May 1 - 7, 2023 Horoscopes Are 'Special' For 3 Zodiac Signs
This May we get some of our questions answered.

Three zodiac signs will have best weekly horoscopes May 1 - 7, 2023 thanks to Mercury square Lilith. Mercury square Lilith means that something is going to happen on the last day of April that will propel us into May with the drive of a person who needs to know something.
As this first week of May 2023 progresses, we will start to figure out many things. All of them will culminate with the Full Moon in Taurus on May 5. We have to keep this idea in mind right now: If we seek the book of knowledge, we must be prepared to find out what's inside.
This week will be so special and positive that many of us, especially the Taurus, Gemini and Capricorn are prepared to hear, see and know the truth. This truth might have been something we wanted to shield our eyes from in the past, but this week pushes us toward personal growth, and to grow, we have to heal ... and to heal it, we have to feel it. We are now mature enough to grasp this concept, and during this week, we feel the power of our choice.
Because Lilith is associated with the making of mistakes and the undoing of damage, what we start with — Mercury square Lilith is going to transit into Sun square Lilith, which symbolically implies that what we set out to find will be illuminated in ways that we cannot escape.
This may seem overwhelming, but what it really is is expedient; we are on the fast track to some serious healing, folks. This week provides ample opportunity to heal and to move forward in health and happiness.
Three zodiac signs with best weekly horoscopes May 1 - 7, 2023:
1. Taurus
(April 20 - May 20)
This week will be pretty fantastic for you, Taurus, as the many Mercury transits seem to work in your favor. This will be a prime time for you to tell the people in your life what you need because while you have transits in the sky like Sun conjunct Mercury on your side, people will listen. You are important to the folks in your life, especially to someone in particular, and this could result in great communication and a new way of going about things.
If you set a precedent for outstanding communication this week, things could progress in a very positive way throughout the rest of the year. Romantic relationships look good, but mostly because you see eye to eye with your partner and have similar long-term goals. You'll notice you have compatibility with many people during this week.
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2. Gemini
(May 21 - June 20)
This week is packed full of spiritual adventure for you, and it will all come to a head on the 5th when the Moon goes full in Taurus. When we say 'spiritual,' we are talking about your 'inner life' meaning, what you believe in, what moves you, and what brings out your strongest emotions.
While you will be working well with the positive energy of Venus sextile Jupiter, which might do wonders for your love life, you will notice that what makes you the happiest thing week is your sense of clarity.
This week seems to dissolve so much of the confusion that has plagued you over the last few weeks. Two Mercury transits will help you get to the point and find the answers you seek. Understand that you will find closure on some matters this week, Gemini, and good for you on that account.
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3. Capricorn
(December 22 - January 19)
You've been going through a dull time in your life where you aren't sure of what's to come, and as Mercury square Lilith opens the week up for you, you will start to realize that you've spent too much time in the doldrums. However, this week you are ready to move on.
Acceptance is one thing, and it's always good to accept that which you cannot change, but stagnation is the antithesis of who you are, Capricorn, and it's going to hit you like a ton of bricks this week that you need to get on it and change your life. What's great about this week is that you'll feel fresh and renewed.
The idea of change takes you out of your rut and gives you purpose. You may have been going through an existential crisis recently, but this week puts you back on the map again. It's time to get back into the game, Cap.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.