Each Zodiac Sign's Luckiest Day Of The Week From February 27 - March 5, 2023
Focus on what adds value to your life.

Your life should be a continual process of becoming more of who you are and never less.
In the coming week, the First Quarter Moon in Gemini and Mercury in Pisces will help you shift your thinking toward one of the futures while also placing greater weight on what you feel rather than what you think.
This also comes from focusing on the future, as doubts and fears often come from the logical mind, not the heart.
To know where you want to go and what you want to create, you must also know what adds the most value to your life.
When you intentionally focus on what you value, you honor it with gratitude.
By making this a continual process, you allow yourself the space to increase the value of your life or your financial value, but the inherent value of yourself.
This process allows your life to bloom continually.
Let yourself unfold each petal in a new way honoring all you are and have become because of this life journey.
Luck is found in your truth, in being yourself and in honoring what matters most to you because when you do – it is so much easier for the universe to conspire to give you everything you have ever wanted and even a few things you never even knew you did.
Each zodiac sign's luckiest day of the week, February 27th - March 5th, 2023:
(March 21 - April 19)
Luckiest Day: Monday, February 27th
The First Quarter Moon in Gemini encourages you to focus your energy and communication skills on improving things from this point on rather than going over things from the past.
This will also enable you to seek help to find the answers if you have struggled with knowing how or when. As this energy arrives, it becomes all about the future and how to move ahead finally.
(April 20 - May 20)
Luckiest Day: Thursday, March 2nd
Your social circle plays a big part in the life that you create, and this week it is time to tap into it. Pisces energy rules this part of your life, friendships, and reputation.
As Mercury slides into this water sign, not only is it time for you to embrace the luck that this part of your life offers but also to receive an upgrade in your reputation and how others have seen you.
(May 21 - June 20)
Luckiest Day: Thursday, March 2nd
Pisces energy rules your career and finances. It may seem daunting for an air sign to work with, one that is all water in your professional life, but it helps you work for more than just a paycheck.
In this part of your life, making a difference and helping others becomes your passion. As Mercury enters Pisces this week, it is time to think about how to expand on what you are already doing even more.
(June 21 - July 22)
Luckiest Day: Thursday, March 2nd
This week, Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Pisces, the zodiac sign that rules your luck sector. Mercury in Pisces creates an amazing opportunity to dive deep into everything you have always wanted but have talked yourself out of for one reason or another.
This is a fantastic time to give yourself permission to take a chance because the universe supports you every inch of the way.
(July 23 - August 22)
Luckiest Day: Wednesday, March 1st
The peak of the Aries stellium was last week, but that does not mean it is all over. The Stellium energy will continue through March 11th, giving you a major boost within your luck sector.
Venus and Jupiter merge in Aries this week, creating the desire and confidence to follow your passions. While Venus is often known for love, which could be part of the theme in your life right now, it also rules finances. An entire life upgrade is in the works.
(August 23 - September 22)
Luckiest Day: Thursday, March 2nd
When it comes to living the life of your dreams, doing so through the healing pathway becomes necessary. Virgo itself is a healing sign that promotes the healing of others and, more importantly, yourself.
This week’s union of Mercury and Saturn together within your house of health represents a critical time for you to reflect more deeply and make the necessary changes to truly start embracing and living from a healthier mindset and lifestyle. The healthier you are in mind, body and even spirit, the more abundance and luck your life will seem.
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(September 23 - October 22)
Luckiest Day: Monday, February 27th
The First Quarter Moon in Gemini, lighting up your luck sector, occurs this week. Gemini is an air sign that is all about options and decisions.
This week you are being encouraged to embrace the conscious choice that you have in what you focus your time and energy on. It is already an incredibly positive time for you romantically. Still, you need to realize how much power you have over the rest of your life and what you create.
(October 23 - November 21)
Luckiest Day: Wednesday, March 1st
You deserve the best, but to receive that, it all comes back to how you care for yourself. The ongoing Aries Stellium is bringing a focus to your health sector. This part of your life governs how you care for your physical body.
Still, it also rules over your emotional self and even your mindset. It focuses on how you go about your day and what you fill your time with. This week you are reminded that living in alignment with your passion and purpose is essential for feeling your best. You may need to adjust to embrace that even more deeply.
(November 22 - December 21)
Luckiest Day: Friday, March 3rd
Saturn in Aquarius karmically aligns with Pluto in Capricorn this week, activating themes around value and communication. To be your best self and to live the life you dream of, you must feel value to yourself, those around you and the world.
When you feel valuable and necessary, you show up even more profoundly. However, if you do not, then, of course, that leads to something else altogether. In the week ahead, important conversations will allow you to communicate your feelings and needs so you can create a more abundant life.
(December 22 - January 19)
Luckiest Day: Thursday, March 2nd
Pisces energy rules your communication sector. As Mercury shifts into this zodiac sign in the coming week, you will be encouraged to open up and start having some important conversations.
With the Aries stellium occurring in your home and family, speaking from a gentler, emotional space will allow you to heal whatever has felt challenging recently. To do this, you must see this as an opportunity instead of something you are resisting.
(January 20 - February 18)
Luckiest Day: Thursday, March 2nd
Mercury is the planet that rules all matters of communication. Pisces asks that you speak from a more emotional space centered around your feelings as truth.
As Mercury moves into this water sign this week, it activates themes of value for you, which means that you may get quite sentimental. You will start to feel like the people in your life give it abundance, which means that your focus may shift so that you can honor this more deeply.
(February 19 - March 20)
Luckiest Day: Wednesday, March 1st
The ongoing Aries Stellium brings new opportunities and luck to your financial and value sector. Still, this week there is going to be a bonus. Uniting Venus and Jupiter in Aries helps you appreciate that your passion and purpose are the same.
You are encouraged to embrace the new beginnings within your life and seize the value of everything. While part of this is about creation, it is also rooted in gratitude. The more grateful you are, the more you attract to be grateful.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.