Weekly Love Horoscope, April 24 - 30, 2023, During The First Quarter Moon In Leo
Passion creates the desire to risk it all.

Your weekly love horoscope is here for April 24 - 30, 2023, and during the First Quarter Moon in Leo, it's time to push past your fears, beyond the belief there is a wrong or right time for love, and observe what is happening around you. See what the universe is trying to direct you toward — and even away from.
During this year's Taurus season, look for the keys to success, the important message, and the confirmation you are seeking. As the First Quarter Moon in Leo rises at the beginning of the week. it is a reminder that there will never be a relationship free from challenges.
There will always be something to overcome or even to work through together. Love is not supposed to be perfect, but there should always be reminders of why it is worth it. Let yourself believe in your power, in being able to overcome what feels like it is blocking you, and lean into the energy you and your partner create together.
Love is not about one person risking it all while the other stays within their comfort zone, but instead about both people going all in on a chance to be better than they would be alone. Authentically, truthfully and absolutely confidently.
Most romantic days of the week:
Monday, April 24th
Passion is what fuels change. Those moments when you have that feeling of not being able to wait any longer to embrace the person, the love, and the relationship your heart desires. It helps you overcome challenges and make obstacles dissolve before your very eyes. But listening to this passion, this drive forward can at times be difficult — however this week, as the First Quarter Moon in Leo occurs, it will fill you with the strength to do just that.
At the same time, Sun in Taurus will align with Saturn in Pisces and will help encourage forward progress. Mercury retrograde in Taurus and Mars in Cancer will activate the ability to reach out, receive help, invite your partner into your emotional world and feel like together, you can accomplish anything.
As you venture deeper into the Eclipse Portal this week, it is a chance to feel inner passion well up and help push you toward healing your current relationship or even beginning a new one. It is time to honor your inner desires, to see them as divine intervention from the universe, and to never give up on something you feel so connected to — even if they are challenges along the way.
Saturday, April 29th
Taking a risk to do something different will always be necessary for love. Whether you have been together for a considerable time or are trying to find the courage to tell them how you feel. Risk is also a chance. To take a risk means you are being offered a chance from the universe to elevate and expand your life. Yes, it may feel scary or even uncertain, but in it there is opportunity.
Toward the end of the week, as Mars in Cancer unites with Uranus in Taurus, the shockwaves will ripple throughout your life. This is your chance to take a step, declare your feelings or bring up an idea to your partner that will bring greater abundance to your life.
The worst thing in relationships is becoming complacent because in this you or your partner often are left feeling unseen or unvalued. But to switch things up, always maintain a growth mindset even in moments of peace.
A growth mindset allows you to continually feel the excitement of experiencing life together. This feeling allows people to continue to grow together, no matter how many years they have been loving one another.
Weekly Love Horoscopes For Each Zodiac Sign For The Week Of April 24 – April 30, 2023
(March 21 - April 19)
Best Love Day: Saturday, April 29th
Sometimes all it takes is a moment of awareness to change everything. With the Solar Eclipse having occurred within your zodiac sign, you may finally be waking up to the reality of your life and how your relationship has affected that.
Many times, it is not about wanting to leave a relationship or marriage but knowing what you need to do for yourself. Mars, your ruling planet, in Cancer is helping you find the emotional strength to make the changes you are seeking. It will not be easy, but sometimes you need to save yourself so you can finally be there for others as you'd like to be.
(April 20 - May 20)
Best Love Day: Monday, April 24th
Things have been a bit rocky lately, not just in the cosmos, but in your relationship. As you have been reflecting heavily on whether it feels like your needs are being met, you have also started to have your eyes open to love in a new way. It does not necessarily mean you need to end your relationship to achieve that, but you do need a fresh beginning in your life.
This week, the First Quarter Moon in Leo gives you a passionate nudge forward to try to smooth over recent challenges and find a new understanding within your relationship. As long as you are both still willing to grow together, there is still a purpose to your love.
(May 21 - June 20)
Best Love Day: Saturday, April 29th
You need some good news. You've made decisions about your romantic life. You've been needing closure and love has felt more like a bad dream than reality. As much as this is where you need to be right now, it does not mean there are no glimmers of goodness along the way.
This week, the Moon spends the weekend in Virgo which will help ground your feelings and thoughts that have been preventing you from feeling at peace recently. Regardless of what still needs to be figured out within your life, this is a chance to feel more settled in your heart, so when a moment finally does present itself, you will feel confident in knowing what to do with it.
(June 21 - July 22)
Best Love Day: Saturday, April 29th
Sometimes it's your hurt that prevents you from embracing your relationship rather than anything your partner specifically does. It's no secret that your emotions run deep, but once hurt, you can create a whole storyline out of what happened which deeply hurts your relationship.
This week, you are being guided to turn to others for support. Even if you are unsure of where to begin or even if you feel like you can be vulnerable enough to share, there are those around you that love you and can help you through this challenging time. It is okay to feel hurt, but when you push your partner away, it is adding wounds to heal.
(July 23 - August 22)
Best Love Day: Monday, April 24th
Things are becoming quite interesting within your life these past few weeks as it seems there’s greater excitement and opportunity arriving. As you have been learning more about what it is that you need versus what you want, you are also starting to build a deeper capacity for emotional connection. Your zodiac sign does rule the heart, so following yours is never usually an issue, however letting down those beautiful walls to let someone in is a different matter.
This week, it is important to recognize the deep, meaningful connection you now feel ready for will be achieved by first opening yourself to another person. You have the power to create the space for the kind of love you are seeking.
(August 23 - September 22)
Best Love Day: Monday, April 24th
You cannot be anything other than yourself and for the right person, it will always be enough. Be wary of those spaces where it feels like you must change yourself to keep a relationship alive, or even to make your partner happy.
To authentically be yourself and trust you will attract the precise person that you need is to know what it is worth. You need an actual partnership, someone that encourages you and supports you, and not just anyone will do.
As Saturn has moved into Pisces, you have been more serious about your love life and have started asking yourself questions to help uncover the answers. Just remember, the dealbreaker is always whether you are truly able to be yourself.
(September 23 - October 22)
Best Love Day: Monday, April 24th
With all the work you have done on yourself, you have started to believe in a healthier love. In being able to embrace a relationship, receive the love you’ve always desired and not feel tempted to run back to what you know is not good for you.
This week, there is a new level of transformation that can help deepen your healthy relationship and make you understand what a significant role it plays in your life. An unhealthy relationship will show up in every facet of your life as you start to become less than who you really are, but the same is true for a healthy one, as you suddenly become more.
(October 23 - November 21)
Best Love Day: Monday, April 24th
When you believe you deserve joy, that is what you will attract. You are still moving through the process of truly learning you can have both; the emotional intensity you seek and the happiness that you now know you deserve.
A big part of that is drawing those boundaries around your life in terms of what you allow and what you will accept. If you want big, amazing healthy love, then you need to honor that desire of your heart and not accept less.
Boundaries, not just with a partner but also with others, may be important as you move into a place of protecting your joy and peace above everything else. This is also what will help you attract more and continue to move into the relationship you desire as well.
(November 22 - December 21)
Best Love Day: Monday, April 24th
Being serious is not always something you do well. Instead, it often is the case that the philosophical pursuit of the truth has you rationalize or push off those things that actually represent greater meaning within your life. When it comes to being serious about love and commitment, it comes down to what you feel you deserve. Otherwise, you end up being flippant with the very things and people you treasure the most.
Your actions must align with your words and vice versa, otherwise, there are too many holes to count, and your partner ends up seeing right through you. As Saturn in Pisces aligns with Sun in Taurus this week, you get a chance to come down to earth and recognize that the kind of commitment is also the sort that can help set you free.
(December 22 - January 19)
Best Love Day: Saturday, April 29th
The past month has had a bit of an unpredictable ride as you have wavered from thinking your relationship was over, to understanding how your fears can change your perspective so drastically. Things in your life and relationship are starting to balance out because of what you have been willing to bring to it.
Mars in Cancer is continuing to impress upon you the importance of emotional vulnerability and connection within your relationship. Mars in Cancer unites with Uranus in Taurus bringing some much-needed moments of joy that make you remember why these two are always connected. The more you let your partner in, the more connection you both will feel which is what can turn any relationship around back onto solid ground.
(January 20 - February 18)
Best Love Day: Monday, April 24th
As much as you know you have cleared a major hurdle recently within your life in terms of healing, you have been feeling challenged in a new way recently. At first, it was hard to distinguish if it was because something was wrong or different, but as the weeks have progressed, you can now understand it is because everything feels so right.
In an aligned healthy relationship, things will continue to progress bringing in new opportunities for growth and while the good may often feel like a challenge, it is also precisely the kind you want. This week, the First Quarter Moon in Leo occurs brightening your heart, giving you a deeper connection to your passions, and helping you overcome the worry that there is nothing to even worry about.
(February 19 - March 20)
Best Love Day: Saturday, April 29th
Communication is always a hugely essential element in relationships for you. While you may be able to pluck poetic notes at any time, you don't need a partner, but you do need a deep emotional connection. You need to feel special to your lover, to feel connected; not just in mind or body, but in spirit. This is what makes your kind of love so different because you forge a powerful bond within your relationship.
This week, as Mars in Cancer aligns with Uranus in Taurus, there are some surprising moments that help you open your heart deeply to your partner as it suddenly feels like they can speak your love language after all.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.