longer want to waste time. You may find that you are ready to commit to a relationship or don't want to waste time in a job you no longer care for. Big changes are coming, and you are the one making them happen.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.