Your Lucky Number For The Week Of February 27 - March 5, 2023, By Zodiac Sign
Good luck!

Is this week going to be a lucky week for you? Let's find out for each zodiac sign.
But first, here's the lucky angel number of the week for the collective. It's 555. (And also 99 if you are writing an exam soon.)
Anytime you see 555 this week, whether on a road sign, a billboard, an address, or a phone number, stop and say thank you for at least one thing in your life that you are grateful for.
You can also say it in your mind if you don't want others to hear you. Blessings will come in faster for you when you do this.
Let's focus on each zodiac sign's lucky numbers for this week.
Luckiest day of the week for February 27 - March 5, 2023, by zodiac sign:
Lucky Numbers: 7, 24, 32
Luck will bless you this week if you stay indoors, Aries. Also, make sure to keep stressful energies away from your home! This includes irritating neighbors and pretentious friends/family.
Lucky Numbers: 42, 55, 48
Taurus, forgotten wishes and unfinished projects will bring you luck this week if you pull them out of the metaphorical drawer (or literal, for some of you) and find it within yourself to start again. You are sitting on top of a gold mine.
Lucky Numbers: 3, 5, 9
You are missing an essential ingredient to get lucky this week, Gemini. For some of you, this is money, specifically for advertisements. For others, this missing ingredient is a connection with someone powerful who can give you an opportunity.
Lucky Numbers: 0, 55, 49
Cancer, don't get hasty in love this week. Instead of showing your love interest that you are all-in and committed, you will come across as clingy and desperate. It's flipped for some of you, though. You need to trust your instincts about someone who seems too eager.
Lucky Numbers: 55, 23, 1
You are very close to a lucky break in your career, Leo. Especially if you are being considered for a promotion, don't get too cocky right now and think it's a done deal. It's not until the dotted line has been signed.
Lucky Numbers: 11, 1, 2
Virgo, you have been doing a lot of work behind the scenes to better yourself, especially in the area of self-care. Make measured decisions this week, and they will be lucky for you.
Lucky Numbers: 3, 90, 5
If you have a Taurus friend or colleague/collaborator, Libra, this week, the two (or more of you) will have a beneficial effect on each other in a symbiotic way. Just make sure everyone's on the same page from the start.
Lucky Numbers: 77, 3, 0
Working with your friends and family this week will bring you luck, Scorpio. But not the people who are controlling and constantly pick fights with you.
Lucky Numbers: 55, 23, 9
Keep your counsel to yourself, Sagittarius. It will bring you luck this week, especially with family. As in, don't give in to the urge to gossip. And this includes your workplace.
Lucky Numbers: 53, 5, 9
Making slow, well-calculated moves will benefit you this week, Capricorn. Especially if you are trying to close a deal or purchase a house.
Also, don't let anyone tell you your way of life or goals is wrong. A fish cannot understand why a rhino moves the way it moves.
Lucky Numbers: 11, 29, 33
Aquarius, if someone close to you passed away recently, the world feels the loss. Please visit their memorial or gravesite this week. A blessing from the beyond is waiting for you there.
Lucky Numbers: 5, 1, 15
Pisces, if you have significant Aries placements in your birth chart, read Aries' message as well. This week, the best thing to do would be to take a time-out and not make any big moves. And don't be hasty if you have to make a big decision. Rely on your judgment.
Valeria Black is a tarot reader and astrology nerd with a dash of wicked humor on the side. Follow her on Instagram for more.