The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love On February 23, 2023
More hugs and kisses, please.
On Thursday, February 23, 2023, three zodiac signs will feel a burning need to get to the weekend already, as something is happening. It's got the promise of fun and excitement written all over it.
However, today we're examining how the Moon sextile Mercury amplifies that sense of anticipation and gets our blood pumping. Mercury transits tend to quicken our pulses. When love is the reason behind that pulse, then for the lucky few who experience what's to come, today will be excellent and full of love.
We may find our imaginations running wild today, typical of Moon sextile Mercury's influence. Crazy wild thoughts and fantasies crop up during this transit, and so much is positive and promising. We will not be able to stop thinking about the weekend and our plans. We feel confident that our love lives are on the rise again, and we want to be there for all of it.
What a blissful feeling to think there's something so good to look forward to that it takes us away from the everyday problems of the world. February 23 puts us in the headspace for manifesting our dreams, and we won't have to wait too long, as the weekend is just around the corner. Have fun, be safe, and dream big!
The three zodiac signs who are the luckiest in love on February 23, 2023:
1. Aries
(March 21 - April 19)
If this week has anything for you, it's this day and its transit of the Moon sextile Mercury. You've been stressed, and you're starting to let it get to you. What you hadn't anticipated was a big break; where your career might be stressing you out, your love life, on the other hand, has just taken a turn for the WAY better. For the first time in a long while, you feel optimistic about your relationship.
Your partner has decided to let you know how much they love you in more than words or actions. You will feel refreshed by their attention as you see them as sincere — and they are.
Your partner seems to have fallen in love with you all over again, and during the Moon sextile Mercury, they, too, are struck with this sense of urgency that makes them snap out of their funk. They want to participate in the relationship, inspiring you to do the same.
2. Taurus
(April 20 - May 20)
Every day is a new chance to feel better about who you are and the people you've chosen to be in your life. You couldn't get along any better with your partner, as this relationship seems to be in heaven.
During Moon sextile Mercury, you'll try something fearless with your partner again, as the two of you are known to do things that could be considered 'off the chain.' We're not talking about danger or anything criminal.
Still, you might need to participate in an active sport, like skydiving, or something equally as heart-pounding. You are so happy to be with the person you are with, and knowing that the feeling is mutual, you feel safe and secure. Today is a fantastic day for love, travel, for adventure.
3. Sagittarius
(November 22 - December 21)
You may find yourself giggling throughout the day as you feel you have a secret 'fun' thing to look forward to, and only you and your partner know what it is.
Whatever takes place over the weekend has you jumping around like a nutcase today as you plan and prepare. Your mind will go overtime today as Moon sextile Mercury revs up the energy needed to feel good about whatever you've got for the weekend.
Can you even get through Friday? Of course, you can, and in a way, you and your partner enjoy the thrill of having to wait. Patience may not be anyone's virtue, but you enjoy the tease, and so does your partner. Good times await Sagittarius. Hang on; you're in great luck today. Stay with it.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.