The Luckiest In Love March 19 - 25, 2023 Are These 3 Zodiac Signs
It's their turn.

The luckiest in love, March 19 - 25, 2023, are these three zodiac signs during Aries Season, the Vernal Equinox and Mars in Gemini. When spring is in the air, then love is all around us. We can't help but feel hopeful during the Vernal Equinox, which occurs on March 20, ushering in the new season of spring...and of Aries Sun. If we are already in relationships, we feel inspired by the weather or at least the promise of better weather than the kind we've been having. We are fresh in attitude and new to changes. We accept the new and are open to whatever surprises come our way because, for at least three zodiac signs, this week means something good is about to happen — in love.
Mercury in Aries appears right at the top of the week, bringing us the idea that we are in a safe place regarding what we share with our romantic partners. We may feel courageous and daring, which could lead to better intimate moments; Aries energy is plentiful in this department, and for those couples who are actively familiar with each other, this week brings great good fortune on that account.
We are also looking at the New Moon in Aries, which delivers hope for the future; this is the kind of future that couples dream of, and in this case, they want to go for it. There is no holding back during the week of March 19 -25, 2023, and as we blaze through the week, three zodiac signs can know that by the week's end, all will be well in their worlds.
Three zodiac signs who are luckiest in love, March 19 - 25, 2023:
(June 21 - July 22)
You no longer feel like you are clutching at straws when it comes to your love life; in fact, for the first time in a long, long while, you feel hopeful, even...playful. This first week of Aries works well for you, as it instills in you a new resolve: you want this to work. In fact, because you and your partner are finally on the same page, you may look at the new Spring season that begins on the 20th of March to be your own personal 'fresh new start.' What you've gained is the ability to handle Mars transits; you've learned the hard way that it's best to wait things out rather than jump to conclusions. This week brings you and your partner into a new realization of what you mean to each other. Expect warmth and affection this week.
2. Libra
(September 23 - October 22)
Over the last few weeks, you and your partner have come to terms with certain personality traits; you've begun to understand that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, and this means that compromise rules the relationship, and during the beginning of Aries season, this is the best move you could make. You no longer see the act of compromise as a soul-sucking drain but more along the lines of something that can build on what you already have. As you cross over into the Vernal Equinox, you'll feel refreshed again, as if there really is something to look forward to after all. And, if you are as lucky as it seems you are, you'll take that knowledge into the bedroom with you. This is a week for great affection and togetherness and should be shared and enjoyed by people who really do love each other. Such as you and your mate.
3. Sagittarius
(November 22 - December 21)
You have found yourself in love with someone who is so different from you are that you aren't really sure of your next move. On the one hand, this thrills you, as it gives you something to look forward to, and on the other hand, it scares you a little as you aren't sure your 'famous' moves will work on this new and different person. You are enamored by their beauty, and you might even wonder if they outshine you in that department, but it doesn't threaten you. As you move into Aries season, you start to regain yourself again, and this gives you the confidence to act accordingly with this new and wonderful person of mystery and beauty. Moon sextile Venus moves you to vulnerability in their presence, and the best part is that they truly respect you for showing this vulnerable side.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.